RSX exists (as does PS3 Reference Tool)

xbdestroya said:
Shezad I don't know if you're 'real' or not but I might as well play along for at least one question. Ok grey and noisy, but is it still in the thin rack-mount configuration/form-factor?

Yep..not too thin now, but the form factor it's something like a rack mount unit.

Shezad said:
Yep..not too thin now, but the form factor it's something like a rack mount unit.

I call shenanigans. The quote above is like saying a meat pie from Old Trafford is 'something like a fine steak dinner'.
DeanA said:

I call shenanigans. The quote above is like saying a meat pie from Old Trafford is 'something like a fine steak dinner'.

Oh sure *now* you show up Dean! :cool:

(this is turning into a great hijinks thread)
Sorry I know but I didn't see, a friend of mine told me this, the only thing I know is that the RSX is not a legend.

DeanA said:

I call shenanigans. The quote above is like saying a meat pie from Old Trafford is 'something like a fine steak dinner'.

Right, lets analyse this developer comment and read between the lines to see what he's telling us. Clearly this is just a thinly veiled way of leaking information without breaking his NDA....

So, you're saying that these reference kits are to a rack-mount unit, as a meat pie is to a steak dinner. Meat pies are small, whereas steak-dinners would be quite large. So he might be saying that the devkit is actually huge compared to a rack unit.

On the other hand he might just mean it comes with a choice of ketchup or brown sauce.
This thread needs more winks!

My Freudian algorithm (wink adjusted) confirms that RSX has taped out and that beta reference kits exists, with a lower clocked RSX. Cases come in various sizes and colours like mauve. But no final reference kits exist.
You know what? If I was buying into the RSX thing before due to the Guerilla devs, no reason for me to *stop* buying into it now just because this thread has taken a turn for the bizzarre. So.... yeah! Awesome.
Shezad said:
Sorry I know but I didn't see, a friend of mine told me this, the only thing I know is that the RSX is not a legend.


Cool, that means you're not worrying about Sony's ninjas finding you personally - so go see what else you can weasel out of this friend and leak to us all...

How long has your friend had the beast? since December?
MrWibble said:
Cool, that means you're not worrying about Sony's ninjas finding you personally - so go see what else you can weasel out of this friend and leak to us all...

How long has your friend had the beast? since December?

Nothing more, actually a friend of a friend told my friend about the shape of the kit I don't know sorry

MrWibble said:
he might just mean it comes with a choice of ketchup or brown sauce.
My comment was simply meant to point out that comparing an old devkit (I'm assuming the original poster means the CEB-1000/'Shrek' style one here) against a slim rackmount (as shown in the E3 presentation slides) and saying the 'Shrek' kit is 'something like a rackmount unit' is either the dumbest thing I've ever read, or it just means the original poster has seen a rackmount unit that is close to the size of my fridge. Which is *madness*.

Infact, comparing even the current crop of CEB-20x0 units against a rackmount is something only Stevie Wonder could do with a straight face.

Finally, please note that there is no choice. Meat pies go with brown sauce.. not that ketchup rubbish. :)

DeanA said:
My comment was simply meant to point out that comparing an old devkit (I'm assuming the original poster means the CEB-1000/'Shrek' style one here) against a slim rackmount (as shown in the E3 presentation slides) and saying the 'Shrek' kit is 'something like a rackmount unit' is either the dumbest thing I've ever read, or it just means the original poster has seen a rackmount unit that is close to the size of my fridge. Which is *madness*.

Infact, comparing even the current crop of CEB-20x0 units against a rackmount is something only Stevie Wonder could do with a straight face.

Finally, please note that there is no choice. Meat pies go with brown sauce.. not that ketchup rubbish. :)


I will translate this post for those who don't speak developer "between the lines" language.

The devkits are the size of a Ford Fiesta, and are brown in colour.
I remember in one of the B3D threads, one dev asked the other whether he has benchmarked the "noisy" unit (alluding to PS3 dev kits).

I want to co-relate Shezad's post to that old post and say RSX "Lesser" version may have existed since then, but are all PS3 dev kits noisy ? Noisy is relative and unprecise... Dang !
So Dean, are the new dev kits as thin as the ones indicated in the PS Meeting slide?

I'll even make it NDA friendly: are they still supposed to be that thin? :)