Whats with all the hip fire ? Is that some Star Wars thing "Troopers shall not look closely at their target ! The force will guide th ebullets ! " :-/
Is it just me, or were the graphics shown off at the PS E3 conference (the Survival mission) noticeable better than the 'Walker Assault' footage I posted earlier (which is labelled as running on PS4)
It's not you. This was PC footage while the Both battle was PS4. Using Both to showcase the console version is a smart PR choice given that mostly everything on the screen is white thus hiding plenty of Aliasing.
I didn't even know there was another trailer but now that I've found it I think I agree. As incredibly impressed as I was with the Hoth video, the Survival one impressed me even more. Literally unbelievable graphics from this game!
I'm pretty sure the video above was on PS4 too. It was shown at the Sony conference and more importantly it has PS4 button prompts on screen . I think we've yet to see how much more incredible the PC version can look!
I think this video is PC and the Hoth Battle is PS4
But then how would you explain the PS4 triangle button prompt in the bottom right? I guess the game could natively support the DS4 or it could be faked, but both seem less plausible than it simply being shown on the PS4 given that this was the PS4 conference. I think the difference is perceived quality is just a factor of the environment. I bet the jungle environments look even better from what I've seen of the screenshots and very brief snippets,
But then how would you explain the PS4 triangle button prompt in the bottom right?
The DS4 is working on Windows on PC. It will not be the first PC footage to be shown on a console conference.
Well, we've seen this kind of thing before, I remember some Witcher 3 gameplay vids had Xbox 360 button prompts but were actually running on PC.
snow is very reflective and white everywhere, tatoine showed better rock details and looked more impressive, but i'm sure both were running on PS4. Looked really impressive for a "60fps" game.
PS4 gameplay footage:
I'm a bit disappointed by the amount of auto-aim for shooting and no dismemberment for lightsaber combat...bah
Hmmm. Not really liking the jetpacks and personal forcefields and general nonsense. There was none of that used by the rebels (or Empire) in Episodes 4-6.
I didn't even know there was another trailer but now that I've found it I think I agree. As incredibly impressed as I was with the Hoth video, the Survival one impressed me even more. Literally unbelievable graphics from this game!
I'm pretty sure the video above was on PS4 too. It was shown at the Sony conference and more importantly it has PS4 button prompts on screen . I think we've yet to see how much more incredible the PC version can look!
I don't mind 900 if the AA solution is good.
Games like Ryse look gorgeous at 900P because of the clean IQ.