The First Halo 3 Single Player Screens + Video! Rules=#369

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I don't like that shadowing is static. I hoped it would be static only in multilayer but it didn't happen. I imagine split-screen is the main culprit here.
Is motion blur in actual gameplay or only in replays?
Bungie has failed encoding the trailer. It is of very bad quality and hard to determine the actual quality of the games graphics, it's a very far cry from the 1080p bullshots they released. The trailer also has a very low framerate at some points so one could wonder how well it will run come september.

I took a screengrab from the trailer that has less "perfects" in it compared to the last screenshot :)roll: ), but most of the trailer looks like this.

(click for 720p)
Bungie has failed encoding the trailer. It is of very bad quality and hard to determine the actual quality of the games graphics, it's a very far cry from the 1080p bullshots they released. The trailer also has a very low framerate at some points so one could wonder how well it will run come september.

I took a screengrab from the trailer that has less "perfects" in it compared to the last screenshot :)roll: ), but most of the trailer looks like this.

(click for 720p)

Luke Smith doesn't know how to edit a trailer. Halo 3 is fine. Everybody that saw Frankie play it said it looks great. Framerate isn't going to be an issue with Halo 3.
I think that Bungie is just waiting to wow us when Halo 3 launches. I believe their holding back on what they show even at E3.
Bungie is like that (reguarding showing a finished product) I think personaly that they will more then impress when sept 25th comes around
I think that Bungie is just waiting to wow us when Halo 3 launches. I believe their holding back on what they show even at E3.
Bungie is like that (reguarding showing a finished product) I think personaly that they will more then impress when sept 25th comes around

I hope you are right because all he halo 3 footage I have seen so far has been pretty disappointing. Any improvement I would be happy with right my expectations have been lowered quite a bit to be honest. If they can give me battles on a giant scale I will be very very happy.
Anybody that keeps up with their weekly reports knows all is well. This is the first Halo that they aren't rushing to meet a deadline. They are in polish mode now. All parties that saw Halo 3 being played were pleased with it.

Not only were we finally reassured that the visuals in Halo 3 will meet next-generation standards, but the gameplay, intensity, and style that have made the series so successful may have been improved upon across the board.

Well, what we saw wasn't quite final, but the graphics were undeniably better and more advanced than those seen in the beta. The game pops out right at you. The visuals are clear and crisp, as well as bright and colorful. There's a lush quality to the forest gully, with lots of ground clutter and towering trees. Most noticeable is the almost lifelike sunlight poring through the forest canopy. Halo 3 makes considerable use of high-dynamic range lighting so that shadows look dark, but at the same time, sunlight looks almost saturated.

Halo 3 is fine. They don't have to show anything because, it's Halo.
(underrated on this forum, maybe because it's "Halo")
Or maybe because it was a fraction of a second long in a trailer that overall wasn't eye-popping, so it was overlooked? It's certainly a good looking pic, but among the rest of the pics it's more an optical illusion than fantastic design. The elements of the engine are coming together extremely well in this pic, but in most pics, they don't work so well. And you can't judge a games graphics by either it's best or worst single images, but by the whole. Not that Halo looks bad, and the clean-and-bright environments seem preferable to me than the brown and brown environments of every other next-gen shooter!
I also dont blame Bungie about being really stingy with Halo 3 after what happened with Halo 2 and the whole French Bootleg fiasco:( They were really pissed off:LOL:
It's certainly a good looking pic, but among the rest of the pics it's more an optical illusion than fantastic design.

I don't agree with that, there were many scenes in the trailer that looked just as good.

I wonder what subtle details that aren't exposed in the trailer are in the game. Look at the scene at 0:37 - Covenant are standanding in a torrent, water behind them is stirred and it's correct with the flow of the torrent. It's hard to notice because the sequence lasts for 1 second.
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Doubts about online co-op and hints to some outrageously colossal scale, especially for an FPS.
Just like we told EGM, we’re aware that people want co-op online but the challenge of getting our complicated A.I. systems, huge game world, and gargantuan encounters neatly packaged and transferring across the Interwebz is a mythic undertaking.
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Bungie has failed encoding the trailer. It is of very bad quality and hard to determine the actual quality of the games graphics, it's a very far cry from the 1080p bullshots they released. The trailer also has a very low framerate at some points so one could wonder how well it will run come september.

I took a screengrab from the trailer that has less "perfects" in it compared to the last screenshot, but most of the trailer looks like this.
(click for 720p)
That looks like part of a cinematic cut-scene, which might not have been in a finished state.

But what you did see in that trailer was gameplay lovingly mixed with some of our cinematics. Speaking of Cinematics, those dudes (CJ, Lee, Nathan, Kurt, Josh and D.A.M.N. FX-loaner Bartek) have temporarily moved upstairs to a super dark, super quiet area of the studio to gently layer more coats of paint on the game’s cinematic sequences. Pretty much hourly, I get up from my desk, walk over to their room and press my face against the glass like a sixth grader on a school bus heading to a Museum of Awesome and spy on what they are working on. Without fail, I see something (generally from later in the game than we will EVER talk about) they are working on and my jeans tighten.

Gameplay footage in the trailer was captured using our Saved Films functionality, which has been unveiled for multiplayer (and demonstrated to press before, as well) but players will also be able to take Saved Films of their Campaign experience in Halo 3. Just like in the multiplayer demonstration shown to the press, Saved Films in Campaign will allow you to unhinge the camera from the player and move freely around the environment both while paused and while gameplay unfolds in front of you.

Here are some bits from the trailer that I think look fantastic:







720p captures
I dont meen to start a comparison but after seeing KZ2 i cant look at H3 in the same way, there is no denying that H3 looks incredible with very smooth lines and a very appealing colour pallet. Its just it looks like a game were as KZ2 looks like CGI and H3 also has way to much normal and bump mapping for my tastes. It just has that Kaemo and PDZ look to it IMO, its like bungie are saying "look we know how to do normal and parralex mapping" so they do it everywere ans it spoils the look for me.

People complain about the graphics, but this, to me, is the one of the best screen shots I have ever seen... from any game.

Lighting - perfect
Textures - perfect
Motion blur - perfect

I think I've found a flawless screen shot.
Agreed. Nice picture, it shows textures with some volume and definition -unlike KZ2, for instance and other self proclaimed Halo killers-. Overall the graphics seem to be beautiful, rich and full of detail, specially for a game made for those who love gigantic scenarios of epic battles.

Btw, looks like the Halo movie is on the works. That's very good news, if not thoroughly surprising, since I thought the film was cancelled. A full-scalle, fully operational Warthog has been spotted in New Zealand;

warb, great pictures too. My favourite is the 3rd one
Its just it looks like a game were as KZ2 looks like CGI
Looks like what CGI? It doesn't even look like the announcement CGI trailer, even moreso it doesn't look like top-notch Pixar or Dreamworks CGIs.

Btw, looks like the Halo movie is on the works.
Probably not:
GI: Speaking of the Halo project, you showed some live-action tidbits during your press conference. The community has to be going, “What the hell is going on here?â€￾ since obviously the movie project has been put on hold. Were those actual short films of that project?

Kim: No. Those were short films that we commissioned Neil Blomkamp to do for us. We love Neil. He’s a very talented guy, and he loves Halo. We’re going to use the short films that he’s doing for us as part of our promotional and marketing activities for Halo 3. So you’ll see that particular film and others between now and September. Now, the added benefit of that is that we give people a glimpse of what a live-action Halo could be.

GI: So you’re trying to start a buzz here.

Kim: I want people to demand Hollywood studios step up and say, “Are you kidding me? You’re going to make some of the stuff that you guys make and you’re not going to make Halo?â€￾ I know I’m the property owner, but as a moviegoer and a consumer, I don’t understand why someone’s not jumping on this. To me, it’s like the people who recognize, “Oh, we’ve got to make Harry Potter movies.â€￾
Looks like what CGI? It doesn't even look like the announcement CGI trailer, even moreso it doesn't look like top-notch Pixar or Dreamworks CGIs.

I agree...I'm not sure why people are saying that KZ2 trailer looks like CGI or the most impressive FPS shooter. I just don't get it. The draw distance looks somewhat like GeOW. Yet, overall graphic/eye candy doesn't match GeOW. Yes KZ2 is pretty good looking but let's not that impressive in comparison to other games.

Now, Halo3 is truly a MP game. Notice the how vibrant the colors are. Look at the draw distance. Halo3 has that *epic* look and feel of a sci-fi shooter.
I'm not sure why people are saying that KZ2 trailer looks like CGI or the most impressive FPS shooter.


Also, by the time KZ2 comes out it'll be mid-2008. Just in time for the Gears 2 announcement I guess. ;)

I'll be playing Halo 3 for months by then...
Looks like what CGI? It doesn't even look like the announcement CGI trailer, even moreso it doesn't look like top-notch Pixar or Dreamworks CGIs.

1. So because because it does'nt look like the original trailer that meens it cant look like CGI full stop?

2. Please stop it, why even mension pixar or dreamworks? knowing that we wont see ANY console doing graphics like that for years. Ist just silly.

And KZ2 was CGI enough to fool people at the press conference into thinking it was CGI.
Considering that that the original trailer was low-end CGI and graphics in current build looks much worse, you have to be extremely good willing to say it looks like CGI trailer.

But enough of that. We all know Killzone 2 is uber-beautiful and 3 generations ahead of everything else, so why don'w we talk about it in it's own thread and here focus solely on old ugly Halo 3?:yes:
Anyone with half a brain would realize that the talk about KZ2 looking like CGI is due to its rather realistic art-direction, compared to HALO that is aiming for a completely different look and feel. Is one better than the other? That's not even being argued.

I agree in that I prefer KZ2's art-direction (purely subjective, tastes are different afterall) - but the screens on HALO3 in here are mighty impressive as well. Does more need to be said?
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