Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4, XO]

Anyone try today's daily challenge? I forget the name of the mission, but it's next to impossible. I had a full team with me and the last encounter is ridiculous. You have to kill waves of yellow bar'd enemies before the counter expires and the place blows. There's several shotgunners that just constantly run at you, and their shotguns have ridiculous range and it's pretty much a 1 shot death.

We managed to get to the last wave with over 4 minutes to spare, but we got overconfident and all died. The shotgunners are unpredictable and once they get within 10 meters of you, you're pretty much dead.

Mind you it was late and we were all tired, and we weren't geared extremely well... but still, we had a good team. Ubisoft made these challenge modes WAY too hard IMO. Some are easily doable, but others are near impossible.


i just did the daily chellange 10 minutes ago and its the exact same mission as yesterday's daily. The mission with lots of mannequin.
Anyone try today's daily challenge? I forget the name of the mission, but it's next to impossible. I had a full team with me and the last encounter is ridiculous. You have to kill waves of yellow bar'd enemies before the counter expires and the place blows. There's several shotgunners that just constantly run at you, and their shotguns have ridiculous range and it's pretty much a 1 shot death.

We managed to get to the last wave with over 4 minutes to spare, but we got overconfident and all died. The shotgunners are unpredictable and once they get within 10 meters of you, you're pretty much dead.

Mind you it was late and we were all tired, and we weren't geared extremely well... but still, we had a good team. Ubisoft made these challenge modes WAY too hard IMO. Some are easily doable, but others are near impossible.

I've been experimenting with the shock turret, which I'm becoming a real fan of using. Its useful against rushers and can be placed in and around cover, so its not so easily destroyed. I'll throw it behind some cover a few feet ahead of me so it will shock and temporarily immobilize or at least distract anything that comes near and allows me to light them up.

Using tear gas by creating a barrier between u and the shot gunner might work. I solo a lot so I'm always trying to find ways to crowd control. Next up is using the shield with my trusted sidearm, a sawed off double barreled shotgun.
any idea how to report player? i want to report those that abuse the player kick feature. THey often kick when on the last room of daily chalenge :(
Anyone try today's daily challenge? I forget the name of the mission, but it's next to impossible. I had a full team with me and the last encounter is ridiculous. You have to kill waves of yellow bar'd enemies before the counter expires and the place blows. There's several shotgunners that just constantly run at you, and their shotguns have ridiculous range and it's pretty much a 1 shot death.

We managed to get to the last wave with over 4 minutes to spare, but we got overconfident and all died. The shotgunners are unpredictable and once they get within 10 meters of you, you're pretty much dead.

Mind you it was late and we were all tired, and we weren't geared extremely well... but still, we had a good team. Ubisoft made these challenge modes WAY too hard IMO. Some are easily doable, but others are near impossible.

The best team composition imo for beating challenging missions:

1. support station/pulse
2. support station/smart cover
3. support station/sticky flashbang
4. support station/sticky flashbang
The best team composition imo for beating challenging missions:

1. support station/pulse
2. support station/smart cover
3. support station/sticky flashbang
4. support station/sticky flashbang

If you run double smart cover, the smart covers stack as far as I know, which is tremendously overpowered. I'm expecting both smart cover and support station to get some kind of a nerf. Flashbang is also the best cc attack, but I don't think it needs balancing. They need to do something to make some of the other skills viable options. I've never seen anyone run mobile cover ... ever. The riot shield is another one I never see. The other heals pale in comparison to support station. Pulse is a nice ability that I see people use a lot.
using grenade in this game is too cumbersome :(

why i need to enter grenade mode, then press the aiming button.

cant i just have a dedicated grenade button? i'll gladly bind it to the emotes button. I guess PC players can change the .ini to do that...
Matchmaking is glitched lol... i just completed the challenge mode with a fireteam of 8. Damage numbers weren't registering, but I was still doing damage. Was worried I wasn't going to get the rewards, but I think I actually got 2x the phoenix credits, and I still got my loot. We flew through the mission in like 20 minutes.

I don't know how I did it... it just happened. The first two times I attempted matchmaking, it grouped me up with guys who haven't completed the mission yet so it didn't let us advance. The third time I saw a bunch of names on screen and we all proceeded to beat the mission.

Makes me wonder if this is the cause for the framerate issues.
Matchmaking is glitched lol... i just completed the challenge mode with a fireteam of 8. Damage numbers weren't registering, but I was still doing damage. Was worried I wasn't going to get the rewards, but I think I actually got 2x the phoenix credits, and I still got my loot. We flew through the mission in like 20 minutes.

I don't know how I did it... it just happened. The first two times I attempted matchmaking, it grouped me up with guys who haven't completed the mission yet so it didn't let us advance. The third time I saw a bunch of names on screen and we all proceeded to beat the mission.

Makes me wonder if this is the cause for the framerate issues.

somebody got 30 PEOPLE in :D

so the engine and game logic itself seems fine when handling lots lots lots of people.

an indication for future content with massive amount of people? extra large raid? :D
im confused. why people keep exploiting enemy in hard way? they keep farming in long mission that need multiple players.

why they didnt just farm the first medical mission? the farming trick since beta is still working fine.
im confused. why people keep exploiting enemy in hard way? they keep farming in long mission that need multiple players.

why they didnt just farm the first medical mission? the farming trick since beta is still working fine.

im confused. why people keep exploiting enemy in hard way? they keep farming in long mission that need multiple players.

why they didnt just farm the first medical mission? the farming trick since beta is still working fine.
What glitch? Lemme know.

OTOH, I don't understand why ppl just don't use thier brains I have been playing with random ppl since I got the game and in each and every session its only and only me who flanks the enemy and used the environment, elevation etc to corner the enemy etcetcetc ! Everyone else just sits and shoots in front ! Wth ! Either Division attracted all the hardcore bro-shooter players out there[emoji38]or my matchmaking luck drops me with all the complete non thinkers , stoners or plain dead ppl[emoji38]! I mean, c'mon it's so easy to see a flank route !
Yeah many like to face enemy head on for unknown reason :/

The Madison hospital glitch allow you to make the boss keep respwning.

While the police Academy glitch allow you to head directly to the boss battle and complete the mission again and again.

Do police Academy for lots of money. Like 13500 per run, if have full Fireteam. While Madison for quick run especially when only solo.

Any of those will drop boss loot.

But people keeps doing the two other mission. One is Russian something one other I forgot the name.
Details on the free update to come on April 12th

Ubisoft provided their early look at Incursions in Tom Clancy’s The Division (TCTD) during a special report live stream on The Division Twitch Channel.

Here’s a break down summary of what was revealed:

UPDATE 1.1 – Incursions (Falcon Lost is the first incursion) is a free update available for all TCTD owners coming April 12, 2016.

Incursions are new missions for level 30 players. The Incursions are said to be harder than the current challenge mode missions.

The devs mentioned during the stream a number of times that Incursions will require a heavy focus on group coordination & tactics in order to succeed. Players will need to run complimentary skills and abilities and execute as a team.

Rewards found in Incursions missions are also the best to be found in game.

Incursions have two difficulties. Hard mode (‘the easier’ mode) & Challenge mode. The devs mentioned that in order to tackle the hard mode players should have gear with item level 31. They also advised challenge mode should not be attempted without the new gear pieces. You have been warned!

There will be additional incursions in the future.


4 different gear sets. Once an entire set is obtained you acquire powerful talents (not currently found in game) and set bonuses. It’s also been disclosed that the different talents will have a significant impact on gameplay style.

The 4 sets:

Path of the Nomad. Is the Dark Zone set (no details revealed as yet).
Sentries Call. Said to be tailored to marksman style players promoting ‘precision’.
Striker’s Battle Gear. Focused on combat / assault style players.
Tactician’s Authority. Focused on Electronics / Support style players.
How do you collect these? Some set pieces are found in the Incursion, some are found in Challenge modes, some are in the DZ and finally some are crafted via collected blueprints.



Item level is being removed at level 30 and being replaced by gear score. Gear score is a measurement of the quality of a player’s gear.

Difficult content will have a ‘recommended’ gear score.

Incursions will have a minimum required gear score.


Group members will now be able to trade items drops with each other.

There is a 2 hour time limit on trading items.

The item is not bound however, so it can be passed to other members if it turns out that the player doesn’t want the item for whatever reason.

There are some trading restrictions:

Items in the DZ can only be traded at DZ Gates.
Players must be grouped when the item drops from a killed enemy.


There will be daily & weekly assignments which can be found on the map in the mission overview tab. These assignments will provide players Phoenix Credits, Division Tech and other ‘good’ rewards.

Assignments are goal focused and can be achieved while doing other activities in the game, such as a hard mode mission.

Daily assignments are shorter and designed for players to accomplish quickly.

Weekly assignments are longer and will require multiple ‘steps’.


Supply Drops are a new DZ mechanic. A supply drop is a crate of goods dropped into the dark zone from the air every hour in diff locations in DZ.

Only the first person/group can get the reward from the drop. Supply drops are protected by ‘difficult’ enemies. The rewards from the supply drop do not need to be extracted. Expect this to be a PvP battle royal!


Once you’ve been killed, you will be able to follow your team mates’ view. You can move between team mates.


Falcon Lost is the name of the first Incursion. It takes place underground in a Water Treatment Facility. The main enemy in this Incursion will be the Last Man Battalion. (LMB). The LMB are now being led by Captain Perez. The devs mentioned TCTD story will develop further.

Drones were also mentioned as new enemies adding a vertical challenge to the Incursion.

In summary, a number of great features and mechanics are on the way in Update 1.1. Given the game has only been out 3 weeks, it’s great to see Ubisoft Massive responding to the community and pushing to further enhance the content of the game.

Get your gear up agents, it seems Incursions are going to be a real challenge. I will see you in the DZ!

hmm, the new patch seems increses the grinding and people starts taking their pitchfork.
But aren't they already have everything they need? they are a hardcore gamer, quickly complete the game, and reach the end game.

or the division actually has evolved into a pokemon. so everyone wants to "catch everything"...
I basically stopped playing until new content is released. My worry is that the incursion will require high-end gear with really good rolls. I refuse to grind for hours and hours and hours just to play one new piece of content. Unless they incursion is mind blowing and far longer than a regular missions, it won't be worth all of the effort. Changing the requirements to craft just makes it worse.

if they use annoying and overused game design trope "999999x health for enemies" for incursion, it will be a grind.

if they use clever game design that supports freedom of engagement they already used on some of the missions, then it will only be a grind if you are playing with matchmade players that only know how to play Rambo.

btw Massive already showed that they cater to the "Call of Duty" type of gamer with their patches and future patches.

so I guess incursion will be a grind.

if they use annoying and overused game design trope "999999x health for enemies" for incursion, it will be a grind.

if they use clever game design that supports freedom of engagement they already used on some of the missions, then it will only be a grind if you are playing with matchmade players that only know how to play Rambo.

btw Massive already showed that they cater to the "Call of Duty" type of gamer with their patches and future patches.

so I guess incursion will be a grind.

I'm talking about grinding to get gear to be able to do the incursion. The challenging missions are already easy, but I don't feel like playing them 1000 times just to get drops and materials to gear up for the incursion.