They need a lot of space for all the new Mario games.
I said that and now I'm sad.
Anyone sane who was surprised by Bayonetta 2, Fatal Frame V, Devil's Third and Splatoon announcements should by now closely follow Nintendo.
Sakaguchi told people if Terra Battle reaches 2 million downloads that there will be a console game and Terra Battle had The Last Story related update and The Last Story is Nintendo's IP so a sequel is possible in case The Last Story has performed as Xenoblade Chronicles in terms of sales and Xenoblade Chronicles got a spiritual sequel that is out now in Japan and US this year.
Monster Games helped Retro with development of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze thus one portion of Retro was working on something else such as maybe Metroid and we know from rumors and what not that they are apparently working on a brand new game engine for quite some time.
Japanese Nintendo Direct is from my local time today or tomorrow, around same time Capcom has a announcement so Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate port could be happening and with good reasons. It sold over half a million in around three months in Japan and less than a month in North American and Europe since launch and Wii U's install base is now three times larger.
Next Level games is working on something...
Animal Crossing for Wii U has been hinted and people speculate that it has some connectivity with that AC:Home Designer game that uses Amiibo cards.
If Valhalla games had a similar deal like Platinum games then that would mean that they would be working on a second game for Nintendo.
There has been rumors, hints and speculations of a main Kirby game being in development, could be for Wii U and it would be interesting if they made a fully 3D Kirby game.
Shadows Of Eternal's is MIA though the dev said it is still alive and it uses Cryengine 3/CRYENGINE(4) which fully supports Wii U so Nintendo might have snatched it up after couple/few failed kickstarters/public funding/fund raising... Nintendo has renewed their copyright on the game and they could decide to do a remaster for the game.
Zelda Wii U is delayed to 2016 thus chances of Nintendo choosing to remaster a Zelda game is right and Twilight Princess would be next and they ported, redone textures and lightning in 6 months for Wind Waker HD, they have the tools and man power to do so and Nintendo's employee count increased by 200+ employees from fiscal year 2013 to fiscal year of 2014 which is two fully sized triple AAA or single Triple AAA+ development team in capability which I can describe the increase in man power.
Paper Mario for Wii U has been hinted, rumored and "leaked"... The frequency is relatively high so chances are decent that it is true.
You don't know what Nintendo pull off... Everyone was surprised with Punch Out on Wii and Kid Icarus on 3DS revival, they could revive something old. *grin*