A good post and POV. I'll just take you up on this statement. We don't expect TR to justify expense based on critical acclaim alone. It's expense is justified by selling 6.5 million units. If it broke even at 3.5 million as per reports, that's 3 million lots of $20 (at least) to SE. They made $600 million profit from TR. Okay, maybe we need to factor in discounted pricing into some of that. Still, they must have made some hundreds of millions of dollars in profit. If they can't make serious profits on >6 million units sold, they probably should get out of the video game business. Either that of the video game business is about to collapse in on itself because it literally can't afford to exist.
Their expectations were simply too high, especially after they fumbled Hitman [watered down] and got meh sales from Sleeping Dogs [good game, got lost in the crowd]. I shudder to think how much money they dropped into Versus XIII [announced in 2006, still not done] and FF14 [which received very pricey reboot/relaunch].