What are you playing now? [2022]

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Just started Detroit Become Human my god is movement clunky. Its WASD with mouselook but mouselook only allows you to look a maximum of about 30 degrees left and right also there are no turn left/turn right keys normally the mouse allows you to turn but not in this game I can strafe but not turn
I disagree vehemently with the negative Guardians of the Galaxy reviews. I love this game and find the dialogue to be some of the best yet in a game. The game really captures the Guardians feel and the linearity is refreshing IMO. I don't want to travel all over the place in some supposed "sandbox". I also like QTEs. Always have, since Shenmue. :)
I thought GotG generally had good reviews? It's on one of my machines (PS5 or XSX) but I've played a lot of sci-fi lately it'll have to bide it's time. But I've only heard really good things about the game, script and writing.
I thought GotG generally had good reviews? It's on one of my machines (PS5 or XSX) but I've played a lot of sci-fi lately it'll have to bide it's time. But I've only heard really good things about the game, script and writing.

Yes, it had good reviews. It's a good game. It's just the reviews likely overstated how good it was. To be fair, it may be a situation where the previous Marvel games the reviewers played was "Marvel Avengers" so their level setting was extremely low. If it's on a service you subscribe to, definitely give it a play.
It was definitely a time when game design was truly a blank canvass. Now games are so formulaic in their design. Design today is smarter more thought out; but has fallen trap to very little variability. There is significantly more design innovations happening in other industries like board games. It’s a real shame video games aren’t able to return to form here. Costs too much and returns too little.
Disagree with this as a statement describing modern games in general.
I thought GotG generally had good reviews? It's on one of my machines (PS5 or XSX) but I've played a lot of sci-fi lately it'll have to bide it's time. But I've only heard really good things about the game, script and writing.

It is a good game (gameplay loop is average with RPG-lite elements) with absolutely fantastic writing. Obviously not everyone is going to like their style of writing, but most people do. It's absolutely amazing when it comes to interparty banter. It takes a long LOOOOOONG time before any inter-character banter is repeated or ends. In combat some of the banter will repeat, but IIRC outside of combat banter is never repeated. You can sit there for 10's of minutes just listening to the characters banter with each other before it stops. It's truly amazing, IMO.

For people into Marvel Supreheroes, it's generally considered a must buy. For people into superheroes I'd heartily recommend it. For people into sci-fi I'd also heartily recommend it. For people that like good writing, I'd recommend it as long as they can appreciate a little cheese in the dialog.

For people that are mostly looking for an engaging gameplay loop, I'd suggest trying before buying. Some people really like it, some don't. I found it passably average, but the rest of the game more than made up for it for me. And that's saying a LOT as I generally tend to quickly lose interest in games that I feel have an average or below average gameplay loop.

IMO, I feel it deserved all the awards that it received, however, I can also see how some wouldn't like the game due to it's average (IMO) gameplay loops or it's dialog which is quite obviously geared towards people interested in Superheroes and/or Sci-Fi fans. And very obviously aimed at Marvel afficianados as there is a lot of Marvel Superhero fanservice (nods to other characters in the Marvel universe litter the game).

BTW - it's also (writing and narrative) just massively better than any of the Guardian's of the Galaxy movies. It absolutely puts the movies to shame and makes them look like they were made by high school amateur movie makers. I used to like the movies, but I can't stand watching them now.

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I think fighting gameplay of Guardians was mediocre but generaly game was realy enjoyable (massive improvement comparing to avengers).
Ffxv on windows is still a stuttery mess (better with Nvidia stuff disabled). Still as fun as when I played it on PS4 pro years ago.

Has stopped playing cp2077. Waiting for the dlc
Finally finished Doom Eternal.... 7/10 for me, no idea what the fuss was about it to be honest.

So now started Dyling Light 2 (With every RT effect on of course)
My Guardians plan got derailed. I finished The Artful Escape and I'm desperately trying to finish A Plague Tale before it leaves GamePass on Thursday. I'm on Chapter 12 and LOVING IT!

PS: I did manage to finish A Plague Tale in time. Great game! Back to Power Wash Simulator and Guardians and Forza Horizon 5.
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OMG - this Prodeus game is fucking awesome!
First i thought - meh, shitty sprites - i hate such retro signature crap. But it was fun and didn't look bad even, so i kept playing.
Then i found you can enable 3D models for enemies in options menu. This should be the default.
After some time, some really impressive environments showed up. You may think retro no thanks - but i tell you, it's impressive.
Now, after 30% of the game, i've gone through some portal to a parallel universe maybe. With dark sci fi architecture, flashing light effects, hypnotizing and mezmerizing gameplay. This, plus Hulshults awesome soundtrack.
There are still some guys left who know how to make a proper action game. I read they worked on Singularity before, which i stilll have and play every few years.
Those are more worth than what MS recently got for 60B, imho. Recommended! \:D/

To celebrate my find, i have deleted CP2077 against my promise. Because its devs obviously have no idea about what makes a shooter fun.

Still waiting for Scorn...
OMG - this Prodeus game is fucking awesome!
It's such a fun game that hits all those retro-vibes.

Thanks to GamePass I have found and played so many fun games that I otherwise wouldn't have.

To everyone else giving it a try, I suggest you try out the various graphical settings to see what you like best.
I spent most of last weekend playing FTL. I love FTL but I wish there was a more evolved version with bigger ships, a degree of automation and more modern presentation.

Does anybody recommend have any FTL-like games? It doesn't need to be a rogue-like. I also like March of the Living, which is FTL meets the Walking Dead.
Stardeus. Oh my.. this is good! :yes: You know the dev is confident then there is a demo.

Supposedly Early Access but polished more than most games at release.
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