xGL said:
You show that the card does support trilinear unlike what many people suggest (as they always associate Volari with Xabre) and they say that "XGI is screwed for not having FSAA and AF".
Well aren't they screwed fornot havingany proper AA/AF support?
You show some screenshots and they accuse you of using some cheat by "keeping things within the first MIPmap borders and that you should flip the character by exactly 360 degrees face in order to face the whole yard". Once you do it, they say it is invalid as there are no comparison screenshots..
Well, when you post 6 consequtive screenshots all containing nothing but the first mipmap level I too get kindof suspicious.
And of course we need comparisons. Many people are happy with Intel Extremne Graphics until they see their games on a normal videocard and go "oh so that's what it's supposed to look like".
You show Volari's FSAA and they say "but we don't want Supersampling, we want Multisampling!"
Yeah well implementing SSAA in a board in this day and age is nothing but incompetent or plain lazy.
You show them screenshots of games perfectly working and they say "they could both be cases of the game being rendered in single digit FPS for all we know."
Which to must of usis a valid point since XGI has had grave problems with a handfull+ of games.
Seems that some people are so convinced that Volari must be bad that they always come up with some criticism.
The Volari boards are plain crap.
1. Poor compability/stability.
2. Loud fan noise.
3. Large ass boards.
4. Poor performance.
5. Poor DX9/PS2 support.
6. Expensive.
7. Cheats.
8. Only SSAA (without any exotic sample patterns)
9. Still no AF (and I personally doubt there ever will be unless the current LOD hacks are just meant as "placeholders")
I could go on for a page or two. But the simple fact is:
They offer worse performance, stability, compability, image quality and features than nVidias and ATis high endboards. Yet they still come at a price that's comparable to nVidias and ATis boards while even the fastest Volari has problems keeping up with 9600 XT/5700 Ultra in quite a few tests.
Let's flipit and instead you tell us what's so good about them compared to the equally priced products from ATi and/or nVidia.
To me, your XGI evangelism seems pretty fishy...