If by "now" you mean pretty much from the moment Microsoft revealed Xbox One on 21 May 2013 then yes 'now'

But you say this like people were complaining about X and now they are complaining about Y whereas the reason people were complaining about X (Reveal, E3 2013, Tomb Raider etc) was because of Y (messaging).
You can get away with the odd communication faux pas but Microsoft have pretty much communicated everything badly and the more it happens, the more I personally wonder if it's not incompetence but actually intentional. I was very much anticipating buying an One this Fall for Halo MCC but now I'm thinking I think I'll bide my time.
Whether this latest thing with Tomb Raider took a while to sink in or perhaps it's just this combined with some purposeful recollection of other Xbox One messaging that went south, but I'm finding it difficult to believe what they say.
Remember Kinect 2 and how excited Microsoft were really keen to show it off, all the while suggesting about the great games in development for it that would justify the cost? Hmmm.. I don't recall seeing any games justifying the inclusion of Kinect 2. Indeed it's almost like they never existed at all.
Remember Albert Penello vowing Microsoft would never "give up" the performance advantage that PS4 had on paper (specifications). He spoke like he knew something we didn't. He didn't, there's a gap in performance there and, ironically, the game in which it's most pronounced is Tomb Raider Definitive Edition which is not only 1080p on PS4 but runs at higher frame rates too.
The misleading Tomb Raider reveal was the last straw. Their messaging has been far more off than on and I'm at the point where I need to see the bullshit disappear before I invest in their product because their record on delivering what they say isn't good.
There's PR and then there's bullshit.