The First Halo 3 Single Player Screens + Video! Rules=#369

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I dont meen to start a comparison but after seeing KZ2 i cant look at H3 in the same way, there is no denying that H3 looks incredible with very smooth lines and a very appealing colour pallet. Its just it looks like a game were as KZ2 looks like CGI and H3 also has way to much normal and bump mapping for my tastes. It just has that Kaemo and PDZ look to it IMO, its like bungie are saying "look we know how to do normal and parralex mapping" so they do it everywere ans it spoils the look for me.

Why resort to derailing the thread? Honestly :rolleyes:

For a game to be good looking it doesn't have to mimmick reality or have colors like reality. Toy Story (-insert other CGI non realistic colorful movie-) is CGI yet it doesn't look realistic. Halo3 goes for a more colorful approach but the lighting seen in the ss above is very good and will ensure that the norm/parallax mapped textures shows 'volume'. :smile:
I really don't know how anyone can really compare and contrast Halo 3 TO KZ2. They are completely different games in scope and settings. Although KZ2 does look great it screams GOW to me, the small confined location, the small amout of characters on screeen, the hide and shot game play and the animation, it was all GOW to me (in fact if you told me epic made it I would well beleieve it). As for Halo 3 some of the battles look massive in scale and enviroment and I for one cannot understand the comaplaints.
I agree...I'm not sure why people are saying that KZ2 trailer looks like CGI or the most impressive FPS shooter. I just don't get it. The draw distance looks somewhat like GeOW. Yet, overall graphic/eye candy doesn't match GeOW. Yes KZ2 is pretty good looking but let's not that impressive in comparison to other games.
i agree that kz2 (what was shown so far) is not the greatest looking game (but still great). but the amount of polygons, animations, lighting and level of AA in kz2 surpasses gears. gears only has kz2 beat in texture quality. i don't know why so many people think gears is untouchable visually... i think there have been many games shown on both consoles that surpass geow.
Agreed. Nice picture, it shows textures with some volume and definition -unlike KZ2, for instance and other self proclaimed Halo killers-. Overall the graphics seem to be beautiful, rich and full of detail, specially for a game made for those who love gigantic scenarios of epic battles.

Btw, looks like the Halo movie is on the works. That's very good news, if not thoroughly surprising, since I thought the film was cancelled. A full-scalle, fully operational Warthog has been spotted in New Zealand;

warb, great pictures too. My favourite is the 3rd one

I don't like your attitude here... as your bias is very obvious in your tone in voice. "self proclaimed"? If you know anything about the history behind these games... (which you obviously don't care enough for to find out for yourself), it was the press that twisted killzone into the being the "halo killer". GG never mentioned anything to that extent... nor did sony. Clearly you came to this forum with an agenda if you can blindly make ignorant statements like that in an attempt to either downplay or defend the game of your choice. It's already quite ridiculous that there is an argument between the style of the two games. I suggest you keep biased views to yourself especially when you are comparing two very similar games. It's statements like these that bait either side into ridiculously useless arguments over equally useless topics.
Anyone with half a brain would realize that the talk about KZ2 looking like CGI is due to its rather realistic art-direction, compared to HALO that is aiming for a completely different look and feel. Is one better than the other? That's not even being argued.

I agree in that I prefer KZ2's art-direction (purely subjective, tastes are different afterall) - but the screens on HALO3 in here are mighty impressive as well. Does more need to be said?

Have to agree with you.
i agree that kz2 (what was shown so far) is not the greatest looking game (but still great). but the amount of polygons, animations, lighting and level of AA in kz2 surpasses gears. gears only has kz2 beat in texture quality. i don't know why so many people think gears is untouchable visually... i think there have been many games shown on both consoles that surpass geow.

Hmm, you're right that KZ2 has more polygons and much better animations. However I'm not sure about lighting...GeOW's usage of textures does an amazing job presenting a detail character (with less polygons), which at the end of day is all that matters. However, knowing that KZ2 is still in development and what is shown is impressive, and I don't doubt it will match or even surpass GeOW.

Now, of the games that are out, I don't think any surpass GeOW overall. I mean GRAW2, RB6, Lost Planet and RoM are pretty good looking, but they're not as impressive as GeOW.
Why resort to derailing the thread? Honestly :rolleyes:

For a game to be good looking it doesn't have to mimmick reality or have colors like reality. Toy Story (-insert other CGI non realistic colorful movie-) is CGI yet it doesn't look realistic. Halo3 goes for a more colorful approach but the lighting seen in the ss above is very good and will ensure that the norm/parallax mapped textures shows 'volume'. :smile:

I don't know if Halo 3 impress people or not, but for what it does, it does very well. It features sharp and smooth textures in things such as the bumpy floor surfaces or characters models. It's a trend I see in some current X360 games in the sense that these games don't look *flat* (PGR4 sky, Mass Effect character models, Bioshock's general appearance, etc). Add to that the entirely new features, the epic battles and huge scenarios and you have a winner.

Maybe that's just me but, in my eyes, Halo 3 is a visually pleasing game (perhaps not as varied and hyperbolic as Bioshock but it's Halo, therefore amazing).

What's more, in my opinion Bungie didn't show people some of the best stuff. The E3 video, while fine, looked a bit amateurish. I kind of felt it was quite rushed.
What's more, in my opinion Bungie didn't show people some of the best stuff. The E3 video, while fine, looked a bit amateurish. I kind of felt it was quite rushed.

It was rushed as they didn't have the time to do a proper trailer (check last podcast for more info).

It's just clips of several saved movies.
i agree that kz2 (what was shown so far) is not the greatest looking game (but still great). but the amount of polygons, animations, lighting and level of AA in kz2 surpasses gears. gears only has kz2 beat in texture quality. i don't know why so many people think gears is untouchable visually... i think there have been many games shown on both consoles that surpass geow.

I definitely think that KZ2 is closer in scope and mission to Gears of War rather than Halo... It will be interesting to see if GeoW2 shows up at next years E3 as a counter by MS to KZ2 hype...
I'm not sure why there is so much KZ2 talk here.

I'm not interested in Halo 3 for graphics, I just want online co-op. Make it happen Bungie or my pre-order will get switched to something else and I will just play Halo 3 SP when I borrow my friends (who gets all MS games free).
I think initially there was an upwork in Halo 3 but after seeing the yardstick increase with games like Geow, COD 4, KZ2, and to some extent Unreal 3. Halo 3 is relegated to being lost in the mix of much stand out shooters.....
I think initially there was an upwork in Halo 3 but after seeing the yardstick increase with games like Geow, COD 4, KZ2, and to some extent Unreal 3. Halo 3 is relegated to being lost in the mix of much stand out shooters.....

When it comes time for Bungie actually want to release info on the single player, Halo 3 will go back up to where it should be. In any event, I don't see what you mean as far as yardstick though, with the exception of graphics. However, if the scope is what Bungie said it will be, I wouldn't consider Halo 3 to be lesser than any of the games you've mentioned.
I definitely think that KZ2 is closer in scope and mission to Gears of War rather than Halo... It will be interesting to see if GeoW2 shows up at next years E3 as a counter by MS to KZ2 hype...

Yep. From what I have seen, KZ2 is perhaps a dozen people moving around in a claustrophobic city (that is not a value judgement, just what I have seen). Bungie has been talking about encounters with 100+ enemies.

H3 != KZ2
Famitsu has screens of the elephant, a giant human vehicle that carries like 4 people or something. It's awesome.

you can find scans pretty easily. I have not seen a translation though.
I think initially there was an upwork in Halo 3 but after seeing the yardstick increase with games like Geow, COD 4, KZ2, and to some extent Unreal 3. Halo 3 is relegated to being lost in the mix of much stand out shooters.....

It's relegated to being somewhat lost graphically..

I'm not really sure Bungie made a true next gen ground up game with Halo 3. Face it, graphically it's Halo 2.5. Why that happened, I dont know.

Kind of disappointing.

Even more disappointing, it'll be the last Halo for a long no way to rectify the situation.
I watched the short documentary called "Making the Trailer" or something about the Halo 3 CG trailer where MC walks out of the crashed ship in the desert to look over that edge at the thing coming out of the ground. Many of the devs they interviewed said the game will look that good, you "will play this trailer" I think one said. Is this PR hype or are they confident and we just have not seen much of the SP game?
I'm not sure why there is so much KZ2 talk here.

I'm not interested in Halo 3 for graphics, I just want online co-op. Make it happen Bungie or my pre-order will get switched to something else and I will just play Halo 3 SP when I borrow my friends (who gets all MS games free).
For those whom are looking forward to some online co-op, Bungie did recently confirm that it isn't going to be featured. If they put it in and it hinders the rest of the game I am glad they took it out.

The more options the merrier, though. I don't understand why they should do this, there may be good reasons behind this decision but I am not a technical guy. Here I just try to keep up with the techniques to be able to understand the developers and I suspect it's due to memory management issues. Too many baddies on screen, gigantic scenarios, etc.

Dropping the number of enemies on screen and exponentially increasing the baddies' life by a factor of 10 times or so would be nice. The battles would be as epic as any we'd experienced, thus keeping the spirit of the series intact, yet expanding on the game's features.
It's relegated to being somewhat lost graphically..

I'm not really sure Bungie made a true next gen ground up game with Halo 3. Face it, graphically it's Halo 2.5. Why that happened, I dont know.

Kind of disappointing.

Even more disappointing, it'll be the last Halo for a long no way to rectify the situation.
Be patient and things will be fine.... I consider they are going to deliver a unique experience. The last scans look very promising to say the least. The game looks better and better everyday:


I believe in their talent -they hired people with experience in Hollywood movies (Toy Story, Shrek type of films)- but well, I hope they fulfil their potential.
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