Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006?

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AzBat said:
CES 2001 -> Xbox
CES 1993 -> 3DO

Before E3 it was the only game in town.

Tommy McClain

Ok, so since E3 came along, just the Xbox announcement - and not even a significant presence for that it seems. Looks like everyone else targets the main games related events instead.

There are more events coming up soon, even if they didn't have their own private event (as rumoured). But doom and gloom is predicted because they haven't made a big showing at an event pretty much every other platform has ignored? All this because some people speculated or assumed there would be info?

Right, that's it! If I'm not personally informed of the systems progress by Sony upper management sometime within the next 24 hours, it must be a failure!
I guess everybody is anxious for PS3 news because Microsoft leaked info like wet toilet paper, while Sony is pretty freaking good at it.
typoEDR said:
I guess everybody is anxious for PS3 news because Microsoft leaked info like wet toilet paper, while Sony is pretty freaking good at it.

That's one way to look at it. The other is that there is no info to leak and PS3 is going to be late. Time will tell.
xbdestroya said:
Good God man - the consumer electronics!

I can't believe people are getting tripped up on this CES/Sony concept as much as they are. Sony is trying to recapture in the consumer's eye the perception of being the 'premier' electronics provider. And they're going to be going all-out at this show to do so.

Yeah but with without the ps3 I didn't think their hdtvs and cameras and whatnot were going to take that much space, but apparently they have a theater so uh, yeah.
AzBat said:
CES 2001 -> Xbox
CES 1993 -> 3DO

Before E3 it was the only game in town.

Tommy McClain

Actually, last year at this time, we were wondering if X360 was going to be presented at the 2005 CES, with some noting that MS announced the Xbox at the CES as well.

Remember, MS only talked about XNA at GDC and then finally showed their cards at E3 and even then, no launch date, price or definitive launch title list.

People thought MS should have been building up the buzz or hype since CES but they didn't.

Really, if the PS3 launches in Japan first as expected, why would they announce that at a US show?
AlphaWolf said:
Just playing devils advocate here but, would you expect anything different to come out of Sony? Be it truth or fiction they certainly wouldn't confirm rumors of delay at any point.

No I agree, but for them to proactively call and tell these people it's *not* delayed... well, I mean if it *was* delayed I'd just expect them to remain completely silent, as is their norm.

It could still be delayed, not saying it couldn't, but I'm just putting that article out there as it adds to the knowledge base on the subject.

(thanks go to VG Aficianado by the way for finding it)

By the way, personally I think a late April launch would be the ideal time for PS3, right before 'Golden Week' in Japan. They may already have written off that possibility - I don't know - but it would likely ensure sell-out and hype, it being the equivelent of Christmas in Japan holiday/shopping-wise.
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xbdestroya said:
Alpha I just don't agree. In a year that Sony is essentially trying to re-launch it's consumer electronics division - it's real consumer electronics division - PS3 might drown out that message.

They need to hype PS3, but they don't need to do it *now*. February is perfectly fine strategy-wise for them if they want to wait until then.
My man, I wasn't expecting an E3 style "re-announcement" press conference. I expected at least a final shell, final controller and an actual running unit with a final specs sheet.

No announcement at all really bugs the shit out of me.
Again, CES has never been on the official timetable for PS3 PR, so to speak. Any expectations have been built on rumour and speculation (fueled by Stringer's keynote, and the large space taken by Sony - but come on, Sony is a big company, who's CES related interests would extend beyond Playstation).

PS3 will be talked about, but how much new is there..::shrug:: I think most of what will be of interest will be Blu-ray related.
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The apologist in this thread are pretending like the PS3 is a pure games machine. It IS not! The fact that the damn thing will be the first mass-market BD player on the market means that it should be center stage at CES, not as a games machine but as a BD player.

At least Sony could show Spider Man 2 on BD-ROM running on the thing. Hell, according to some of the logic used in this thread, the PS3 shouldn't have even been announced by now. The Xbox 360 was unvieled six months before it launched. The PS3 was unveiled 1 year+ before it launches anywhere. I'm sure Sony isn't too concerned with stealing the thunder of their own products. They didn't have any problem pimping the PS3 at the PS2's expense at E3 2005. C'mon, no one was talking about the PS2 after E3, it was all PS3, PS3, PS3. To try and tell me that the same company won't reveal more on the console less than six months before it launches at the biggest CE show in the world is short of rediculous!

The console hasn't even had a proper TGS showing yet! That's kind of unheard of. We're going to see something at CES. I'm pretty sure of it. It won't be a "blow out", but we'll see a final unit with final hardware in it.
Lysander said:
some blog, probably false...
PlayStation 3 Bug and Delay Claims Flare. From Nowhere at All... - News at

You got to understand that with this radio silence conserning PS3 it's easy to get some 15 minutes of "fame". You can claim stuff about the PS3 and not be officially corrected for quit some time. I do think that Sony needs to show something more real soon cause the (my) excitement is somewhat wearing off.
Alpha_Spartan said:
The apologist in this thread are pretending like the PS3 is a pure games machine. It IS not! The fact that the damn thing will be the first mass-market BD player on the market means that it should be center stage at CES, not as a games machine but as a BD player.

At least Sony could show Spider Man 2 on BD-ROM running on the thing. Hell, according to some of the logic used in this thread, the PS3 shouldn't have even been announced by now. The Xbox 360 was unvieled six months before it launched. The PS3 was unveiled 1 year+ before it launches anywhere. I'm sure Sony isn't too concerned with stealing the thunder of their own products. They didn't have any problem pimping the PS3 at the PS2's expense at E3 2005. C'mon, no one was talking about the PS2 after E3, it was all PS3, PS3, PS3. To try and tell me that the same company won't reveal more on the console less than six months before it launches at the biggest CE show in the world is short of rediculous!

The console hasn't even had a proper TGS showing yet! That's kind of unheard of. We're going to see something at CES. I'm pretty sure of it. It won't be a "blow out", but we'll see a final unit with final hardware in it.

I think Blu-ray info, as far as it pertains to PS3, would certainly be of interest at CES and will be forthcoming. I don't know about running footage out of an actual PS3 unit or the like, but anything you hear about Blu-ray should automatically be of interest as far as PS3 is concerned. Beyond that, though, I think given Sony has not marked CES on the calendar officially, for PS3 presentation/revelation, any further expectations you have are built on nothing. If PS3 is there, I think it'll be PS3 in its role as the movie player, and likely not much more (at least as far as new stuff is concerned).
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Alpha_Spartan said:
The apologist in this thread are pretending like the PS3 is a pure games machine. It IS not! The fact that the damn thing will be the first mass-market BD player on the market means that it should be center stage at CES, not as a games machine but as a BD player.

At least Sony could show Spider Man 2 on BD-ROM running on the thing. Hell, according to some of the logic used in this thread, the PS3 shouldn't have even been announced by now. The Xbox 360 was unvieled six months before it launched. The PS3 was unveiled 1 year+ before it launches anywhere. I'm sure Sony isn't too concerned with stealing the thunder of their own products. They didn't have any problem pimping the PS3 at the PS2's expense at E3 2005. C'mon, no one was talking about the PS2 after E3, it was all PS3, PS3, PS3. To try and tell me that the same company won't reveal more on the console less than six months before it launches at the biggest CE show in the world is short of rediculous!

The console hasn't even had a proper TGS showing yet! That's kind of unheard of. We're going to see something at CES. I'm pretty sure of it. It won't be a "blow out", but we'll see a final unit with final hardware in it.

You really need to go outside or something, because you are getting way too emotional over the probability of them not throwing you a scrap of infomation at CES.

I mean they do have a meeting scheduled for February, would it kill you to wait one more month.
Titanio said:
I think Blu-ray info, as far as it pertains to PS3, would certainly be of interest at CES and will be forthcoming. I don't know about running footage out of an actual PS3 unit or the like, but anything you hear about Blu-ray should automatically be of interest as far as PS3 is concerned. Beyond that, though, I think given Sony has not marked CES on the calendar officially, for PS3 presentation/revelation, any further expectations you have are built on nothing. If PS3 is there, I think it'll be PS3 in its role as the movie player, and likely not much more (at least as far as new stuff is concerned).
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting a PS3 kiosk with games and stuff, but I am expecting a final design in a glass case with two big dudes guarding it. Behind it will be the latest prototype of Sony's 1080p HDTV with a BD movie playing on it.

That's all Sony needs to do and that's what I expect at least.
Alpha_Spartan said:
The apologist in this thread are pretending like the PS3 is a pure games machine. It IS not! The fact that the damn thing will be the first mass-market BD player on the market means that it should be center stage at CES, not as a games machine but as a BD player.

I certainly expect Sony to be making some kind of Blu-Ray showing at CES. PS3 is a big part of their strategy there, but all they have to do is reiterate that it will play the discs, I don't think they have to really have to show the thing. Of more interest right now is probably announcements about support for the format from content providers.

However for a company with an electronics arm that recently has been struggling, and all kind of internal shuffling and so forth, I expect they'd want their main CES presence to show a strong range of products and not give the impression that all their eggs are in the PS3 basket.

I don't think anyone is being an apologist here - just realistic. Frankly it's people being reactionary about the lack of presence that seem to be unreasonable.
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