Pre-Order Info/Help - PS4/XO

All games will be available digitally. I haven't pre-ordered any games for that reason though we have no idea if the servers will survive everyone trying to download their day one patch plus digital games at once. I really hope they have a robust CDN ready to go.

Yes , but certain games have day one content . I'm not sure if the DD verison will offer that content or if its only avalible on the disc.
Yes , but certain games have day one content . I'm not sure if the DD verison will offer that content or if its only avalible on the disc.

Hard to say as Amaozn only lists generic verbiage where MS specifically lists out what it includes.

MS Store for Dead Rising 3 for Xbox One:
Includes exclusive Frank West and Chuck Greene Tribute Packs with bonus attributes.

Where Amazon says:
Day One Edition includes exclusive in-game content that will unlock unique items and experiences and collectible box art

Naturally the physical box art won't be included in the DD versions.
But it's not going to last long with Digital Media (Films, TV, Music, Video), DLC, Digital Only games, and all the extra stuff that the OS will needlessly fill the HD with.

I seriously hope they allow all media to be stored externally and that there is a sensible limit on the external drive size.

Thought the interface has always been slow on my machines. Microsoft always allowed you to store your video (TV/Movies) content on your computer. You had to/have to use the Zune software and as I said it was never ideal for me made even more cumbersome with their being no Mac version (so I ran through Parallels) but it was available for use. There was also something else ridiculous that I can't recall exactly how it went but the downloaded would or wouldn't work in the 360 Video player but then wouldn't or would work in the 360 MCE. You could also store your music but that's when the Zune Pass was different than it is now and I think most would simply just prefer to keep streaming and not worry about storing music.
I see that the PS4 pricing in Mexico undercuts XB1 by the equivalent of $200. Since that pricing is liable to be seen across all the other Latin American countries that may create quite a considerable disparity in world wide sales figures.
Hard to say as Amaozn only lists generic verbiage where MS specifically lists out what it includes.

MS Store for Dead Rising 3 for Xbox One:
Includes exclusive Frank West and Chuck Greene Tribute Packs with bonus attributes.

Where Amazon says:
Day One Edition includes exclusive in-game content that will unlock unique items and experiences and collectible box art

Naturally the physical box art won't be included in the DD versions.

hope its correct. I'd rather buy my stuff DD
hope its correct. I'd rather buy my stuff DD

I'm wondering if DD takes off how they will continue to upsell people through pre-orders with physical goods. All publishers want DD since those games can't be re-sold, but those up sells generate some good profit as well. Decisions, decisions.
I'm wondering if DD takes off how they will continue to upsell people through pre-orders with physical goods. All publishers want DD since those games can't be re-sold, but those up sells generate some good profit as well. Decisions, decisions.

Use coupons for HDD or other peripherals !
I'm wondering if DD takes off how they will continue to upsell people through pre-orders with physical goods. All publishers want DD since those games can't be re-sold, but those up sells generate some good profit as well. Decisions, decisions.

I'm sure certain retailers (Gamestop/Amazon/Best Buy) will continue to have exclusive pre-order bonuses for games. It's enough that it makes some of my friends who buy everything on Steam, occasionally buy physical boxed copies of a game.

I'm sure certain retailers (Gamestop/Amazon/Best Buy) will continue to have exclusive pre-order bonuses for games. It's enough that it makes some of my friends who buy everything on Steam, occasionally buy physical boxed copies of a game.


Thing is most games with Steamworks DRM have no downside to buying physical copies since Tue disc isn't important, the code is. With the Xbox One DRM scheme dead, physical copies are not the same as digital. For example, I don't see how you can ever allow someone to play without the disc if they bought a physical copy.

But yea I buy steam games on disc all the time. I got bioshock infinite for $40 bucks and the season pass for $15 at gamestop and just installed them on steam

The old xbox way would have been the same.
Thing is most games with Steamworks DRM have no downside to buying physical copies since Tue disc isn't important, the code is. With the Xbox One DRM scheme dead, physical copies are not the same as digital. For example, I don't see how you can ever allow someone to play without the disc if they bought a physical copy.

Yeah, very true. /sigh. Ah well, at least on the bright side since PC is still my platform of choice the backwards nature of consoles won't affect me much. :)

I still haven't seen anything that would make me want to buy a PS4 or Xbox One. I got an X360 for Gears of War, and in the past 8 years, I've played a total of like 10 or so games on it? Just not worth it if all it does is play games. I will miss my Dynasty Warriors though. :(

Although if Kinect is vastly improved as are the exercise "games" I may pick one up just to have something to do during the Winter to keep in shape.

Maybe PC gaming would be better off is most computers sold weren't laptops these days. So you need to drop at least $500 specifically on a computer for gaming since you would already have a laptop for most of your computing needs, at which point you might as well own a $399 PS4 which is cheaper and requires no separate configuration. And sure, Steam has great sales but its the large sticker price that matters, not the delayed gratification that comes when you buy a game 9 months after it was released. And multiplayer as well, adios to that if your friends don't game on PC as well.

I get the point of PC gaming, but I don't see it ever being the primary position it once had simply because it really does cost more in the end for the average person who wants average graphics or the high end person who wants high end graphics. The person who wants great graphics today but meh graphics 6 years from now so they don't care to upgrade their GPU really doesn't exist in my book.

/end rant
I notice on Amazon XB1 launch edition is still available, and has been falling down the charts. (though as I check right now it seems to have risen to #6 again). (PS4 launch edition has been sold out for a good while, only the not guaranteed launch edition and bundles have been available.)

Just, interesting. Interesting that stock/demand balance was such that it has still not sold out, and that demand is slack enough that it started falling while still available.

The sales right now must be quite low compared to peak. I surmise this because for 2013 to date, PS4 has been stuck on #3 and XB1 #6 for a while now.

From that we conclude PS4 sold more (obviously) and since XB1 has been ahead since PS4 launch sold out, the XB1 sales currently are not enough to move XB1 up from #6 YTD in the last few days, thus volume is comparatively light.
Ps4 now has 3 sku in the top 100 for 2013 on amazon. Launch at #3(sold out for weeks), watchdog bundle #88, standard at 95. Ps4 controller at 87

only xbone thing is launch edition at 6.
Maybe PC gaming would be better off is most computers sold weren't laptops these days. So you need to drop at least $500 specifically on a computer for gaming since you would already have a laptop for most of your computing needs, at which point you might as well own a $399 PS4 which is cheaper and requires no separate configuration. And sure, Steam has great sales but its the large sticker price that matters, not the delayed gratification that comes when you buy a game 9 months after it was released. And multiplayer as well, adios to that if your friends don't game on PC as well.

I get the point of PC gaming, but I don't see it ever being the primary position it once had simply because it really does cost more in the end for the average person who wants average graphics or the high end person who wants high end graphics. The person who wants great graphics today but meh graphics 6 years from now so they don't care to upgrade their GPU really doesn't exist in my book.

/end rant

Oh I agree, if I didn't also use my PC for work I'm not entirely sure I'd continue to invest in PC gaming. I probably would as I can afford it, but it wouldn't be as easy of a decision. As well, until KB/Mouse is fully supported by all FPS games on consoles and RTS comes to consoles with the same KB/Mouse support, then consoles will never be able to be my main gaming system.

And if it isn't my main gaming system, then a console is 100% useless to me (personally) as a gaming system as I won't play enough games on it to justify the cost. Now if it does a lot of other things in a better way than my other living room devices, it becomes relevant again. Hence, why I'm still waiting for Sony and Microsoft to show their final version of their living room experience before deciding whether to get one or other or to just skip them entirely.

For most people consoles are definitely the way to go for gaming. The hardware is cheaper, there's less hassle, there's less security risks, etc. Not many people think about or are willing to wait for prices to inevitably drop for DD only games on PC which make the platform somewhat cost competitive. Although that kind of goes out the window if you're an enthusiast PC gamer that upgrades components every 1-2 years.

Gamestop have now stopped taking ps4 pre-orders. And this after they stated that Sony said they should keep going as there will be no cap. It looks like the demmand for pre-orders has exceeded everything Sony had planned for.
Gamestop have now stopped taking ps4 pre-orders. And this after they stated that Sony said they should keep going as there will be no cap. It looks like the demmand for pre-orders has exceeded everything Sony had planned for.

Gamestop was already in a tough spot last month in regards to preorders vs allotment . They have another xbox 360 launch on their hands .
Gamestop was already in a tough spot last month in regards to preorders vs allotment . They have another xbox 360 launch on their hands .

Gamestop seems to have been taking every possible pre-order they could. Was there ever any guarantee that you'd get a system on day 1? I find it weird that Amazon would sell out of its day one allotment so quickly but Gamestop would still have them for a month.
Part of that might be related to GameStop forcing you to buy a game with the system, so they don't actually sell just a base system. Its a digital world so who would want to be forced to buy physical media?