Black XB360 120 Gig HDD + HDMI = $479

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It has sense to introduce the new version with a new colour and allow people and retailers to make the management of their stocks easier by differentiating the two versions.This way it is possible to cut the price of the actual version in order to take it out from shelves.
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Not that I want to budge in the current conversation people are having, but as for the original topic: did this "new" news get debunked yet?
It is the very definition of a stretch.

It is the very definition of a stretch.

Perhaps in your eyes... perhaps in your eyes...

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize he didn't have to say "price drop" a second time after denying he was talking about a "real" price cut. ;)
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If I were Steve Ballmer, I'd cut the Core MSRP in half, to $149.99. This would make the brand more competitive at the lower end, where Wii is, while making the upgrade path to Premium easier for buyers to swallow. ;)
So they drop the price of the current SKU's, introduce a newer SKU with a few extra bits, charge close to the PS3 price and, incidently, make it look a bit like a PS3 (in colour at least but never in style!).

Maybe the pre-order frenzy in Europe has shaken them a little bit. It must be disheartening to see that so many people have just waited before buying, though a few will be 360 owners already.

As one of my 360 owning friends pointed out, Microsoft seem to have the same approach to the console market as they do the OS market. Release a model, claim that it's the most solid all round product available, and then spend the next five years constantly patching all the the holes in it. I think that means he's not happy with the situation.
Maybe the pre-order frenzy in Europe has shaken them a little bit. It must be disheartening to see that so many people have just waited before buying, though a few will be 360 owners already.

I'm not even sure there is such a thing as 'frenzy', we'll see about that, but if this black 360 is for real then be sure it's been on the map long before it 'has shaken them a little bit'...
MS should launch this SKU w/HD-DVD drive built in and 120 GB HD for $479 and drop the Premium to $329 and the core to $229. That would be a winning strategy IMO.
MS should launch this SKU w/HD-DVD drive built in and 120 GB HD for $479 and drop the Premium to $329 and the core to $229. That would be a winning strategy IMO.

Not gonna happen. No need for MS to move the drive internal? While artificially inflate the price when you can keep it internal and not alienate the market?

Depending on how the format wars fair...It could be a losing proposition. For Sony or MS.
I think it means MS wasn't stupid enough to launch a $500-$600 console. :p

Sony's strategy won't be stupid if Bluray becomes the standard. As soon as that's clear (if it happens), expect PS3 sales to skyrocket. By that time it won't be 500/600 dollars anyway.
Sony's strategy won't be stupid if Bluray becomes the standard. As soon as that's clear (if it happens), expect PS3 sales to skyrocket. By that time it won't be 500/600 dollars anyway.

By the time Blu Ray reaches mass market, the standalone players will be cheaper and more desireable to the masses, if BR can displace DVD's.

The BR strategy for Sony was to keep CE's and studios in their corner with the promise of the PS3 trojan horse.
Sony's strategy won't be stupid if Bluray becomes the standard. As soon as that's clear (if it happens), expect PS3 sales to skyrocket. By that time it won't be 500/600 dollars anyway.
You know, I used the razz smiley for a reason. Just a little tease.

On a more serious note, I said Microsoft wasn't stupid enough to release a $600 console. How crap would XB360 sales have been at that price, even if it did have HD-DVD or Blu-Ray and a CPU faster than Cell? Playstation is a very powerful brand that can take the blow of the PS3 being priced twice as high as PS2. However, it would be a self-inflicted knockout for XB360.
You know, I used the razz smiley for a reason. Just a little tease.

On a more serious note, I said Microsoft wasn't stupid enough to release a $600 console. How crap would XB360 sales have been at that price, even if it did have HD-DVD or Blu-Ray and a CPU faster than Cell? Playstation is a very powerful brand that can take the blow of the PS3 being priced twice as high as PS2. However, it would be a self-inflicted knockout for XB360.

:LOL: Microsoft would have been MURDERED in forums across the net! :LOL:

Would have been interesting nonetheless if xb360 came with HD-DVD + hdd standard and the same pricepoints as ps3 but a year earlier...
:LOL: Microsoft would have been MURDERED in forums across the net! :LOL:

Would have been interesting nonetheless if xb360 came with HD-DVD + hdd standard and the same pricepoints as ps3 but a year earlier...

More than likely it'd not have moved as many units and in response Sony (to differentiate) would add even more to the PS3 and priced it higher still. :D
I really hope MS doesn't have a third SKU for their own good. Talk about confusing some people. It's not like the store will push the current premium as a good thing to own, because they always want to sell the highest marked product. They should not want to approach the pricepoint of the PS3.
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