I have already played the first 2 chapters of Guardians of the Galaxy and I am going to stop there. Such a disappointing game and I would describe as an empty shell.
The only good (but not great) aspect of the game is the presentation (but I'd say Killzon SF is still much better looking and way more varied) but everything else is so bland.
Most of the game feel so linear with long cutscenes or semi-controlled gameplay (why can't I turn around here in a gameplay scene ? stupid) but even the "free" sections feel for me like a shooter on rail with very limited gameplay (imagine TLOU gameplay complexity divided by 10) + obsolete QTEs.
The shooting against the ennemies is awfull and boring. The environnment, while grandiose, are incredibly uninteresting and it seeemd like the developers were using a NES color palette for them (I mean if only).
And the "narrative/story" part of the game ? It's cringe. Hey look how cool the game is ! Look how funny the characters are !