FFXIII screens, trailers, etc*

*reads my post from months ago* :oops:

I hope SE proves them wrong by showing something @ TGS. That'll end their random percentage figures :LOL:
The latest EGM mentions FFXIII (proper) is supposed to be released in Japan next Summer. Unless they're producing them close to the same time, we should know that English localization of FF games usually has a 6 month variance with Japan.

We should expect Winter 2008 at earliest.
...and I'm getting reeeeal tired of that. :???:

Yeah, no sh#T,

I just want to add that as rpgs get more complex so does the dialogue and the expectation that more characters speak, and speak in different tangents (in order to remove a characters robotness [sic]). Add that their is speech at every corner and you probably have an even longer delay than we were used to.:cry:
Rogue Galaxy was released Dec 2005. A year later the US got it (Jan 05). some 8 months after the US release, the EU is set to get it, supposedly.

A 6 months after Japan release for XIII is nothing!

As long as they don't screw us over with a 2 yr wait for an EU version of the game (Post Japanese release) then i'm fine with that..


PS3 isn't region locked right? :D
As long as they don't screw us over with a 2 yr wait for an EU version of the game (Post Japanese release) then i'm fine with that..

Assuming FFXIII comes out in JPN on late 08, it arrives on US by 09, and with the supposed long wait that EU always gets, then you guys will get the game by '10-11!!! :oops:

And by then, the 8th gen consoles will be the talk of the town :eek:

(talking sarcastically here ;) )
I expect to play the FFXV, a PS3 game mainly on PS4.
As I did FFIX (a PSOne game) on PS2, and FFXII (PS2 game) on PS3.
By same logic, there should be two Final Fantasy games (FFXIII, FFXIV) I play exclusively on PS3 before moving my gameplaying on to PS4 ;)
They also use the "pal optimisation" excuse quite regularly, which should no longer apply either.

I think this is indeed a real problem. I ve read an article once years ago about the issues of game localization from japan to the western world. Especially titles such as the Final Fantasy series that have huge dialogues.
Rogue Galaxy was released Dec 2005. A year later the US got it (Jan 05). some 8 months after the US release, the EU is set to get it, supposedly.

A 6 months after Japan release for XIII is nothing!
Um... It's been that way since approximately forever with the Final Fantasies. I wasn't saying it was BAD compared to other games, but I'd really like it if they put a bit more effort into localization (at least English localization, which covers the largest markets) while development is ongoing to shrink down that gap.
courtesy to Cliffbo from another forum.
Nomura says that with the help of the disc space on Blu-Ray and the Hard drive in each PS3, The evolution of Final Fantasy XII to XIII will be as big as the evolution of Final Fantasy VI to VII. He also says that Final Fantasy XIII will probably be the first game to use the full specifications of the Playstation 3. Another interesting thing he mentioned was that the airship present in Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be able to take part in airborne assaults over the world map. Hopefully we'll see that in action soon. Finally, Dengeki also asked him once again whether the games will be Playstation 3 exclusives which he replied to with "Of course".
original source: http://ff7ac.hotcafe.to/
oh boy, i dont know what to say, if Nomura is right...i really dont knwo what to say here.
*climaxes* :oops:

I really want to have the world map walking around again... they've been missed on the PS2. FFVII, VIII and IX are still my all time favourite.
I don't mind them taking a break once in a while to deliver me more pics and video of Lightning kicking ass, however... ;)