PlayStation 4 firmware updates (and Betas)

Seriously, are you telling me Sony/PS4 did not have the following features before the upcoming firmware? Did the PS3 have these features? I just assumed Sony/PS4 already had these features since I'm used to having them for the past 11 years on other platforms.

New Social Features
  • Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign on the network.
  • Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being bothered by friends. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.
PS3 had the notifications - they were a little annoying because they'd also tell you when someone went offline.
Seriously, are you telling me Sony/PS4 did not have the following features before the upcoming firmware? Did the PS3 have these features? I just assumed Sony/PS4 already had these features since I'm used to having them for the past 11 years on other platforms.
I've checked and nope. There are notifications options for all sorts of rubbish including Current Song (!) and Activities (no idea) but not friends coming online. I've got everything switched off apart from Trophies so I must remember to switch these off - I bet they default to on - in 3.50.
May be placebo or the fact that the ps4 database got rebuilt but i'm thinking this update made the OS a bit snappier, especially when you have an app running. Tried 2-3 games and it's much better than pre-3.50.
Actually there is nothing major in the feature list apart from the pc streaming, which is not available in beta. So you might be right and behind the small features there are some important non visible changes.
Seriously, are you telling me Sony/PS4 did not have the following features before the upcoming firmware? Did the PS3 have these features? I just assumed Sony/PS4 already had these features since I'm used to having them for the past 11 years on other platforms.

You act as if features from one gen to another being different is news. MS has been doing the same thing between the XB1. Features were missing and they were slowly added back.
May be placebo or the fact that the ps4 database got rebuilt but i'm thinking this update made the OS a bit snappier, especially when you have an app running. Tried 2-3 games and it's much better than pre-3.50.

Rebuilding database does make the gui snappier. Dunno why.
Firmware 3.50 out tomorrow. Not compatible with any cats and it will randomly delete some of your data. New features (bugs are free) includes:
  • Appear offline (hide from your friends..)
  • Friend online notification (..while stalking them)
  • User schedule events
  • Play Together (if you have no real friends)
  • Remote Play - PC and Mac. (finally I can game on my Mac!)
  • Broadcast to Dailymotion (your guess is as good as mine).
  • Teen Account Creation
  • Some other stuff.. read the posted link.
Although I think the feature of streaming to the PC is great, I'm more than a bit disappointed that it can't do 1080p 30FPS, even though it can do 720p 60 FPS.
GCN 1.0 GPUs for the PCs can do 1080p 60FPS encoding in real-time, so if it's a hardware limitation, it's coming from the CPU.
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Friend online notification (..while stalking them)
I wish they'd remove the notification when my controller powers off. I don't need to see this - and hear a hugely loud friggin "ding!" sound effect - right in the middle of me watching a movie! It's incredibly disruptive. :mad:
I wish they'd remove the notification when my controller powers off. I don't need to see this - and hear a hugely loud friggin "ding!" sound effect - right in the middle of me watching a movie! It's incredibly disruptive. :mad:
Make a second profile to watch movies in peace with all notification disabled?
Although I think the feature of streaming to the PC is great, I'm more than a bit disappointed that it can't do 1080p 30FPS, even though it can do 720p 60 FPS.
GCN 1.0 GPUs for the PCs can do 1080p 60FPS encoding in real-time, so if it's a hardware limitation, it's coming from the CPU.
I'm more disappointed with no ability to rebind keys.


I guess the unofficial pc remoteplay is still superior then.
Paid PC remote play app appeared few months back, google it. I tested it briefly, and it was very buggy, especially the button rebinding part.
Teen account creation? Interesting...but what I'd really like is the X360 style time limitaions or even better Windows style so I can ensure my boy isn't playing all night.