And Sony fanboy but I only have a PS4 this gen but I don't find pleasure to tell than Quantum Break, Ryse or Sunset Overdrive are not great looking title like Star Citizen for PC...
And I don't say multiplatform are incompetent and Naughty Dog or Guerrilla are the best of the world.
DICE engine or UE4 are piece of art used in different games with very different constraints and the result is great for example...
Then you're not FanBoying. It's not FanBoying unless you're being an obnoxious dick and invading other threads trying to put forward your own agenda. That is my definition of FanBoying as used in a negative connotation.
If you're simply a fan of a company and the technology that is fine as long as you're not annoying everyone else. Perhaps why some think there are still Xbox FanBoys left is because their definition is too broad and includes positive connotations where the user is not an annoyance.