just wow
There's more yet.
Now, placing all of these weapons meticulously around a map and customizing the rules wouldn't be much fun if you couldn't share it. And since Halo 3 is aimed at those wanting fun, you can do just that. Just like sharing a movie, you can put one of your edited levels up for the world to see in your shared items slots. From there, the world has access to it in several different ways. Friends can just take a look at what you've got. They can also send your shared items to friends of theirs that you might not have in common, who can then pass it further along.
...This may sound like a lot, but Bungie wasn't done showing us things we hadn't seen or heard about yet. Next, we went back to Tsavo Highway, the third level in the Halo 3 campaign. First, Brian talked about the scoring system. You get points for things like head shots, grenade sticks, and many of the other actions that award medals in the multiplayer game. You can also turn this into a competitive contest. In a 4 player co-op game, you can play the scoring game 2 vs. 2. Things get interesting when you add in the fact that even though you're playing against each other, you're still on the same team. Hop in front of a grenade toss that the other "team" tossed and you can get a team kill…for them. It's a nice way to subtract from their score and improve your status.