PlayStation 4 firmware updates (and Betas)

Does PS4-PC Remote Play work over Internet or only if both are on same network?
Like PS4-Vita RP works.

Edit: Yes, I know Vita remote play works over Internet, sorry for being ambiquous.
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RP app is out for PC/Mac, beta 3.50 users can use it @
It works great for me in 720p60. It requires USB connected DS4, but basic keyb controls [arrows,enter,escape] seem to work also.

GAF of course started testing most important software immediately:


remoteplay to Steam VR Virtual Desktop. enjoy in huuuuuuuuuuuuuge screen.

btw FW 3.50 didn't bring the new store design. I wonder why...
PS4-Vita over internet works fine? I demo'd to my mate at work when PS4 was released.
Remote play over Internet is a feature with Vita-PS4 remote play, can't really comment if it's working fine or not as apparently my router is not compatible or something...
PS4-PC RP seems to work quite well, tried it with 720p resolution and High Framerate. For example Amplitude was still quite playable.
Remote play over Internet is a feature with Vita-PS4 remote play, can't really comment if it's working fine or not as apparently my router is not compatible or something...
It's as good as the network connection. I've used it over 4G just to see if in could. It was a lot better than I expected. Useless metric alert!
Ok, so this friend notification can be enabled per friend. Now that's much more useful. I thought on PS3 it was just for any friend? I hated that.

Teen account is great, but my boy is just turning 8 so it's not good enough! :D His friend just turned 9 and got a PS4 as well, so they would be good for the Play Together feature and not have to use our adult accounts. Well, I'll see if I can just lie ... I bet this has made that easier at least. Also nice that management of online storage got easier. They mention it's not actually an exhaustive list, so will be interesting to see what Gaf uncovers.
Since I installed 3.50, the cat has not come out from behind the sofa and the washing machine is reporting a door lock error.

Unbelievable, Sony!

Dude, I haven't even installed 3.50 yet but my Firefox already crashed last night!
How can they even allow that sorry excuse of a QC department to have jobs?
I just tried the remove play and it worked right away. I set everything to max and played Rayman Legends. Framerate isn't perfectly smooth and it's not as lag free as on the TV, but I could finish the level pretty easily and plugging in the DS4 just worked. All in all nice addition!
Tried it last night on my Surface Pro 4 (PS4 w/ gigabit ethernet, SP4 w/ 5GHz WiFi).
Performance at 720p60 was generally good. I only felt some stuttering a couple of times but nothing major.
720p feels rather low-quality in the 12.3" 2.7K screen though, probably because it's a low resolution coupled with x264 artifacts and very low color saturation.
When I stream from a PC at 1920*1200 the difference is really big, though.
Also nice that management of online storage got easier. They mention it's not actually an exhaustive list, so will be interesting to see what Gaf uncovers.

So far as I can tell, management of online storage, and saved data storage in general, is just as cumbersome as it was before the update. The separation of USB, local and online storage for save game management is still clumsy from a navigation perspective. Save data still can't be managed (copy or delete) at the game view (only in the individual games sub-directory) and deleting something still pushes you back up to the top level where you have to drill back down through menus to delete something else (especially annoying when managing online saves which have a pause when loading). The only real genuine improvement is the fact that you can now see how much online storage you have left. Unfortunately, you have to navigate down to an individual save game folder to get that info. It's not surfaced at the top level for some reason (at least not that I can find). Further, failed downloads still don't show you how much space you need to clear up when viewing the error like they use to or even just how big the download is in total until after its successfully started downloading (this is not an issue particular to 3.5 but I was hoping they would resurface that data as it had been previously).

When I stream from a PC at 1920*1200 the difference is really big, though.

Tried it out on a 1920*1200 monitor at 720p@60 as well and thought it looked pretty good. I had grabbed a PSTV when they went on sale for $20 specifically for Remote Play at my desk. The app seems like a viable (and more convenient for my use case) replacement.
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