F.E.A.R. for PS3 launch

easily agitated, overhyped, just not a very good ******.

What was that word that got edited out? Exactly what are you trying to say?

inefficient said:
This is more my expectation for the Wii version of F.E.A.R!!

It certainly looks like ass compared to the orginal. Texture res is very low. And there appears to be ZERO normal mapping. Again... looks like something in Wii territory.

Hyperbole much? Wii? Come on man.
Got the OXM with the demo today..

No experience with the PC game, so cant comment on comparisons.

The game runs incredibly smooth, 60 I'd guess though I'm not good at such things, and never a hint of slowdown. Truly butter smooth though. AA is also good, there is some aliasing at times, but for the most part very smooth.

Now to the weird part, at first I was very underwhelmed with the graphics of the demo, it's incredibly smooth but also just not doing anything all that exciting. But as I played on I became more and more impressed. The textures are excellent. The game really has all it's own style. It's all about lighting, particle effects, and animation, and it takes a few good gun battles to really show it off. The game really does it's own thing in style though, which is so important. Like instead of a typical FPS grenade for the one millionth time, this has a weird matter warping effect instead of an explosion. It's cool, and adds to the sense of style and story greatly. It's little touches like that. Also one of the main gameplay dynamics is a slo-mo feature, activated during gunfights makes it all the cooler. It's also about spraying with submachineguns. One trigger press activates a several second burst rather than a single shot. Great audio too, such as the gutteral, robotic radio of the enemy chatter, makes things more atmospheric.

Also the animation and roving, aggressive impressive enemies. They're just very active, they kick obstacles over to get to you, never stand still but always strafe, just cool touches like that in the midst of a firefight. My jaw dropped when in the midst of one gun battle, my enemy dropped down and began crawling on the floor under the fallen debris he was behind-towards me. It's hard to describe why it's so cool, but it just feels like an alive enemy that wants to kill you at all costs, and what makes it graphically cool is the great animation.

I did encounter one seeming glitch, in the heat of battle I'm not sure what was going on, but there seemed to be some delay between my trigger presses and the firing of my gun a couple times. I'm not sure if it was something to do with coming out of slo-mo therefore not a flaw at all, my imagination, a true glitch, or what.

btw the game is so polished, as described above, that it makes you figure the game must be done, and they are just waiting till November for holiday sales purposes. Although I suppose, that's a leap of logic on my part.

So yeah, neat game. So neat it makes me start slathering over the kinds of things Halo 3 might be able to pull off. I dont know if it's going to pull people away from Gears of War, but it should be a fun secondary title.
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