Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006?

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How does:
Newsflash: Sony to stick to PS3 schedule.
turns into:
Newsflash: Sony delaying PS3 to 2007!

I've been trying for ages to tell people not to get hopes up for CES where Sony haven't ever said they would announce anything. I swear, like "PS3 March 2006" the people *mainly* hyping it seem to be Xbox'ers who want to see Sony "fail".
Some of you are fucking rediculous. It's like every angle I take has to be blown out of proportion ("Oh, Alpha, why are you getting so angry?" What the hell?) Look at the thread title, read the link and then put my comments into perspective.

Why is it so damn hard to accept that someone else has an alternative viewpoint? So what if I'm the only one who believes that showing the PS3 at CES would actually help Sony. I think I've presented a clear argument to why I believe the way I do. Seriously, some of you have nothing to add to the discussion other than smartass comments about my attitude and motives when you have no clue about either.

Seriously. Every discussion is going to have two sides. Ad hominem isn't going to make me change my opinion. How about rebutting my arguments rather than telling me about how much of an asshole I am for believing a certain way.
Alpha_Spartan said:
Some of you are fucking rediculous. It's like every angle I take has to be blown out of proportion ("Oh, Alpha, why are you getting so angry?" What the hell?) Look at the thread title, read the link and then put my comments into perspective.

Why is it so damn hard to accept that someone else has an alternative viewpoint? So what if I'm the only one who believes that showing the PS3 at CES would actually help Sony. I think I've presented a clear argument to why I believe the way I do. Seriously, some of you have nothing to add to the discussion other than smartass comments about my attitude and motives when you have no clue about either.

Seriously. Every discussion is going to have two sides. Ad hominem isn't going to make me change my opinion. How about rebutting my arguments rather than telling me about how much of an asshole I am for believing a certain way.

I dont get you, why are you so upset? Ive read trough this thread and the one that is blowing up things out of proportion is YOU. You dont even talk about the topic??
Alpha_Spartan said:
Seriously. Every discussion is going to have two sides. Ad hominem isn't going to make me change my opinion. How about rebutting my arguments rather than telling me about how much of an asshole I am for believing a certain way.

Well I thought several perfectly sensible scenarios have been given for why CES wouldn't be a big deal for PS3 and should be a focus for other products. Also you can't play the ad-hominem card when you were already moaning about "apologists" just because some people didn't agree with *you*.

For someone simply expressing a personal opinion, your first post in this thread comes across as rather... provocative. If you didn't want anyone to argue with you, you have a strange way of showing it.

So far your argument seems to boil down to "it's a big electronics show, PS3 is a big electronics product, it should be there". Except that ignores that there are other events more suited for PS3, and other products from Sony they want to push here. There are even rumours of a dedicated event just for PS3 (at a time that suits Sony rather than being forced to play their hand too early). CES is not traditionally anything to do with video-games which PS3 is undoubtedly focused on, whatever else it might want to be. It may or may not be mentioned in relation to Blu-ray - it would seem to be a big part of Sony's strategy there, but everyone knows that so I don't really care if it's shown there playing a movie or not.

Look, I'm developing for this thing - the success of the company I work for, and thus my livelihood largely depends on it working out. I've got a lot more reason to be concerned by any real problem than most people here who simply want to buy one. I'm anxious to see a proper public unveiling to build up some hype so people might spend money that will ultimately pay my mortgage and feed me. At this point however, I'm not even close to being worried. CES wasn't even on my radar.

Sony always just do their own thing, playing their cards close to their chests until they're good and ready. I'm not in the least bit surprised that they're not changing strategy now - I'd probably be a lot *more* worried if they showed stuff before it was ready (because while I'm not worried about it all being finished on time, I don't imagine for a second it's anywhere near done yet).
overclocked said:
I dont get you, why are you so upset? Ive read trough this thread and the one that is blowing up things out of proportion is YOU. You dont even talk about the topic??
MrWibble said:
Well I thought several perfectly sensible scenarios have been given for why CES wouldn't be a big deal for PS3 and should be a focus for other products. Also you can't play the ad-hominem card when you were already moaning about "apologists" just because some people didn't agree with *you*.
I'm sorry, but I don't view calling someone an apologist as ad hominem. It's not an insult.
For someone simply expressing a personal opinion, your first post in this thread comes across as rather... provocative. If you didn't want anyone to argue with you, you have a strange way of showing it.
There's nothing even remotely provacative about my first point. It was just straightforward and unambiguously opinionated.
So far your argument seems to boil down to "it's a big electronics show, PS3 is a big electronics product, it should be there". Except that ignores that there are other events more suited for PS3, and other products from Sony they want to push here.
Obviously you ignored my statement regarding Ken Kutaragi's statement regarding the PS3. He stated that it was not a toy, but rather a major entertainment super computer I don't know if you've noticed, but CES seems heavily weighted towards entertainment. It seems if Kutaragi, and to a larger extent Sony, wanted to give the perception of PS3 as a serious entertainment hub, CES would be the appropriate venue for that particular focus. I also added that the PS3 would be the first mass-market BD player on the market. Why wouldn't CES be appropriate? There's nothing "provactive" about my rationale.
There are even rumours of a dedicated event just for PS3 (at a time that suits Sony rather than being forced to play their hand too early). CES is not traditionally anything to do with video-games which PS3 is undoubtedly focused on, whatever else it might want to be. It may or may not be mentioned in relation to Blu-ray - it would seem to be a big part of Sony's strategy there, but everyone knows that so I don't really care if it's shown there playing a movie or not.
This was basically my argument that the PS3 should/would have a limited presence at CES with a narrow focus on the unit's non-gaming functions which Sony have been far from shy about. I don't know about you, but I find showing games at CES less inappropriate than showing Blue-Ray, music and other non-gaming functions at E3. CES has a much wider focus than E3.
Sony always just do their own thing, playing their cards close to their chests until they're good and ready. I'm not in the least bit surprised that they're not changing strategy now - I'd probably be a lot *more* worried if they showed stuff before it was ready (because while I'm not worried about it all being finished on time, I don't imagine for a second it's anywhere near done yet).
What do you mean by Sony playing cards close to their chest? They've damn near blown the lid off of the console. In the grand scheme of things we know more about the PS3 than we don't know. It just happens that the stuff we don't know is pretty damn important. PS3's coming out party was in May, I just think it's time for Sony to start delivering what they promised on paper. CES is just a small part of that. Showing the BD/multimedia hub capabilities at CES would make more sense than at E3 where all we care about are the games.
overclocked said:
What the hell Spartan, all you do is moaning in every thread.

Stopp the crying for gods sake and keep it cool, ok?

Uhh, how is he crying? He's speaking the truth. If MS hadn't shown off actual games til October and launching in November, you guys would be crying foul aswell.
Hardknock said:
He's speaking the truth. If MS hadn't shown off actual games til October and launching in November, you guys would be crying foul aswell.

a) What makes you thinking Sony is launching in March, if you're drawing a parallel and taking it that playables will first be shown in Feb? Spring extends for a number of months after March, for a lot of the world at least. It's true what was said earlier - quite funny to see who exactly clings most rabidly to a March release date.

b) Sony probably doesn't want to show games until they're quite presentable and up to a certain standard. Many of X360's launch titles really didn't hit a decent standard until very close to launch, so depending on how picky Sony is..

c) Playable games are being shown off, to the press at least, behind closed doors. Or one might infer that, from the example of Epic inviting journos to see and play their PS3 game.

d) They're in quite different positions, from a marketing and product positioning point of view anyway.
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Alpha_Spartan said:
The apologist in this thread are pretending like the PS3 is a pure games machine. It IS not! The fact that the damn thing will be the first mass-market BD player on the market means that it should be center stage at CES, not as a games machine but as a BD player.

At least Sony could show Spider Man 2 on BD-ROM running on the thing. Hell, according to some of the logic used in this thread, the PS3 shouldn't have even been announced by now. The Xbox 360 was unvieled six months before it launched. The PS3 was unveiled 1 year+ before it launches anywhere. I'm sure Sony isn't too concerned with stealing the thunder of their own products. They didn't have any problem pimping the PS3 at the PS2's expense at E3 2005. C'mon, no one was talking about the PS2 after E3, it was all PS3, PS3, PS3. To try and tell me that the same company won't reveal more on the console less than six months before it launches at the biggest CE show in the world is short of rediculous!

The console hasn't even had a proper TGS showing yet! That's kind of unheard of. We're going to see something at CES. I'm pretty sure of it. It won't be a "blow out", but we'll see a final unit with final hardware in it.

Thats like saying that the xbox 360 is a DVD player cuz there are what a 25,000 movies for every game on launch that people can buy for it?

The PS2 was a dvd player as well how does that change the fact that it was the console to own for games,and that the PS2 mean games not movies.

In fact what use could have a Blue-Ray player with online features,multiple controllers and a next generation graphic card?

That comment is just plain wrong the fact that the PS3 has a Blue-Ray player,doesn't change the fact that the PS mean games first movies second.
Edge said:
Who cares! People get upset over an lack of announcement.

Hell YEAH I am. I have supported the Playstation brand for 10 years now. And I plan on getting the PS3 too. So yes I want to hear some kind of damn news. Sony is starting to piss me off. F'ck Sony and their "we want to keep it secert" crap. Tell me something damnit.:mad:

Titanio said:
a) What makes you thinking Sony is launching in March, if you're drawing a parallel and taking it that playables will first be shown in Feb? Spring extends for a number of months after March, for a lot of the world at least. It's true what was said earlier - quite funny to see who exactly clings most rabidly to a March release date.

Why can't people properly debate without throwing supposed hardware biases around? We all know you're one of the biggest PS fans on this site. Do you see me continually throwing that in your face? And I never said "march", I said SPRING. And the reason why everyone is so up in arms about this is because Sony is already late (from their own timeline) showing playable games to the public. From that one slide (or was it a press release?) weren't PS3 games supposed to be playable at TGS??
fulcizombie said:
These rumors are just as valid as "Bioware making exclusive ps3 games including Jade empire 2","UT2007 to be a ps3 launch title","PS3 will have higher specs than the ones revealed at E3" and many similar POSITIVE bullshit ps3 rumors that have spawned endless threads in just about every gaming forum....

Funny how many people wanted to believe these rumors but are crying "foul" when something negative is said about the ps3.

Actualy Gamespot contacted the PSM editors who wrote the story of UT 2007 for launch and here is what the PSM editors told him.

[UPDATE 2] PSM reps contacted by GameSpot said that editors for the magazine were "told personally" by both Midway and Epic reps that UT 2007 would be ready on or around the launch of the PS3. However, Midway, Epic, Sony Computer Entertainment America, or War_Tourist had not given an official statement regarding UT 2007's PS3 release plans as of press time.

Sorry for the off topic but since this is a rumor is better than making a new UT 2007 thread,the other was close.


Now there is nother link on Gamespot that state that UT 2007 could make it for launch...


I think some one know something and is playing dumb i think Epics knows more...
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Others have said this before but what’s the big deal with having playable games and hardware before launching the console? Seriously what is the point?

Sure it can help generate hype – but if you’ve already done that well, as Sony seem to have again, what is the point of showcasing “playable†hardware and software months before your system is out? Such a small percentage of the “public†(more like gaming journalists and corporate schmoozers) will get to experience the product in any such showcase; what’s more that small fraction is likely the hardcore element who will buy the console regardless.

I don’t get this do or die attitude to having playable software before launch. It has such little impact in the grand scheme of things. Microsoft’s MTV event was a PR disaster from the point of view of having playable material. All they needed was the celebs and demo’s – well the European cut of it was exactly that!
Dammit avaya, as much as I hate what you had to say, I can't argue with the truth.

I too don't see the purpose of releasing half-baked software for the sake of saying, "See, we've got playable games." Because the hype-hungry press no longer care about that. They want specs sheets and pretty movies. If a company makes the mistake of showing playable games, the press will rip it to shreds. You know, there used to be something wrong with the press ripping on a game that was six months from release for being, well, unfinished. These days, that's par for the course.

Apparently, hype gets hits. So I believe we'll see a new trend of over-the-top announcement videos and then we'll have games going through multiple delays while developers scramble to realize a game that the marketing department promised to the public. Kudos to the developers with the resources to actually pull this through and woe to the poor guys that can't live up to the grandiose promise of a 60 second pre-rendered marketing flick.

I really can't wait to see what Sony brings to fruition. Any way you cut it, it'll change the way companies approach unveilings.
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wco81 said:
Did Alpha ever get his X360?

Maybe there's some residual grumpieness there. ;)

He got it, to everyone's relief. He must not be very happy with it, if he is now gunning for a PS3.
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Alpha_Spartan said:
I'm sorry, but I don't view calling someone an apologist as ad hominem. It's not an insult.
Ad hominem doesn't have to be insulting - however it certainly came across as derogatory and the word is often used in a negative context.

Or can I just call you anything I want now so long as I insist later that it's not meant as an insult?
There's nothing even remotely provacative about my first point. It was just straightforward and unambiguously opinionated.
This: "Sony don't have jack and shit to show and jack just left for vacation. Showing the same tired pre-cooked demos will have the opposite effect. Anything that's in progress probably isn't up to the fat-ass check that Sony wrote for itself at E3." is not remotely provocative? Unambiguously opinionated yes, but very definitely provocative. It's a massively loaded statement. I personally don't care about you talking that way if it's what you think, but don't pretend it's something it's not.
They've damn near blown the lid off of the console.
Then why do you need them to be showing anything at CES?
In the grand scheme of things we know more about the PS3 than we don't know. It just happens that the stuff we don't know is pretty damn important.
So they've blown the lid of the thing, but haven't told you the important things... that kind of sounds to me like they're playing things close to their chest all right.

Anyway, what don't you know in the contexts of non-game features or hardware? Didn't they already say it'd play BD movies? Most of the current unknowns which are the subject of speculation are about what the RSX will be able to do, whether games will live up to the demos, and other technicalities or game-centric stuff, not whether or not PS3 will really be capable of playing back various media types. Is that kind of thing actually in serious doubt that it needs to be proven to you? More importantly do you seriously think that a demonstration of PS3 playing back a movie would be a good way to have the first proper unveiling of the hardware? I think the first true showing needs to be a lot stronger than that, and that belongs at a different event and probably nearer launch, no matter how much I'd love to see it right now.
PS3's coming out party was in May, I just think it's time for Sony to start delivering what they promised on paper. CES is just a small part of that.
Yes, it's getting towards the time where Sony do indeed need to start showing more "real" stuff. But the fact that they haven't done so this week is hardly the end of the world.

Your arguments are confused - you're making a big deal out of this and talking about delivering on promises, "tired pre-cooked demos" etc., and yet you also claim all you're looking for is a demonstration of its media capabilities, which would surely not have anything to do with these other issues...

If we hit spring without further word from Sony, obviously it's time to worry. We're not near that point yet.

IIRC PS2 was very similar - an early first showing with videos and tech-demos, then not very much until very very close to launch.
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