What are you playing now? [2023]

Decided to give Halo Infinite another go.

The only other Halo I've ever completed is the first game!!

I've played bits of Halo 2 and 3 and that's about it.

Infinite is so annoying as it's consistently inconsistent when it comes to it's graphics, the textures up close look amazing but turn in to a soupy mess 5 metres away and the draw distance for little ground items like rocks and twigs is only 10 metres away and it looks god awful.

I have 16xAF forced in the control panel and at maximum in the game but still a soupy mess at a distance.

If they could update the game and fix that single issue it would make such a difference to the graphics.


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I finished Scorn and would rate it a 7.9 or so. It really creates a nice horror atmosphere and the puzzles are pretty good. The save system is a little harsh and some of the fights can be a little unfair given the stinginess with ammo. You can tell that it only had a AA budget as it seems like it should have had some action at the end that's missing.

Next up for me is Guardians of the Galaxy and more Forza Horizon 5.
Completed Halo Infinite now - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and enjoyed driving around the 'open' world.

Graphical issues such as soupy textures prevent a higher score but I give 8/10

Not sure what to play next, I have Witcher 3 but do I need to have played the first 2 games to understand what's going on in it?
Completed Halo Infinite now - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would and enjoyed driving around the 'open' world.

Graphical issues such as soupy textures prevent a higher score but I give 8/10

Not sure what to play next, I have Witcher 3 but do I need to have played the first 2 games to understand what's going on in it?

To fully understand? Yeah. But you can also just play TW3 and still mostly understand what's going on and enjoy the game although you won't really have a really good grasp of the relationships between characters or the politics of the world.

Perhaps there's a video on YT that summarizes the events in TW1 and TW2 so that people that have never played a Witcher game can jump right in.

To fully understand? Yeah. But you can also just play TW3 and still mostly understand what's going on and enjoy the game although you won't really have a really good grasp of the relationships between characters or the politics of the world.

I went cold into The Witcher 3 and at no point did I feel like the world, characters or relationships were confusing because I had not played the prequels or read the books.

Having read three of the Witcher books and replayed The Witcher, that knowledge is rewarded in some dialogues and it's really clever how some conversations work on two levels depending on your knowledge. CDPR still a stellar job on this aspect of the script of the game.

Currently replaying Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age. I love this game, especially the gambit AI system and I'm disappointed more party RPGs do not give as much control over your AI comrades.
replaying these during my vacation


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Doom 2016 - While I still believe the guy who played the original Doom and thought "great game needs platforming" can still f**k right off ,after looking at a walkthrough it seems I was a bit harsh on the platforming (turns out i was going the wrong way and trying to make jumps that werrnt possible).
Doom 2016 - While I still believe the guy who played the original Doom and thought "great game needs platforming" can still f**k right off ,after looking at a walkthrough it seems I was a bit harsh on the platforming (turns out i was going the wrong way and trying to make jumps that werrnt possible).
that's the same reason I didnt like Doom Eternal that much. I enjoyed Doom 2016 more.

I am currently playing Elden Ring. And falling falling falling, until overcoming each part. Just like life itself.

Also, I play Redout 2 -a game from the F-Zero genre- for a few minutes everyday just because it relaxes me.
Playing Forza Horizon 5 casually as there's no story to worry about (Games visuals are massively over hyped imo)

Playing Resi 2 Remake casually as completed the game loads (Ray tracing makes such a difference to the image quality)

As for my main game Kena and Spintires Snowrunner at the moment
Picked up Hades during the sale as I've been getting into Roguelikes more lately. Damn good formula combined with story and excellent gradual progression. I'm rather terrible at these types of games and why I generally stay away from Souls-like games as I just don't have the skills. I'm sure there are many players who would have completed a run by now but I'm enjoying myself and gradually getting better.
Picked up Hades during the sale as I've been getting into Roguelikes more lately. Damn good formula combined with story and excellent gradual progression. I'm rather terrible at these types of games and why I generally stay away from Souls-like games as I just don't have the skills. I'm sure there are many players who would have completed a run by now but I'm enjoying myself and gradually getting better.

I can't remember if you like shooters or not, but if you do, I would heartily recommend Gunfire Reborn as another Rogue-Like to try. It's brutal at first but depending on character chosen and upgrades chosen you can mitigate many areas of weakness in play as well as catering to an extremely wide variety of ways to play. Basically the power progression for upgrades eases the standard difficulties significantly (you become OP for standard difficulties) to the point where more skilled players then have the option for some of the more insane difficulties in order to test themselves.

It's currently probably my favorite Rogue-Like.

After all the Crysis 2 tessellation talk in the other day decided to replay it.

I remember this game coming out and even with two of the latest GPU's in Crossfire being absolutely hammered at 1080p DX11 max settings.

And now in 2022 I'm 1440p with DLSS balanced at 120fps with max settings with ray tracing.....insane.

This ground texture 😍Crysis2Remastered_2023_01_08_00_20_04_843.jpg
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Did the crysis games really need an update ?
I would rather they waited a few years before updating these games
Started to play a bit Overwatch 2 again, I can immediately see the addictive nature of it again, and the annoying parts of it as well. Still a bit hooked atm.
Did the crysis games really need an update ?
I would rather they waited a few years before updating these games

The first one did as it's still impossible to lock it to 60fps.

Crysis 2 has had a lot work done to assets which were quite poor and only thing Crysis 3 has had done in have TAA and ray tracing adding.
Than a locked 100 or 120/144 ect ?
Out of curiosity I ran the original Crysis loaded up my last save from (2019) and the game was absolutely locked to 60fps had vsync on in game and gsync on in the drivers was actually disappointed it wasn't higher
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