Sony's NeoGeo Pocket's (PSP2/Vita) business/non technical ramifications talk

I'm in Europe but same restrictions on iOS. I can't download podcasts over 3G because of it, though I can stream them.
Sony ought to have released it before 24. January.
Think of all the poor kids who only get a 3DS for christmas, with a 30 day exchange time-limit!
Yeah, but Vita players will be looking for something like Uncharted or COD online. There's a 20MB cap on Vita's 3G downloads imposed by the carrier. The carriers aren't going to want their networks inundated with lots of realtime messages. Heck, can 3G even cope with conventional online gaming? I imaging the latency would be horrific. Games over 3G must surely just be to check online manuals and stuff, save a few simple games as you suggest. Someone somewhere must prevent Vita owners playing full realtime network games over 3G.

How much BW does a typical game like COD or BF3 use? How long would it be before the typical monile limit of 20 MBs a day is hit?

3G is fine in terms of latency and bandwidth you just need a really strong signal to get the maximum throughput. Before switching to a 2.5Mbps landline I was using 1-1.5Mbps unlimited 3G for playing MP Lost Planet and RE5 coop and Versus without any issues not even voice issues. I think the problem with Vita's 3G service is that it won't be unlimited so your 3G online gaming session may be cut short especially with a daily 20MB cap, with that said I think the bigger issue is the battery life when playing "console style" online multiplayer games on the go.;)

All of this is moot if you mainly play Vita at home using WiFi...may want to plug in the charging cable while play though.:p
20MB is not a daily cap though, just a file download size cap.
I hope AT&T follows in Verizon's footsteps and increases its caps. I'll probably still only use Wifi only though.
First Look: Nico Nico Video PlayStation Vita App
Broadcast live gameplay sessions in an update that's due in 2012.

Nico Nico is a viewing app for the Nico Nico Video site. The app will let you browse and view videos from the Nico Nico site, mark videos as favorites, post comments, and more.

Niwango will have the app ready for launch on December 17. It will be released as a free download.

In 2012, the app will updated updated with additional features. You'll be able to post videos and conduct live video broadcasts. Some games will allow you to do live broadcasts of your gameplay sessions.

(Screenshots inside)

They should add this to PS Suite.
3G gaming on Vita...

Ridge Racer Vita Has Many Multiplayer Modes, But Only One Supports 3G

Multiplayer features are a key feature in Ridge Racer for PlayStation Vita. The game is designed with a Planetary League that puts players in one of four teams. Namco Bandai will release missions each day and players can add to their team’s score by racing on them.

World Race mode has three different kinds of multiplayer options. Ghost Battle lets players exchange data with other players through Near, Wi-Fi, and 3G. After you race a downloaded ghost, data is uploaded so players can see the best ghosts around the world. Ghost Battles aren’t live and this is the only multiplayer option that supports 3G connectivity.

Stolen from here:

Sony introduces UMD Passport program:

1. Download a UMD Registration Application from PlayStation Store to your PSP

2. Boot up the UMD Registration Application from your PSP's XMB menu and insert the UMD game you want to register into the system.

3. Follow the prompts to register your UMD disc with your PSN account

4. You can then download the downloadable version of your game at discount price.

Average price is US$10.

EDIT: More details on Andriasang:

UMD Passport: Only One PSN Account Per UMD

Thinking about cheating Sony's system to get some cheap PSP games through the UMD Passport program? Based off Sony's official press release announcing the program, you may not be able to.

The fine print in Sony's press statement (see it here in Japanese) says that once you've registered a UMD with a PSN account it can't be registered with another PSN account.


The downloadable game you get through the Passport program can, like other PSP games, be used not just on Vita, but on your PSP or PSP go.

Sony announced 40 compatible titles today, but said that it has around 200 planned for compatibility. The full list of titles that will be compatible at the start of the program will be announced at the PS Vita promotion site in mid November.

This is PlayStation Vita's Content Management System
How you'll exchange content with your PS3 and PC.

Sony has in the past mentioned a "Content Management" program that you'll use to share data between your PlayStation Vita and your PC or PS3. Today, the newly revamped Vita official site was updated with a glimpse.

Content management is controlled from your Vita screen. ...

Copy music, video and image data

Back up your Vita data

In case you don't have space on your Vita Memory Card, you can download games from PS Store to your PS3 or PC first.

Move Vita content that you've finished on to your PS3 or PC for storage.


(Ugly screens inside. ;-))
(Ugly screens inside. ;-))

They have got to get some non-Japanese UI designers involved! For some reason Japan seems stuck on 1980's black-box, fixed proportion font text-boxes. Considering how good PS3's XMB is with its icons and related wallpapers, Sony know they can do better.
I haven't seen Video Unlimited. I just don't undderstand how Sony' UI designs could be so backward. There's no need to present info as just a list and a load of options. You can click and drag icons to move them, or...whatever, it's like they've missed the past 10 years of UI progress! If Vita is to be the first of Sony's integrated network platform, they should laucnh their new XMB replacement UI that'll be seen across devices. It appears that Vita is being positioned as sometihg of a standalone device though, which is a missed opportunity.
Like this:

It's a refreshing start for them.

Still maintains the grid-like structure like XMB, instead of the awkward looking polka-dot layout menu.
I like it in general. Seems to focus on what is useful, and do that well, and make it look good. Only think I am missing, that should have been in their mindset by now perhaps, is to be able to select from what your friends have watched or recommended and such. But it is still a layout that seems 100% optimised for d-pad rather than touch. Not that most of it could work just fine with touch, mind you, but we'll see.
While we're on the subject of nice UI upgrades, vidzone just went 2.0, and it is a massive improvement in every way.
We don't get VidZone in US 8^(

I have always thought it's more interesting than the run-of-the-mill Music Unlimited.