Sony's NeoGeo Pocket's (PSP2/Vita) business/non technical ramifications talk

So mostly non-gaming stuff, which is great if the Vita serves a lot of non-gaming purposes.

But if people aren't buying and playing the $40-50 games, that's not so great for Sony.

Almost all of what I mentioned are or could be about gaming though. So yeah, obviously depends on what Sony will do with it. And I doubt it will be all $40-$50 games. There will be a lot smaller games for less money on Vita too.
Is any of that really likely? I don't know much about mobile carriers, but the imposition of a 20 MB limit on downloads in Japan suggsts high-use access won't be tolerated for long. If a certain type of gaming experience is going to need a high-volume dataplan (Google Maps linked AR for example, streaming map data) then it'll be pretty niche I imagine. And without a reason to buy the more expensive 3G SKU, it won't see adoption so won't be targeted. The end result would be that it's pulled, I imagine, unless Sony introduce a Vita phone.
So mostly non-gaming stuff, which is great if the Vita serves a lot of non-gaming purposes.

But if people aren't buying and playing the $40-50 games, that's not so great for Sony.

They can sell $10 apps though, or offer a subscription service.

I think 3G will be good for social games. Those that connect with your Facebook and Google+ social graphs all the time. The sense of always with your friends and games may be interesting.

I will get the 3G version since I skimmed on the iPad WiFi. Should have gotten the 3G version for iPad too. It comes in handy when my phone is out of battery.
They haven't announced prices of 3G SKUs, have they? At least outside of Japan?

Unless the 3G SKU had additional hardware like GPS, compass, gyro, etc., it might be better to get the Wifi and a Mifi device.

I'm around Wifi most of the day so I don't have to be connected all the time, especially since there's already a data plan on my iPhone.
“First Edition” PlayStation Vita U.S. Bundle Comes With Little Deviants, Memory Card

Sony have announced a “First Edition” bundle for the PlayStation Vita in the U.S. and Canada that releases on February 15th — one week before the standalone device. If you’re looking to bite, keep in them mind the U.S. and Canada bundles are different from each other.

The U.S. bundle ($350):

PlayStation Vita 3G + Wi-Fi model

4GB Memory Card

Limited edition case

Little Deviants game

The Canada bundle ($300):

PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi (only) model

4GB Memory Card

Limited edition case

Little Deviants game
They haven't announced prices of 3G SKUs, have they? At least outside of Japan?

Unless the 3G SKU had additional hardware like GPS, compass, gyro, etc., it might be better to get the Wifi and a Mifi device.

I'm around Wifi most of the day so I don't have to be connected all the time, especially since there's already a data plan on my iPhone.

Cheap, cheap. $50 more for 3G version.

Tethering requires my iPhone to have tether contract with AT&T. It also means that my iPhone will consume battery if I game on my Vita. I want something that is completely separate from the phone's battery. I can pick and choose what kind of connectivity I want on demand (tether or pre-paid 3G).

In fact, I leave my PSP in my glove box often. I would :love: it if Sony releases in-car GPS and entertainment apps on the Vita. I think it will complement my lifestyle and iPhone very well.
Depends on the data plan. If you have to sign a contract, it won't fly, especially for those people already paying for smart phone plans. Carry an extra device AND pay another data plan for it?

Would be good if it worked on both AT&T and T-Mobile, that it was unlocked and supported HSPA+.

The $50 might be worth it for good GPS apps. Offline GPS would require a lot of storage and we know the VIta's memory cards aren't cheap.
Any numbers? I don't think of tablets as 3G devices myself, but I could just be out of the loop.

From an Apple perspective I don't believe we have ever gotten a breakdown of mix as far as I know though most (every?) analyst believes the WiFi models outsells the 3G models by a significant amount.

I just can't see dropping almost or over $400 in February (Uncharted and maybe one other game) maybe it is just a mental thing for me, of course, it could be recognizing that the bank account will need to recover from the holidays, kicking off with a Kindle and two Kindle Fires in mid-November and then who knows where else from there. As someone on T-Mobile I have no inclination to support TWO mobile carriers...I don't even want the one! I also don't understand the no auto-switching seems like a perfect way to burn through your data plan possibly unsuspectingly. If you were getting the 3G anyway this seems like a decent enough bundle but outside of gaming fora I don't know if anyone would switch a pre-order from Wi-Fi to this bundle.
I guess most games will have Ad-Hoc (or Near?), and regular internet based infrastructure multiplayer.

Things wich you can slow-play like Hot Shots Golf is the only thing I've read will have 3G multiplayer in addition to the ad-hoc and wifi modes.

I assume Monster Hunter will have various 3G-functionality, when CapCom gets around to mentioning the PSVita version.

Also the various PSP GPS-software are more accurate with 3G, while Wifi-version will only act like a map. I think I read earlier today. I don't know if it's the PSP-software or new GPS-software for Vita I were reading about.

Sony have also confirmed it will have the same 20MB filesize cap as Iphone and similar 3G-devices have. So you won't be downloading huge games over 3G, maybe a mini at best.
I believe WiFi model should outsell 3G model for iPad. It's still very early for this sort of things. The operators may have to introduce new schemes. There are many possibilities.

I don't think I will pay for a separate data plan for 3G Vita too. However if Sony come up with a Dark Demon's Souls for Vita, it's not impossible for me to get a pre-paid 3G card just for playing that game. But, I need to have a 3G Vita first. :p

I couldn't use my iPad effectively during my Euro trip because it's missing 3G too. WiFi is just not prevalent enough for some "real" outdoor apps.

EDIT: If you want to buy an iPad now, I'd recommend you to get the 3G version too.
I bought an unlocked Mifi device from eBay and used it during a 2-week trip in Sicily. Cost about 40 Euro for an "unlimited" prepaid SIM and used it to connect my iPhone in Wifi mode for the outdoor applications and back at the hotels to connect MacBook Pro and iPad for general use.

iPad might be better for some maps applications using the GPS because of the bigger screen but it can be too big for some uses, like on the dashboard for turn by turn or even carrying it around in your day pack.
I bought an unlocked Mifi device from eBay

How much did you pay for the Mifi device ? What did you do to unlock it ? When I'm busy, I'd rather just get an officially supported device up front. Twiddling with added options may not work later when Apple upgrade their software.

We travel as a family, so the iPad's bigger screen is a plus since we can view it together. And yes, maps and GPS apps are awfully useful in a new place. ^_^

It's hard to explain but for long trips, we usually bring multiple devices along (2 phones, 2 dedicated cameras, 1 pad). Short trips are harder to justify. That's why my PSP is in my glovebox sometimes (Chuck it there if I don't feel like taking it with me).
It's a Huawei E585 and it came unlocked. Basically, it was a product manufactured for "3" which is a mobile carrier in the UK. But a lot of entrepreneurs got some overstock, unlocked them and sell on eBay.

I got it for about $120 shipped from Hong Kong.

It came with a wall charger with a USB port and a USB to micro or mini USB port. At the hotel, I just plugged it into the MacBook Pro to keep it charged while using it to create a Wifi hotspot, with WPA2 password.

Some Mifi devices I hear will not work when charging so I lucked out that this model works while charging because I wouldn't have known some models have this limitation.

In the field, I usually didn't keep it on all the time. Just turned it on and off when I wanted to check email and a few other things. Takes about 30-60 seconds to boot up.

The web admin interface is a big unintuitive. Not easy to find a way to set the APN of the SIM manually and save the profile. It tries to default to Auto APN setting (there must be some protocol to do this) but it didn't work for the SIM I got so I had to figure out how to save the profile.

I also got a spare battery from another eBay seller in HK for about $8 shipped.
I think the appeal for something like Mifi would be one connectivity option for multiple devices. It's cheaper than the difference between iPad's 3G and WiFi version ($200 ?).

But it may not work with Vita unless they work out something with Sony. ^_^
And over there, 3G and non-3G differs only by $50.
The whole point of a mifi device is it'll work for any wifi device. To a client device it just looks like another hot spot.
But if it's the regular standalone Mifi device, then wouldn't it be more hassle to carry a phone, a Mifi and a Vita ? It's ok for long trips, but may not be convenient for regular wireless WAN play.
The one I have is smaller than the iPhone. I carried it in a little zippered pocket in my bag. I was carrying DSLR and gear as well as iPhone so in the overall scheme, added very little.

If would be a hassle if you're not carry any bags to carry that extra device.

Also is a hassle to keep track of another device, battery and charging cable when you're traveling.

But the benefits it provided were worth these hassles.
Yeah, but Vita players will be looking for something like Uncharted or COD online. There's a 20MB cap on Vita's 3G downloads imposed by the carrier. The carriers aren't going to want their networks inundated with lots of realtime messages. Heck, can 3G even cope with conventional online gaming? I imaging the latency would be horrific. Games over 3G must surely just be to check online manuals and stuff, save a few simple games as you suggest. Someone somewhere must prevent Vita owners playing full realtime network games over 3G.

How much BW does a typical game like COD or BF3 use? How long would it be before the typical monile limit of 20 MBs a day is hit?

Here in the US, iOS and android based phones have or use to have similar restrictions on the size of app downloads over 3G.