Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4, XO]

Yup the AI also frigging smart for modern video game. They can re-flank you if the battle goes too long :D

But yeah it's disappointing that no review mentioned this freedom of engagement. Even ars technica says the enemy are dumb!

They are not dumb! It's just... They are slow thinking! Let them alive a wee longer and they will use their brains.

Maybe reviewer plays this game too many in co-op and with high level?

I keep playing story mission underleveled lol. Coop or single, always underleveled. I completed the last mission while still under level 25.

Maybe in the future ubisoft can make the enemy think faster? Or maybe in the raid next week, ubisoft will unleash the true enemy AI

Thats something even I can't understand. Thats why I cannot trust reviews anymore, its always B3D impressions which guide me. Reviewers are anyways under pressure to do things asap, which is NOT how gamers play. We play for fun ! The frustrations reviewers mention are not relate-able to me as a player.

Also, I too go in underlevelled :p ! Just one or two levels lower to have that intense fun ! The mission with Joe Something as a BOss was so damn intense, with multiple floors int he final level and all of us were lw level and it took hell of a co ordinated effort to get that monster down ! It was exhilarating when it finally happened !

Its a very good good co-op game ! Still haven't touched the Dark ZOne.
Four man squad and the grand central mission was difficult and intense. Destiny rarely scaled the difficulty correctly. The division seemed like it might let me down but more often than not it gets it right.
If only bungie copy paste the freedom of engagement to destiny...

If only the division have more bombastic set pieces and grand scenes like uncharted (or at least present it like Destiny, where it is triggered by player action).

If only the division stop doing copy paste of their own assets.. (seriously, it's getting annoying when different missions AR different locations keep having the same room, the same clutter, the same stacked car parking, etc)

But then the game will keep getting delayed of they did all that lol.
Had expectations to hit level 15* last night. Ended up playing dark zone for 4 hrs and reaching rank 14.

Dark zone with 3 friends is amazing. And tense. We love the dark zone. It's a bit of a eve online light. really great fun. And I love how they don't restrict where you go or they don't purposely try to scale your damage or health against enemies you are above or below level vs. It's just a straight numbers game.

The AI is very well done! Scanner is a perfect tool for players in a squad to keep AI in check. I think without it people would find the AI unfair but with the scanner on you can see how they move and you don't feel like they are unfairly teleporting behind you. They are actually advancing and trying to get around you.
Yup! Unfortunately we who praise those elements (enemy AI, freedom to formulate strategy) are the minority :(

Hopefully in the future massive did not change their design to follow the majority of fans that seems prefer straight up linear dumb enemy shooters
Yup! Unfortunately we who praise those elements (enemy AI, freedom to formulate strategy) are the minority :(

Hopefully in the future massive did not change their design to follow the majority of fans that seems prefer straight up linear dumb enemy shooters
Ideally the AI gets even smarter.
Bullet sponges and more damage is one way to scale the game, but making be AI more challenging is definitely another method. Really force squads to adapt to constantly changing tactics.
Yup! Unfortunately we who praise those elements (enemy AI, freedom to formulate strategy) are the minority :(

Hopefully in the future massive did not change their design to follow the majority of fans that seems prefer straight up linear dumb enemy shooters

I'm running into problems now solo vs. big yellow bosses. If they follow you and you're in the open during a tactical escape they hurt you too bad over time or some other group spawns in your back. I've even run into a small supply protection event around Time's Place I think which I had to repeat 4 freaking times because the window to get to a supply drop was so small before it got destroyed either on the 1st or then 2nd wave with its already damaged state. I've never had real problems completing them before. Each time you had to get back to the closest base and walk back to restart it again. Then there are these uplink communication missions or virus missions where I never run into time constrains so what's the point?

I somewhat doubt some elements were really well tested.

Though I enjoy the atmosphere I'm *really* underwhelmed by the game mechanics and more or less cookie cutter stale world. Though Watchdogs environment had less graphical details I consider it superior world content wise. Sure its AI and limited weapons system weren't on the same level.

This game feels like a mix of Mass Effect with UBI's open world sandbox and I've never considered Masseffect to be good implementation technical wise. So why UBI limited itself to such old game mechanics design I really don't get.

I can't really "see" what happened about this game from the 2013 trailer, Watchdogs release 2014 and then this release 2016.
I'm running into problems now solo vs. big yellow bosses. If they follow you and you're in the open during a tactical escape they hurt you too bad over time or some other group spawns in your back. I've even run into a small supply protection event around Time's Place I think which I had to repeat 4 freaking times because the window to get to a supply drop was so small before it got destroyed either on the 1st or then 2nd wave with its already damaged state. I've never had real problems completing them before. Each time you had to get back to the closest base and walk back to restart it again. Then there are these uplink communication missions or virus missions where I never run into time constrains so what's the point?

I somewhat doubt some elements were really well tested.

Though I enjoy the atmosphere I'm *really* underwhelmed by the game mechanics and more or less cookie cutter stale world. Though Watchdogs environment had less graphical details I consider it superior world content wise. Sure its AI and limited weapons system weren't on the same level.

This game feels like a mix of Mass Effect with UBI's open world sandbox and I've never considered Masseffect to be good implementation technical wise. So why UBI limited itself to such old game mechanics design I really don't get.

I can't really "see" what happened about this game from the 2013 trailer, Watchdogs release 2014 and then this release 2016.
Though part of me wants to feel empathetic to your situation I don't see this is a bad thing.

Part of seeing progress improving as a gamer is to be able to identify and to figure out how to beat a situation. In most cases this game relies on steady and easy progression based upon two factors:

A) whether you have enough firepower to complete the area: in most MMOs this is known as gear check. The game scales with more players, but encounters are significantly easier with more partners because with partners whole slew of more combinations and abilities and options emerge. tldr; steam rolling this game is not difficult if you follow the intended path.

B) if with (A) you cannot complete the mission and you are not following the projected path that most players take (which should naturally be the path of least resistance), you now rely heavily on player skill and even more coordination. The assumption should be if you have 4 players that are correctly geared for the encounter you will progress. If you are not correctly geared you can now move into map exploits, coordination efforts, high degrees of planning to complete the mission.

C) if all those failed you are operating way outside the zone that you should be and should consider levelling up until you are ready.

D) if you are purposely restricting yourselves in these ways, then you've made the game harder for yourself, which is fine, but in doing so optimization in your gear choices, where you fight, how you fight, your perk and talents will become even more important. If you haven't considered these items then you should.
I'm running into problems now solo vs. big yellow bosses. If they follow you and you're in the open during a tactical escape they hurt you too bad over time or some other group spawns in your back. I've even run into a small supply protection event around Time's Place I think which I had to repeat 4 freaking times because the window to get to a supply drop was so small before it got destroyed either on the 1st or then 2nd wave with its already damaged state. I've never had real problems completing them before. Each time you had to get back to the closest base and walk back to restart it again. Then there are these uplink communication missions or virus missions where I never run into time constrains so what's the point?

I somewhat doubt some elements were really well tested.

Though I enjoy the atmosphere I'm *really* underwhelmed by the game mechanics and more or less cookie cutter stale world. Though Watchdogs environment had less graphical details I consider it superior world content wise. Sure its AI and limited weapons system weren't on the same level.

This game feels like a mix of Mass Effect with UBI's open world sandbox and I've never considered Masseffect to be good implementation technical wise. So why UBI limited itself to such old game mechanics design I really don't get.

I can't really "see" what happened about this game from the 2013 trailer, Watchdogs release 2014 and then this release 2016.

Your experience is the complete opposite of mine.

I always ran out of time in the virus up link mission. So now I always skips them.

On the other hand, I did fine with the supply defense mission. It's also super fast to finish or super easy, depending on the type of defense (run around to many supply station, or defending a station for a few minutes).

About yellow enemy, you need to use your perk and super.

Turret is a boon for distraction. Flashbang is the best though for running away.

You also can lure one enemy faction to other enemy faction. This is really useful when doing the 'go here, no run there, and there' kind of mission.

Just keep doing the objective while ignoring the enemy. They will follow you around and fight each other lol

On the defense X for Y minutes mission, you can kill all enemy except one. No additional enemy will spawn lol.

For any mission, you can use the radar to get the gist of enemy cave/door /room spawn point. Run there, and kill everyone with one big explosion :D


Basically, think like playing metal gear solid. Try your best to troll the enemies :D

I looooove the way The Division really allows the player to troll enemies.
Indeed. And also, do you actually use your consumables? They help a lot. Especially if you guys are interested in soloing.

Things like aligning your perks, talents, gear, abilities, mods and your consumable is a massive optimization game that is required mainly for playing on hard difficulties, killing SKULL NPCs or trying to do everything solo.
Finished all of the main missions. The story could have been done better. The bones of the story are decent. In terms of just playing through the game, the main missions are a lot of fun. Play on hard with any number of players and you'll have a good time with it. The side missions have become a bit of a grind. My complaints in terms of gameplay are minimal though. It could have used maybe some more types of enemies. Prone positioning could have been cool.

The loot is pretty good. The guns can seem a bit "samey" after a while, because the guns are based on real weapons. They might have had grenade launchers, rpgs or something like that to add some variety. Maybe heavy machineguns that you have to setup on bipods to fire. Perhaps some melee weapons. With flanking being a viable tactic, knives, clubs etc could have been a cool weapon option. It is supposed to be a world in ruins, so ammo conservation could have explained that. Overall all though, the guns all have something distinct about their handling, and characteristics that will lead you to favour one AR over another. On top of that the weapon talents and stats give some nice variety. Weapon mods are very well thought out so you can tailor your gun to different play styles. The weapon stats and levels also scale well. It's not like Borderlands where you can have one gun suddenly turn the game into easy mode, until you hit a new area where it's way too weak. In the division the progression is balanced into the levels in a way that you're always sitting around the right difficulty.

The atmosphere is top notch, and the detail in the city is remarkable. The thing is, a lot of Manhattan is kind of the same. They mix in some of the varities of "terrain" you'd find in Manhattan, but the game could have used maybe some more time in Brooklyn or some time in Queens. Fighting your way across one of the bridges would have been amazing. The southern part of Manhattan with the financial district or some of the court buildings would have also been very cool. Or Central Park, damnit. So much potential in NYC that they didn't hit. Maybe that'll be expansion content.

One thing I think they should do is offer more difficulty levels. You should be able to choose scaling as current level, current +1, current +2, current +3 etc. Then you'll always be able to find the right challenge. The game seems to be able to scale to any level very well, but adding another level or two here or there would have been nice.

Overall, I would definitely recommend the game if you like cover shooters, loot games, co-op or a challenge.
Had a fan-fan-fantastic 2 hour fight in a hard mission :D ! It went so crazy, each try coming out like anew challenge as the AI just runs around amok ! Finally, I flanked three sniper-elite by finding a way to their back while my team kept them engaged and then it was a rampage ! Or so I thought,lol, as the enemies quickly adapted to a new formation ! We finally won it by constant flanking maneuvers, thanks to me, and what an ecstatic 2 hours they were :p !

Complete strangers exchanging "GG" messages after a game means it did something right ! Very very right :cool: !!!
I'm running into problems now solo vs. big yellow bosses. If they follow you and you're in the open during a tactical escape they hurt you too bad over time or some other group spawns in your back. I've even run into a small supply protection event around Time's Place I think which I had to repeat 4 freaking times because the window to get to a supply drop was so small before it got destroyed either on the 1st or then 2nd wave with its already damaged state. I've never had real problems completing them before. Each time you had to get back to the closest base and walk back to restart it again. Then there are these uplink communication missions or virus missions where I never run into time constrains so what's the point?

I somewhat doubt some elements were really well tested.

Though I enjoy the atmosphere I'm *really* underwhelmed by the game mechanics and more or less cookie cutter stale world. Though Watchdogs environment had less graphical details I consider it superior world content wise. Sure its AI and limited weapons system weren't on the same level.

This game feels like a mix of Mass Effect with UBI's open world sandbox and I've never considered Masseffect to be good implementation technical wise. So why UBI limited itself to such old game mechanics design I really don't get.

I can't really "see" what happened about this game from the 2013 trailer, Watchdogs release 2014 and then this release 2016.

Use a turret. The big guys have a predilection for kicking turrets. All you have to turtle in cover and throw a turret behind or slightly to the side to expose that little red box. Ignite it and his health will be serverely drained.

I usually just spam turrets to distract them while I run away to a more advantageous position, use that time to whittle down the lower level guys, or try to hit the sweet spot.
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Yup suppression is extremely important to move into better positions.turret in indispensable.

Btw, keep getting thrown out with error DELTA. Anyone else facing this issue?
Yup suppression is extremely important to move into better positions.turret in indispensable.

Btw, keep getting thrown out with error DELTA. Anyone else facing this issue?

I was, then I replaced my 10 years old switch and it's been working fine ever since
Yup suppression is extremely important to move into better positions.turret in indispensable.

Btw, keep getting thrown out with error DELTA. Anyone else facing this issue?
Try ports! Otherwise could be a network issue at the ISP level.