Pre-Order Info/Help - PS4/XO

I don't know how recent this news is, but they've stopped taking Xbox One pre-orders on the dashboard over here.
Sony seems to have put a hard limit on the number of PS4's available in the UK at least. If you don't get your pre-order before Monday 5th you won't be able to get a launch day console.

Sounds like they are very supply constrained already for the launch window.
I am currently in Dubai and I have noticed that stores are taking pre orders for PS4 but I have seen nothing regarding XBone
the ps4 wont make money on hardware alone at the $400 price point. Maybe with games and accessory sales.

The only thing I have seen regarding PS4 price was from Patcher at E3 where he said during an interview that PS4 was selling at modest profit. Are there more recent reports about the price of PS4 that suggest its selling at a loss or breakeven?
As much as I love gaming and wouldn't mind picking up and xb1 or a PS4 at launch, I can't get myself to preorder. I've preordered like two to three games and everytime I got a call saying the games are ready for pickup, I went "pfft" and carried on with my day and forgot to go pick them up. I've never been motivated to preorder a console.

Maybe I am crazy but it seems that on a subconscious level, reservation ruins part of the excitement for me. Its like as a child, your parents putting your christmas gifts under the tree on the 20th, packaged in transparent wrapping paper.

Pre Ordered my XBOX 180+90 today, still on track to get the launch edition, the Gamestop dude didn't really know what the price would be, nor the date or if what they would include in the "bonus" package,

He did make a point of how it would support used games and that he estimated it to be $100-200 more expensive than the PS4 and he blamed the Kinect.

They only had a PS4 pre-order here sign in front of the store, nothing on the XBOX 1
The store in my city, what they have done with the signs - PS4 is eye level so you really notice it. Xbox is well quite a bit higher up, so you really don't notice it unless you think I wonder what that other piece of paper says.

So when you open the front door you only have PS4 in your vision, a bit clever I thought.

As much as I love gaming and wouldn't mind picking up and xb1 or a PS4 at launch, I can't get myself to preorder. I've preordered like two to three games and everytime I got a call saying the games are ready for pickup, I went "pfft" and carried on with my day and forgot to go pick them up. I've never been motivated to preorder a console.

Maybe I am crazy but it seems that on a subconscious level, reservation ruins part of the excitement for me. Its like as a child, your parents putting your christmas gifts under the tree on the 20th, packaged in transparent wrapping paper.


We have twins on the way, so it is an early baby present so I can stay sane during the early months. But actually is my first true pre-order, I have always just waited. I did get the original Xbox during launch week, it was a bit of a challenge to find for sure.
Sony seems to have put a hard limit on the number of PS4's available in the UK at least. If you don't get your pre-order before Monday 5th you won't be able to get a launch day console.

Sounds like they are very supply constrained already for the launch window.
I'm not so sure. There was that IGN UK report that covered an Amazon UK press released stating that, at during E3 week, Amazon were taking 2,500 nextgen console preorders per minute.

I think it's likely that demand will outstrip supply for both consoles during launch, but I also think that they'll be more consoles than ever this time around because both company's products are grounded in well understood technology and neither are pushing the boundaries in terms of custom or new technology or clock speeds.
Is there a reason the Xbox pre-order option has disappeared from the dashboard, but not the website?
The store in my city, what they have done with the signs - PS4 is eye level so you really notice it. Xbox is well quite a bit higher up, so you really don't notice it unless you think I wonder what that other piece of paper says.

So when you open the front door you only have PS4 in your vision, a bit clever I thought.

We have twins on the way, so it is an early baby present so I can stay sane during the early months. But actually is my first true pre-order, I have always just waited. I did get the original Xbox during launch week, it was a bit of a challenge to find for sure.

Congratulations to your upcoming children!
Also, forget about gaming completely for the next five years, or your partner will be completely justified in dropping you for someone better. Seriously.
Also, forget about gaming completely for the next five years, or your partner will be completely justified in dropping you for someone better. Seriously.

That's way too extreme...
I have some friends with little children and yes, it completely changed their lifestyle.. but it's not like they never played a game ever again.
And no, none of them got insta-dumped by their wives for playing a videogame once in a while.
Heck, there are cases where people actually play more because they have to be home at night/weekends more often and you don't need (shouldn't, actually?) to be all over the child the whole time during their first 5 years.
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Congratulations to your upcoming children!
Also, forget about gaming completely for the next five years, or your partner will be completely justified in dropping you for someone better. Seriously.

Seriously, it's nothing you can judge. Gaming has nothing to do with kids, but everything to do with the relationship. Most of my WOW Semi Hardcore playing was done after i had kids. It's easy enough if you can work it out with your GF. And most kids sleep well at night, leaving plenty of time to play.
When our first child arrived I thought long and hard about how to balance work, family, gaming, and sleep. My work is long hours but can be pretty random when I am called upon. Sometimes it's a 9-5 other times I can be analysing logs at 5am.

I decided that sleep was the none required element! So in order to fit in gaming and anime consumption I do all that from 11pm to 2am. Then sleep from 3am to 7am. It took some conditioning but I got there!!
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What do you need a play and charge kit for?

If you don't want to use your own batteries (rechargeable or otherwise).

I wonder how many mAH the Play and Charge kit battery is. I'm thinking of just using Eneloops when I get a controller for the PC.

The controllers doesn't come with a rechargeable battery? Now that is a surprise, welcome to 2013 we are still working on putting rechargeable batteries in our controllers.

So my Starwars edition was pimped out afterall.. :)

There are pro's and con's about it.
Cons? My wii controllers piss me off.

Oros, My Xbox and ps3 does not, because I can recharge them.

My launch ps3 pad still work's just fine. It's money milking or desperate old school. It's just stupid in 2013.

If it was truly money milking they wouldn't provide an option out of the box to use any AA battery you want. They would instead only allow specially designed batteries (like notebooks and many cameras, for example).

And for me, internal non-replaceable batteries is a serious drawback. I know it's seen as a value add to some (which is perfectly fine), but for me and many other like me it isn't. I'll never buy something with a non-replaceable battery if I have a choice of something with a replaceable battery.

It doesn't matter to me that many on these forums haven't had a problem with them because I know just as many people in RL who have replaced their PS3 controllers as the battery life became too low for them. For some of them, they can not hook up a USB to charge while playing (the wife won't let them, pets get in the way, toddlers trip over them, etc.). For others, they complain about how if they want a wired controller they would get a wired controller, and thus refuse to play it while connected (yes, weird, I know but I do know those types of people). Then again for most of them, 50-60 USD for a new controller is pocket change as they make that much in 1 or 2 hours of work at most.

I can easily afford to do that as well, but I have this ingrained money saving thing that makes it difficult to waste money like that. Used to drive some of my past g/f's absolutely bonkers. :) So for me, I'd rather just save money by being able to just replace the battery at any moment. And the convenience of never having to be corded while playing is very nice.

The ps3 controllers batteri can be replaced.

It's embarrassing that they still do this in 2013, what's next, no wifi?

And please don't tell me that recharging is a problem everyone does it on a daily basis. Built in batteries are the norm today apples phones, and laptops costs way more and does the same.

So that's a $525 console and I still need a headset. Unless they support standard bluetooth.

Kinect has mics .

Anyway , last gen I had a energizer charger station. I'd put both my controlers on it along withmy head set

The great thing is I would be able to just pop in double a batteries if I needed to. No cords at all and there is a good 20 feet or so between where I set and where I play my games. I wouldn't want a cable that long
Really? An entire thread was dedicated to the battery situation and was discussed ad nauseum. Do not turn this thread into that topic or it too will be closed.