RSX exists (as does PS3 Reference Tool)

Do you think so?

I think PS3 will be a succes, but it would also be a succes without BR. I don't think it matters significantly...
pipo said:
Do you think so?

I think PS3 will be a succes, but it would also be a succes without BR. I don't think it matters significantly...

It would be a success, but i think Bluray can make it even more successfull than it would have been without. In the end no one can tell. PS3 has bluray and it will be very successful. :D
The PS3 could have an 8-track player from 1979 and would still be sucessfull, Blu-Ray matters little most consumers won't even know what the hell BR is when the PS3 hits the shelves IMO, shoot most people I know already think DVD is HDTV, yes sad I know but true.
c0_re said:
...shoot most people I know already think DVD is HDTV, yes sad I know but true...

Absolutely true. People think anything 'digital' is also HD for some reason.
So now that the RSX is actually "real"...when would have been the time table be for it's tape out?
ROG27 said:
So now that the RSX is actually "real"...when would have been the time table be for it's tape out?

Well, no reason then to doubt it's tape-out towards the 'end of summer' as previously indicated back in spring of last year.
So, safe to expect Sony has started mass production? We've seen the PS3 playing Bluray movies at the show, it must be ready-ish...

They might be churning out one console a day, but hey at least they started!! :devilish:
london-boy said:
So, safe to expect Sony has started mass production? We've seen the PS3 playing Bluray movies at the show, it must be ready-ish...

They might be churning out one console a day, but hey at least they started!! :devilish:

Amazing....I made a post in the other thread that said the exact same thing you just said.

Brilliant minds think alike.
Nicked said:
Sure it is. Its as close to point-blank saying "fuck yeah, we're a Sony first-party, of course we have it" as you're going to get.

As much as I'd like to see this true, it could also be a smart way of implying that they've got it, everything is on schedule while not exactly lying that things are not that way. (while at the same time not getting anyone into trouble)

It's like telling a girl that's asking you if you're single "would I be here with you doing this if I weren't?"

Go figure. :devilish:

:!: <EDIT>: No! I AM NOT implying anything with the above example!!
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Phil said:
As much as I'd like to see this true, it could also be a smart way of implying that they've got it, everything is on schedule while not exactly lying that things are not that way. (while at the same time not getting anyone into trouble)

It's like telling a girl that's asking you if you're single "would I be here with you doing this if I weren't?"

Go figure. :devilish:

:!: <EDIT>: No! I AM NOT implying anything with the above example!!

So basically you're saying he would be flat out lying...because that is what you are saying.

I don't really think that is the was expected the units were to ship in December.
ROG27 said:
So basically you're saying he would be flat out lying...because that is what you are saying.

I don't really think that is the was expected the units were to ship in December.

All he's saying, which is perfectly reasonable, is that the developer has basically said nothing at all other than hint at something and allow the reader to draw a conclusion.

Just because one assumption might seem the most likely intepretation does not make the developer in question a liar if in fact the true situation were different. In fact that's probably exactly why they've been vague - they wouldn't be allowed to confirm it if they have a devkit nor if they haven't. So they've said, basically, nothing.

I wouldn't assume anything from their statement, but if it satisifies everyone and stops people posting threads here every couple of days asking if RSX has turned up yet, more power to them :)
MrWibble said:
I wouldn't assume anything from their statement, but if it satisifies everyone and stops people posting threads here every couple of days asking if RSX has turned up yet, more power to them :)
If only! Though hopefully the PS3 BluRay demo is enough confirmation RSX exists in the flesh to stop the questions.
MrWibble said:
All he's saying, which is perfectly reasonable, is that the developer has basically said nothing at all other than hint at something and allow the reader to draw a conclusion.

Just because one assumption might seem the most likely intepretation does not make the developer in question a liar if in fact the true situation were different. In fact that's probably exactly why they've been vague - they wouldn't be allowed to confirm it if they have a devkit nor if they haven't. So they've said, basically, nothing.

I wouldn't assume anything from their statement, but if it satisifies everyone and stops people posting threads here every couple of days asking if RSX has turned up yet, more power to them :)

I agree with you that this is a possible scenario...but remember, a tester on the guerilla team on the same board was the first to tell ME that the E3 trailer wasn't realtime, that it in fact was a prerendered Target the same kinda way...which turned out to be accurate (rendered on Lightwave and Maya but sharing visual assets/ art with actual game).

Why would they blow themselves up like that and than lie about something so seemingly unimportant?
ROG27 said:
Why would they blow themselves up like that and than lie about something so seemingly unimportant?

Because whether or not RSX actually exists...they wouldn't be lying...they didn't say anything. ;)
Well, "Do the math" implies that 2+2 = 4. in other words, the most reasonable assumption is the right assumption.

2 (we made a good PS2 game) + 2(we're a first party dev) = 4(yes we have final devkits)
To be clear...

The question posed was not "final dev kits". The question asked was about a "PS3 Reference tool" which for all we know has changed in form over the past months. In other words, I am very confident that they have the latest available dev kit that Sony has distributed, but less confident that it includes final hardware.
Joe DeFuria said:
To be clear...

The question posed was not "final dev kits". The question asked was about a "PS3 Reference tool" which for all we know has changed in form over the past months. In other words, I am very confident that they have the latest available dev kit that Sony has distributed, but less confident that it includes final hardware.

I don't know if it's the final iteration of RSX...or RSX running at full power...but it certainly seems like some form of RSX itself....not a substitute PC card.

Stolen from PSboard...Killzone forum (once again):

"-GODS- Ant UK wrote:


Just a few more question's, now some of them might conflict with PS3 NDA's so i dont expect all of them to be answeared

1. The EE inside PS2 was used primary as a CPU, But wtih Cell it has the ability to render graphics aswel along side RSX. Does this provide any extra problems, with cache and data confliction between the two chips??

2. Is there anything you wish that the next generation PS3 had that it does'nt ( besides more power )

3. Are you guys going to be pushing the whole Cell and RSX rendering relationship, or are you going to wait till PS3 is further in its life cycle??

4. What do think of Developers that take the easy way out and use third party Dev software instead of creating there own??Do you guys plan on enableing other dev's to use your software??

Thanks alot


Okay, here goes (just before I shoot off to work today):

1. Actually, the EE on the PS2 had vector units we *had* to use for graphics, with Cell you can write to the RSX from any part of Cell, but you don't have to. It's more of an option, so that's cool, it makes it easier. Also, cache and DMA management on the PS2 was very difficult and they've taken another look at that with Cell and made it easier (i.e. Cell does a lot for you that you had to do manually before).

Btw, that's a really low-level question for a forum-post, good one :)

2. There's always wishes, where would we be if we were satisfied.. But no, nothing that springs to mind immediately that's lacking. Of course, MORE and FASTER always sounds good to me.

3. We'll sure be maxing out the RSX and be pushing a number of SPU's in succession, but it all depends a bit. Sorry, have to be a bit vague there.

4. Oh, that makes perfect sense for a lot of people, but it's not a thing for Killzone (we like to have something tailored exactly to our needs). We have no plans of licensing our engine out, but one of the cool things about us being acquired by Sony and the World Wide Studios thing is that we can now work much more closely with other 1st party Sony studios (and there are some *really* good Sony studios!).

And no worries, I don't think we even got anywhere close to PS3 NDA's.

Michiel "
ROG27 said:
I don't know if it's the final iteration of RSX...or RSX running at full power...but it certainly seems like some form of RSX itself....not a substitute PC card.

I honestly don't know where you get the idea that there is certainly an RSX in their dev kit from that.

At most I would guess that they have a cell based kit, and a GPU that is at least similar in capability to RSX....but this is nothing new.
Joe DeFuria said:
I honestly don't know where you get the idea that there is certainly an RSX in their dev kit from that.

At most I would guess that they have a cell based kit, and a GPU that is at least similar in capability to RSX....but this is nothing new.

Well Joe this whole thing aside though, what do you think - if you *had* to guess.

RSX or not?

Because it's getting to be about time, y'know? ;)

Even for those who expect a delay in PS3's launch!