Maybe PC gaming would be better off is most computers sold weren't laptops these days. So you need to drop at least $500 specifically on a computer for gaming since you would already have a laptop for most of your computing needs, at which point you might as well own a $399 PS4 which is cheaper and requires no separate configuration. And sure, Steam has great sales but its the large sticker price that matters, not the delayed gratification that comes when you buy a game 9 months after it was released. And multiplayer as well, adios to that if your friends don't game on PC as well.
I get the point of PC gaming, but I don't see it ever being the primary position it once had simply because it really does cost more in the end for the average person who wants average graphics or the high end person who wants high end graphics. The person who wants great graphics today but meh graphics 6 years from now so they don't care to upgrade their GPU really doesn't exist in my book.
/end rant