Small new clip of heavenly sword during "HEROES"

Hmm, a computer character that looks so good I wish "she" was real so I could give her the good news.... technology really has moved on.

Move over Lara Croft, finally some pixelbased totty worth shouting about.
Nariko is certainly evolving in terms of her character model. She is looking better and better all the time.

There is a lot of great things about this game. Nariko is one of course. She looks great. But also great draw distance, lighting, the dust that kicks up when she lands, the beautiful water falls, and the cool looking combat system.

The only negatives I can see are as follows. (I completely realize what we have seen is from a *limited* level and is non-final).

1) The enemy soldiers all look almost exactly the same. Also, they *seem* (perhaps I am wrong here) to have MUCH less detail than Nariko. Of course we have not seen any bosses yet, but the ordinary enemy soldiers just look boring in my opinion. It would be neat if each one of them had a different appearance and they were not all wearing masks so you could see their faces.

2) Her hair looks very geometric to me. I know I have said this before, but it sometimes does not look natural. I LOVE the idea of beautiful long red hair. But her hair does not seem to flow naturally to me.

3) The arms of a few characters seem to do weird things at times. I see strange bulges every now and then.

However, I believe the game looks great overall. I just wanted to be truthful and point out the negatives along with the positives.

By the way, I love the fact that at least Nariko does not have plastic looking skin.
If that footage is from Novemberish last year then :D for the final build. My tax return may be put to some good use later this year.
Very impressive stuff, but - we want more! :)

Condolences to the artists about the hair, pretty hard to do something good on a budget...
though the orange spec highlights on the skin are... er, hopefully not final either ;)
That doesnt really matter to me to be honest. You still have to have some kind of PS3 hardware and tools to program for the machine. Lots of 1st gen games are in development for years.

True I was thinking about this as well. But usually when some assets are already created, there lots of time saved for optimization. But I agree with you.

btw: The ironic thing is that the facial detail of the character is almost as good atleast to me as the Tekken CGI trailer at E3 2005, and at the same time features huge open enviroments and physics, while Namco's current state of Tekken6 doesnt seem much more advanced over Tekken5. During gameplay Nariko herself looks better overally than any character in a next gen fighter except VF5.

Her teeth, the pores on her face...damn thats some phenomenal work
~19Gigabytes at the mo... (with game data compression and some fmvs and audio but not all)

Hi Deano. Not to be a bother, but do you mind roughly breaking down the distribution of game data, fmv, and audio making up that 19GB? Also, is your audio compressed?
Not too be a bother but I'm tired of butt-kicking girls in games and movies. I would love to see a sweet, vulnerable girl in a video game that is physically outmatched but survives by the skin of her teeth, witts, help, etc. Even repeatedly gets the crap kicked out of her, but toughs it up and carries on. I think I could emphasize with her much more.

Yeah big thread derail here :) I may make this into a new topic proper. And it's no knock on HS, I'm not sure that such a mechanic could work in a straight fighting game like HS.
..a sweet, vulnerable girl in a video game that is physically outmatched but survives by the skin of her teeth, witts, help, etc. Even repeatedly gets the crap kicked out of her, but toughs it up and carries on. I think I could emphasize with her much more.

The things we learn about forum members on here :eek:

There's a horror game in which you play a weak young girl with a white dog as a sidekick, and are constantly chased by a couple of weird people. Can't remember what it's called, and it's not an action game, but it certainly involves the majority of what you mentioned there. Unfortunately it wasn't great, but I'm sure there'd still be fun to be had.
The things we learn about forum members on here :eek:

There's a horror game in which you play a weak young girl with a white dog as a sidekick, and are constantly chased by a couple of weird people. Can't remember what it's called, and it's not an action game, but it certainly involves the majority of what you mentioned there. Unfortunately it wasn't great, but I'm sure there'd still be fun to be had.

it's hunting grounds :D
The things we learn about forum members on here :eek:

There's a horror game in which you play a weak young girl with a white dog as a sidekick, and are constantly chased by a couple of weird people. Can't remember what it's called, and it's not an action game, but it certainly involves the majority of what you mentioned there. Unfortunately it wasn't great, but I'm sure there'd still be fun to be had.

Rule of Rose!?
Not too be a bother but I'm tired of butt-kicking girls in games and movies. I would love to see a sweet, vulnerable girl in a video game that is physically outmatched but survives by the skin of her teeth, witts, help, etc. Even repeatedly gets the crap kicked out of her, but toughs it up and carries on. I think I could emphasize with her much more.

Yeah big thread derail here :) I may make this into a new topic proper. And it's no knock on HS, I'm not sure that such a mechanic could work in a straight fighting game like HS.

Maybe one day we'll see a game on Little Women. Yes? No? Ok no...

Heavenly Sword is already beautiful and will hopefully be fun. The camera appears (as usual) to be the most difficult aspect to get right. It looks great so far but I am curious as to how it ends up when it comes to locking on to single/multiple enemies when there are waves of minions. Either way I'm looking forward to handling Nina Krist...I mean Nariko.

Cheers to me;)
Not too be a bother but I'm tired of butt-kicking girls in games and movies. I would love to see a sweet, vulnerable girl in a video game that is physically outmatched but survives by the skin of her teeth, witts, help, etc. Even repeatedly gets the crap kicked out of her, but toughs it up and carries on. I think I could emphasize with her much more.
I concur. Heroes are often too Hero-y. Flippin' butt-kicking macho Space Marines and Kung-Fu Bikini-Clad girlies everywhere. ICO was great in its 'ordinary folks' sensation (though the girl in that could have been a little smarter). Another World was great too. More 'ordinary heroes' in games, please! Some chubby computer Geeks and Skinny nerds, and people who aren't athletic and get tired out with too much running. How's about some Asthmatics too? ;)
What is that from? Is it from some CGI that you guys have in the game?

According to their forums:

Had a chat with Tameem, and we've managed to get approval from Sony to release a screenshot to say a big 'Thank You' for your participation on the forums. So, without further a-do, here's an in-game screen grab of Nariko from one of our cutscenes (resized a little and with some blurring around the edges so it's perfect as a desktop wallpaper).


Tameem (Ninja Tam) said:
I’m assuming most of you have seen the “Cinematic Production” teaser. The facial model and texturing you see is based on the actress and the expression is comprised of a series of blend-shapes driven by the mocap data. Each expression is tweaked by us so that we remain true to the original performance.

Lighting and depth of field is then applied to the scene and the results, I hope you’ll agree, look pretty nice. This particular example doesn’t have the floor in place and we’ve made it into a 1280x1024 size image so that it can be used as a desktop wallpaper.
From a cutscene though, I guess making a point of that implies it's not exactly how it (erm she) will look while playing through the game.

Still it's very impressive, and I cannot wait to get my hands on this game when it's released.