Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4, XO]

I'm talking about grinding to get gear to be able to do the incursion. The challenging missions are already easy, but I don't feel like playing them 1000 times just to get drops and materials to gear up for the incursion.

my point is: if the incursion did not use annoying design trope (like 99999x more health, 1 shot kill, etc), you wont need to gear up.
Still enjoying the game but it seems to have died off... doesn't have the same hold as Destiny -- at least with the people on my friends list.

Can't wait for the update. On top of the changes/additions, I really hope they fix the bugs in this game. It is probably the buggiest game I've played in a long time.
I played quite a bit and never encountered any serious bugs. Some very minor things like the screen going grey on the appearance menu.

There's not much to do once you can beat the challenging missions. That's why it's dying off.
Basically all you can do is gear up for the incursion. And you do this by doing challenge missions for HE loot and phoenix credits, and also playing/ranking up DZ for loot, phoenix credits and division tech.

I have no idea what my gear score will be, but I think I'm pretty set. I have my primary DPS at ~127k, my health at ~74k and my skill at ~24k. Plus I have other hidden perks in my gear that benefit the weapons that I'm using. Going for a more balanced build.

I've ran into quite a few random bugs, but only a few of them happen frequently/somewhat frequently. Falling through the map is one that happens once in a while. My character stats always seem to randomly change, too. Looking online, I'm not alone on either of those. Others are just smaller annoying bugs like the map not loading properly, getting stuck on random objects etc.

Also, I hope they improve the framerate in challenge mode/DZ.
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I stopped playing until the incursion actually launches. I didn't see any reason to spend hours and hours grinding under the assumption that the incursion would be good, or offer significant replay value. I'd like to hear that it's actually good and worthwhile before I invest the time to gear up. I'm also sort of expecting the incursion to be easier than they're saying it is. Challenging missions were not nearly as difficult as I was lead to believe. My gear is not as good as yours, but it was good enough that in a half-competent group challenging missions were not very hard.
Still enjoying the game but it seems to have died off... doesn't have the same hold as Destiny -- at least with the people on my friends list.

Can't wait for the update. On top of the changes/additions, I really hope they fix the bugs in this game. It is probably the buggiest game I've played in a long time.

The game is boring and tedious. Especially the stupid design decision for challenge mode.

Who's in the right mind thinks "hey let's put 999999x health on enemy and make then can kill you in one shot" is great in gameplay terms and story terms.
The game is boring and tedious. Especially the stupid design decision for challenge mode.

Who's in the right mind thinks "hey let's put 999999x health on enemy and make then can kill you in one shot" is great in gameplay terms and story terms.

The challenge missions are great. Extreme difficulty is always the best option. If anything, it's not hard enough. I out-geared it fairly quickly.
You just have to get better gear orangpelupa. :) Or perhaps the team you played with weren't very good.
With my current gear setup, and a competent team, challenge modes aren't any more difficult than a nightfall in Destiny (sometimes easier).
I think more people have better gear now too, so matchmaking is better than it was a few weeks ago.

I stopped playing until the incursion actually launches. I didn't see any reason to spend hours and hours grinding under the assumption that the incursion would be good, or offer significant replay value. I'd like to hear that it's actually good and worthwhile before I invest the time to gear up. I'm also sort of expecting the incursion to be easier than they're saying it is. Challenging missions were not nearly as difficult as I was lead to believe. My gear is not as good as yours, but it was good enough that in a half-competent group challenging missions were not very hard.
Yeah I was speaking more for people who don't have very good gear and have reached end game. I don't necessarily feel that I need to improve my current gear, I just enjoy doing so. It's the reason why I love these kind of games. I'm bored of Destiny ATM since I have pretty much everything... there's nothing to grind for.
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@Scott_Arm @djskribbles

Since previous pages, I have shown that I love the division's freedom of engagement and battle dynamics.

But in challenge mode, the enemy actually dumber than normal mode. But much more tedious.

If I can easily kill them just by gearing up, then it became even more boring, just less tedious.

That's why I'm preparing myself to be disappointed by incursion.

I suspect it will be even more tedious with 9999x health enemies instead of promoting even more freedom of engagements with smart enemies.

I miss those days with Halo where enemy captain can flank you, the grunts run away from you. Not the stupid enemy like Destiny or the division challenge mode.
I'm not convinced the enemies are less smart on challenging.

I'm challenge,

the enemy won't chase you more than two "maps" away.

Some "rooms" are blocked from backtracking..

More yellow enemy, while yellow enemy AI always stupider than purple AI. (yellow then to walk in the open like a hulk, need a few more minutes before his brain starts to kick).

On the other hand, enemy in challenging mode also cheating all the time.

One shot kill weapons..

Super health

Anti stagger

Unlimited hacking

Aiming like aimbot and aggressively shooting through objects.
ugh incursion "raid" is really not my cup of tea..

  • Super linear corridors?
  • A Colosseum?
  • super bullet sponge enemy?
  • mystically "immune" enemy?
  • enemy 1 hit kill me, an elite The Division agent despite already above the recommended light level?

we have all of them in Incursion.

incursion is like the polar opposite of what i like from The Division :(
I'm disappointed as well. I thought it would be an actual mission, but instead it's just a wave-based encounter in a single room. That's not the worst thing, but the mechanics for the "APC" are not that creative. You just plant a bomb and run away. And the "APC" doesn't even move. It's basically a turret.

As for the waves themselves, the difficulty comes from nade spam. The APC fires a rocket with a large aoe that forces you to move. It's also a 1-shot kill. That in itself isn't bad, but it kind of feels like they couldn't figure out any creative ways to make it difficult, so they just threw in a huge aoe attack. Otherwise handling the waves wouldn't be too bad.

You also don't get any loot unless you beat the whole thing, so if you aren't quite geared up for it you have to go back and grind the challenging missions and dailies, which are no longer difficult or enjoyable. They should have had a mini-boss every five waves that had a potential to drop loot, or something.
I'm disappointed as well. I thought it would be an actual mission, but instead it's just a wave-based encounter in a single room. That's not the worst thing, but the mechanics for the "APC" are not that creative. You just plant a bomb and run away. And the "APC" doesn't even move. It's basically a turret.

As for the waves themselves, the difficulty comes from nade spam. The APC fires a rocket with a large aoe that forces you to move. It's also a 1-shot kill. That in itself isn't bad, but it kind of feels like they couldn't figure out any creative ways to make it difficult, so they just threw in a huge aoe attack. Otherwise handling the waves wouldn't be too bad.

You also don't get any loot unless you beat the whole thing, so if you aren't quite geared up for it you have to go back and grind the challenging missions and dailies, which are no longer difficult or enjoyable. They should have had a mini-boss every five waves that had a potential to drop loot, or something.

We got to about 3/4 the way of killing the APC, we eventually succumbed to giving up for the night. The waves keep coming fast and furious and there are times we just didn't have the resources to get out there. Having well over 150+ gear score will make this process go smoother. The constant shot gunner charge is a tough thing to handle while being forced to run around names, drones and snipers. It all gets fairly overwhelming very fast. Not to mention needing to turn off the auto turrets to plant the bomb etc. If you don't time planting the bomb correctly, you're going to get a team of shot gunners in your face in a position you aren't ready for.
But many people seems to like this kind of encounter with specific canned mechanics :(

Btw the one hit shot aoe from the boss also often hard to see. Hopefully there will be an option for colour blindness. So it can change from dark red to pink...
But many people seems to like this kind of encounter with specific canned mechanics :(

Btw the one hit shot aoe from the boss also often hard to see. Hopefully there will be an option for colour blindness. So it can change from dark red to pink...
The idea of having these additional mechanics is actually what makes the game worth playing. Basic skills like shooting, dodging and hiding behind walls are part of the core game. When dealing with higher level situations, you want the game to challenge players on how well they actually know the game. Do they understand gear, consumables, abilities, talents, coordination etc. Does the team have the skill set to figure out the harder challenges as they don't make it easy for them at all. As players complete the incursion on their own, they become better players.

The specific canned mechanics is actually what drives it, and that is mainly, the game forces you to have coordination and tight team work; and that is incredibly both hard for teams to achieve and both rewarding to achieve it.
I prefer to be challenged how I know the game by challenging me to face the encounter with various types of engagements. Instead of only one specific mechanics.

Like making enemy suicide by luring them using grenades in Destiny (now it's completely patched out). Or when I lure enemies into a budding filled with C4 in bfbc2 (feature was reduced in bf3 and removed on bf4). Or when I lure a boss to a few rooms back and then flank him using alternate route in the division (feature still in the game).

In incursion, If only they allows the APC to be damaged by something else... Like by our skills and supers. Or allow the destruction feature to be part of the gameplay itself...

I think mgsv gave the most freedom of encounter. Heck, the game even properly congratulate you when you exploit it to finish the mission fast. It also properly give proper response when you troll the AI.
But many people seems to like this kind of encounter with specific canned mechanics :(

Btw the one hit shot aoe from the boss also often hard to see. Hopefully there will be an option for colour blindness. So it can change from dark red to pink...

Agreed. I'm also red green colour blind and at the best of times it's hard to see. If you're standing inside a support station, which is a green highlight, and the aoe is targeted on top of it, good look trying to see it.
I think more mechanics would make it interesting. It's kind of like having NES style boss fights, but in a modern game. I was expecting the APC to move to different locations, and you'd have to memorize a sequence of it's movement and attacks. Or have a puzzle element to completing the encounter. Instead it's a really basic mechanic, planting the bomb and an aoe on top of waves and waves of enemies. It's fun, because it's hard, but I expected a lot more.