Storage requirements: Only really worry-free from 16 GB
Diablo IV requires an astonishingly high amount of graphics card memory, because the game only runs flawlessly from 16 GB of VRAM, even in high resolutions with the highest preset. If the graphics card only has 12 GB, you have to live with limitations in Ultra HD. With only 8 GB, the statement even applies to Full HD. Under certain circumstances, upsampling can mitigate the effects somewhat, but cannot eliminate them.
Diablo IV reacts twice to insufficient graphics memory:
- From time to time, textures just won't load, which doesn't cost performance, but it's visible.
- In addition, Diablo IV occasionally stalls briefly when there is a lack of VRAM, which is only noticeable if you pay attention to it. Occasionally it jerks noticeably because a good amount of data is suddenly thrown out of the memory. Even the FPS can visibly suffer.