Some of the screens posted in the NeoGAF thread on this game are very impressive, so much so that I would say its shames every game shown so far. Outside of this, the Gears 2 stage demo, and the Id Tech 5 demo I was not that impressed visually with any of the games coming out from Microsoft and Sony. How is it that Killzone 2 looks so good that it almost looks a generation ahead of any other game? Compared to the Resistance 2 demo, which is another prominent first party Sony title featured in their press-conference Killzone 2 looks way (way way way) better. Up until I had seen this, I thought that Gears 2 was the most impressive looking game, but I would have to say that even Gears 2 cannot top the amazing visuals in this game. Anyway, this is just an amazing achievement, and is really the only game that seems to be delivering on the promises of next-gen graphics.