Sony: No PlayStation 3 announcement at CES 2006?

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me2 said:
I just think its odd to have high level personnel at such an event if your not debuting any new hardware, but hey maybe its just me.
There are other things to promote such as PSP.
me2 said:
I just think its odd to have high level personnel at such an event if your not debuting any new hardware, but hey maybe its just me.
They'll debut heaps of consumer electronics (TVs, projectors, stereos, MP3 players et. al), and focus on Blu-ray.
Sony is much bigger than PS3.
Nicked said:
They'll debut heaps of consumer electronics (TVs, projectors, stereos, MP3 players et. al), and focus on Blu-ray.
Sony is much bigger than PS3.

Profit-wise, PLaystation is about 50% of Sony... ;)
one said:
There are other things to promote such as PSP.

Why would sony promote the psp? its been out for how long now? Plus these execs i listed are employees of SCEA ( sony computer entertainment of america). Their jobs revolve around products that have the playstation brand name.
me2 said:
I just think its odd to have high level personnel at such an event if your not debuting any new hardware, but hey maybe its just me.

Well no, not really - high level staff from pretty much every company will congregate around any major event like this. That's just the SCEA folks anyway - they're just down the road. What about SCEI?

Anyway is this just people who are listed as attending the conference?
Nicked said:
Thats because all their other divisions suck. Its pretty shocking actually, revenue-wise PlayStation isn't even 20%

The poor performance of the other divisions is exactly why I would expect them to promote their other products a lot more heavily here, rather than bury them in a load of PS3 hype.
I expect the new Bravia sets to be a saviour for Sony - apart from the Playstation brand that is. They're doing REALLY well, compared to their last couple of years, and their marketing is really strong too.

And they're damn good sets to begin with :D
Hardknock said:
Why can't people properly debate without throwing supposed hardware biases around? We all know you're one of the biggest PS fans on this site. Do you see me continually throwing that in your face? And I never said "march", I said SPRING.

Well what's your point about it being like MS showing games in Oct, before a November launch? It was a general observation also, not just specfically regarding you.

Hardknock said:
And the reason why everyone is so up in arms about this is because Sony is already late (from their own timeline) showing playable games to the public. From that one slide (or was it a press release?) weren't PS3 games supposed to be playable at TGS??

No. There were no indications on any slides about when games would be shown playably. Sony has actually never officially confirmed when PS3 games will be playable fullstop, let alone said anything about TGS. The most that was ever said was by Kutaragi when he said that PS3 games might be playable at TGS.

And this is all in the context of a public presentation - again, we know PS3 games are playable behind closed doors, and at least one has been shown to the press if not likely more.
Sony is not that stupid to not show anything ps3 related, dont be panic and think rationally people, CES is the perfect event for Sony as a whole to show the consumer of the world what Sony present and future (ps3, bluray and cell) product. So i guaranteed you anything that the ps3 will have a decent coverage.
There's never been any reason to think PS3 won't show at all, nor that there'll be a big PS3-centric showing. It's but one string to Sony's bow, and they'll show the whole bow, plus cello to boot.
well you could think of it that way but i bet the ps3's string is the strongest of all the strings in Sony bow, therefore they must empahsise their biggest/strongest asset.
dantruon said:
well you could think of it that way but i bet the ps3's string is the strongest of all the strings in Sony bow, therefore they must empahsise their biggest/strongest asset.
At the moment, but they obviously want this to change. Do you really expect them to wander into CES with a floundering CE division and spend their time saying 'yeah, our CE goods are overpriced and don't sell as well as our competitors, but we do a great line in gaming consoles'? Perhaps because this is a console forum people think of Sony primarily as Console company, but we're talking everything at this show from Cinema cameras and display technologies through to the TVs and media home-consumers will be watching them on (if Sony get their way!) - the unique end-to-end solution that only Sony provide and which they're trying to impress upon the world. They don't need to boast PlayStation as a console as they already lead in that field. Of course linking PS3 in with the overall living-room entertainment solution makes sense and it'll show alongside all the other CE delights. As one aspect of many. Stressing PS3 would only encourage an opinion that Sony are become a one-string bow, losing focus on it's many other divisions. What confidence would consumers have in Sony's long term approach to home theatre etc. if all they ever talk about is how wonderful their PS3 is doing?
Agreed. I fully expect the new Sony HD cameras to be a big feature of the show, with the new Bravia LCD displays to go hand to hand.

A new AIBO will appear, and lots of "cool" but mostly useless things... :smile:
Would be nice to get a Sony HD for a good price, ie not pay a too big premium but i think this is whats going to change now with the restructuring of the whole company.
There so much, the Sony Ericsson phones do GREAT and the new walkman looks hot but in the Television they need too get the price down.
Maybe a budget-line also thats priced a little over the "shitty" names.
Shifty Geezer said:
At the moment, but they obviously want this to change. Do you really expect them to wander into CES with a floundering CE division and spend their time saying 'yeah, our CE goods are overpriced and don't sell as well as our competitors, but we do a great line in gaming consoles'? Perhaps because this is a console forum people think of Sony primarily as Console company, but we're talking everything at this show from Cinema cameras and display technologies through to the TVs and media home-consumers will be watching them on (if Sony get their way!) - the unique end-to-end solution that only Sony provide and which they're trying to impress upon the world. They don't need to boast PlayStation as a console as they already lead in that field. Of course linking PS3 in with the overall living-room entertainment solution makes sense and it'll show alongside all the other CE delights. As one aspect of many. Stressing PS3 would only encourage an opinion that Sony are become a one-string bow, losing focus on it's many other divisions. What confidence would consumers have in Sony's long term approach to home theatre etc. if all they ever talk about is how wonderful their PS3 is doing?

yes i agreed with you on some points but i think some of you who fear that Sony will not show anything related to the ps3 at ces is really irrational. The problem with Sony over the years is that it diversified too much into businesses that it not the leader in. With the new management at the helm it is rational for them to do what they do best - make quality innovative product, and stop getting into businesses that they are suck at.
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