Pre-Order Info/Help - PS4/XO

When preordering PS4 bundle with Drive Club (439 Euros) in German Amazon, you get apparently 20 Euro off, such that you pay 420 only...nice.

Anyway, I have both preordered long time ago. Still waiting before preordering games though...probably nearly all launch games for both of em.
Congratulations to your upcoming children!
Also, forget about gaming completely for the next five years, or your partner will be completely justified in dropping you for someone better. Seriously.

It's easier the smaller they are because they sleep more. After that it gets more difficult.
Yeah, it wasn't that bad for me either. Online gaming however becomes pretty much impossible. Start the Party's fly swatting game was the first and most popular console game by the way (he can play all the mini games only now that he turned 5, but that one was easy and great). But from the age of one they can already start using touch screen flipbooks and soundboards, virtual dice etc. It's amazing.
There are pro's and con's about it.

Amen to that. I had a play and charge kit for my 360 controllers and it was absolutely terrible. Within a year the thing basically became a glorified power cord because the cheap-ass li-ion batteries inside of it couldn't hold a charge anymore. My PS3 controllers aren't quite what they used to be either.
Appygamer are running a poll to check out first day purchases. It's currently running at 79:21(%) in favour of the PS4. Looks to be ~6000 responses so far but it's only a few hours old.
Appygamer are running a poll to check out first day purchases. It's currently running at 79:21(%) in favour of the PS4. Looks to be ~6000 responses so far but it's only a few hours old.

yet i wouldn't be surprised if xbo outsells ps4 first npd...

it's important to note ps3 would have imo won a similar poll over 360 by a similar margin. the internet overwhelmingly favoring sony is not new.
I think MS is going to ship more units. They probably spent the money to lock down more fabricating than Sony and DDR3 is easier to come by than GDDR5.
yet i wouldn't be surprised if xbo outsells ps4 first npd...

it's important to note ps3 would have imo won a similar poll over 360 by a similar margin. the internet overwhelmingly favoring sony is not new.

Apart from the audience for Appygamer isn't the same demographic as forum users. There are lots of crossovers but the make up for AG is more casual by nature, after all it is an android\ios app.
I think MS is going to ship more units. They probably spent the money to lock down more fabricating than Sony and DDR3 is easier to come by than GDDR5.

Well if the APU is their bottleneck (even more likely post-bump), then the amount of DDR3 they can buy is irrelevant.
Based on the ps3? everyone expected the ps3 to win, but afaik the internet buzz was negative. Which was warranted back then I might add.

It was overwhelmingly positive PS3 up until a month or more after launch when games either didn't materialize or were noticeably poor in comparison to X360 games (multiplatform).

It was overwhelmingly positive PS3 up until a month or more after launch when games either didn't materialize or were noticeably poor in comparison to X360 games (multiplatform).
Your recollection of current gen pre/post-lanch is at significant variance with me. I recall Sony being vilified, justifiably, due to "second job" suggestions, giant enemy crabs, vast technical backtracking (remember when PS3 would output two 1080p screens via dual-HDMI ports?), Killzone 2 bullshit target videos - in fact it's hard to imagine anything Sony could have done worse pre-launch. Then post-launch, it sold out for a few weeks then was available everywhere because of the lack of launch games despite all the Blu-ray laser diode production issues. The European launch (March 2007) was better but I vividly recall the US and Japan launches and begin close to cancelling my order but Virtua Fighter 5, R&C Tools of Destruction and Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion kept me there.

The fact PS3 sales eventually drew level/surpassed (depending on which sources you believe) with the 360 is nothing sort of miraculous. The PS3 launch, and the following nine months, was like a freeway pileup, where the freeway then collapses then an asteroids hits followed by killer bees :-/
The PS3 launch, and the following nine months, was like a freeway pileup, where the freeway then collapses then an asteroids hits followed by killer bees :-/

That sounds like sunday movie I could lazily watch....
yet i wouldn't be surprised if xbo outsells ps4 first npd...

it's important to note ps3 would have imo won a similar poll over 360 by a similar margin. the internet overwhelmingly favoring sony is not new.

When both sell-out, it's a supply issue, not a demand one. Heck, even the Wii U managed 3 million in that quarter. Also don't forget that people will put aside their feelings for great games and Titanfall, if executed correctly, appears to be Microsoft's ace in the hole and try to get the network effect going and that's a Spring game after holidays are over.

I also am still surprised that the $299 console with subscription wasn't implemented. Maybe for Spring as well. Smartphones have proven people have little concept of how much they are paying over time. For instance, a person who upgrades their iPhone every 2 years will have spent 3x more on their phone than their computer (ASP $454 for a computer vs $650 x2 for an iPhone). Sony is less likely since it means deferring much needed revenues.