Tom Clancy's The Division [PS4, XO]

“One good thing about The Division is we’ve always considered the PC as a separate platform. We do have to keep it in check with the consoles; it would be kind of unfair to push it so far away from them. But it’s been good having a dedicated PC build for this game.”

What the hell kind of backwards logic is that??? It's unfair to give people what they paid for? It's "more fair" to artificially restrict a more expensive and capable platform so that console owners don't "feel bad"? Absolute bull. I do appreciate at least that the Division devs admit it. Most devs don't even go that far.
What the hell kind of backwards logic is that??? It's unfair to give people what they paid for? It's "more fair" to artificially restrict a more expensive and capable platform so that console owners don't "feel bad"? Absolute bull. I do appreciate at least that the Division devs admit it. Most devs don't even go that far.

A lot of the restrictions are not trully artifical, its a production side thing.
What the hell kind of backwards logic is that??? It's unfair to give people what they paid for? It's "more fair" to artificially restrict a more expensive and capable platform so that console owners don't "feel bad"? Absolute bull. I do appreciate at least that the Division devs admit it. Most devs don't even go that far.
Maybe unfair for the developer and publisher instead of the consumer?
Well they can't make two games like GRAW2.

Maybe unfair for the developer and publisher instead of the consumer?

Yeah I have no problem with them keeping the games similar for economical reasons but the statement did seem to imply that the reason was more consumer orientated. Maybe I'm misreading it but I read that to be implying that they could have done better with the PC version but chose not to out of fairness to console gamers. I certainly wouldn't expect two different games, but there must be some improvements that can be made which go beyond the standard "higher res shadows" that aren't going to break the development budget. My concern is them (and other devs) holding back on implementing those on account of it "not being fair" to console gamers. The downgrades in Watchdogs seemed very suspicious in that regard.
Maybe unfair for the developer and publisher instead of the consumer?
That's the way I read it, they don't want to make two different games - they want the experience to be the same on all platforms. I'm reading the statement not to be solely related to the graphics pipeline.
I think Unity was a game where they made some decent efforts on the PC version.

It didn't work very well for them. I think they now prefer making money from their games even if some PC gamers might be butthurt.:mrgreen:
XB1 is getting a day earlier. Got this via an email from Xbox Rewards...

"To pre-download the beta:
1. On Xbox One, navigate to Xbox Store > Games > Search for Tom Clancy's The Division Beta
2. Select Tom Clancy's The Division Beta from your search results
3. On the product page, select Download
4. On February 18, return to My Games and Apps and select the beta. You will be prompted to enter your Uplay account information, or create a new account if you don’t have one."

Tommy McClain
Have searched like hell....nothing yet.
X1 gets to play one day earlier but we all get to download on 16th was what was told.
I will keep checking.
Beta is up on PS4, just entered the city.



I hate to be this way but this game's transition to an ugly game is often complete :(

Oh well, it can still look very nice in motion in certain areas and times,and feels very dense and busy. Definitely no slouch.

XBO gets DLC 1 month me this is WAY WAY WAY bigger/worse than Destiny. As Destiny player on XBO I never missed the exclusive content (usually like a strike or exotic weapon, and the strikes were bad and same for most of the weapons). You dont know to miss what was never there. Then we got it all a year later anyway.

If however for example the entire Dark Below or Taken King expansion came out 1 month later on XBO, I woulda been pissed.

As usual I'm having hard time finding time to play the Beta in between Destiny. I think I'll still buy the game though.