Official GT5 discussion thread

After installing you actually get a completely new icon on the main GT-Life screen called Test and that brings you straight to the Test Track.
I wasn't aware you could drive the Spa DLC track in the seasonal events without having purchased it. It's quite a nice surprise. It's a really good track.
I wasn't aware you could drive the Spa DLC track in the seasonal events without having purchased it. It's quite a nice surprise. It's a really good track.

Yeah, they're taking the weakness of not having a proper DLC system in place and always having to update the full game into a strength with that feature.
It's assumed its for GT6, but I could see it come out as DLC for 5 as well. I think the sales figures of Spa (and all the DLC so far really) were really good. Of course anything they scan now will be scanned to the level that they can use the data in GT6, so one doesn't exclude the other. If true we could see it by the end of the year at the latest, depending on what they already have in the pipeline.
Yeah, they're taking the weakness of not having a proper DLC system in place and always having to update the full game into a strength with that feature.

I hadn't played GT5 in quite a while. Forcing me to download 9 patches, about 2 Gb of data all together, taking an hour to download. But it's nice to be able to play a track like this before purchasing. Before this I really wasn't interested in buying new tracks. But now that I know what I'm getting makes it all the more appealing.
Gran Turismo 5 Photo Stream Service Launches in Asia

As reported a month ago, the Photo Stream service of Gran Turismo 5 has now gone live. Using this function, any photo set by any player to “Share with Friends” will be anonymously published to the official Gran Turismo website for anyone to see, rather than limiting your works to only the people on your PSN Friends list. There is, however, a small catch in that the service is not available yet to users outside Japan and Asia:

“The new “GT5 Photo Stream” service has been started on In GT5 Photo Stream, photographs taken in the photo mode of Gran Turismo 5 and set to “Share with Friends” are be shown in a list on a webpage, and can be viewed publicly by anyone. [...] This service is initially limited to Japan and Asia.”

Other regions’ players have been greeted by the following update to the original February announcement:

“[March 15 Addendum] In the following article, the commencement of the GT5 Photo Stream service was mentioned as being “With the coming Gran Turismo 5 update planned for March 2012. However the release timing for the next GT5 update has been postponed, together with the GT5 Photo Stream Service. We appreciate your patience as the next GT5 update is prepared, and thank you for your understanding.“
GT5 Online Service Maintenance Coming April 4th

When Polyphony Digital launched Gran Turismo 5‘s new Photostream service in Asia two weeks ago, they also mentioned the game’s previously announced “March 2012 update” had been postponed.

Since that time, fans have become increasingly restless to learn about the company’s future plans for the game. Although there’s still no details, we do now have a potential date to hang our hopes on: Wednesday, April 4, 2012. Polyphony will be taking GT5‘s online services for approximately two hours, starting at 05:00 GMT/UTC.

The leaderboard wasn't there.

Yes, I meant more cars and more premium cars. ^_^

More tracks and special events would be nice too.

I didn't know 1.09 was out. I still haven't fully unpacked from my office move. :devilish:

But this is interesting:

Would be interesting if Polyphony Digital (or even Modnation Racer) can integrate with Google maps so that I can create a track out of arbitrary map location.

So here we are. Yo Sony, I'm going to ask a friend to try a casual racing or driver training game on top of Apple's MapKit in iOS 6. The 3D map stuff is pretty cool. I suspect a horde of people will do the same. Are you going to port PS Mobile to iOS or not ? ^_^
I finally got GT5! I gotta say... what a mixed bag! I'm so surprised.. about many things. What follows is an extremely self-centered mini-review. Don't sweat it if you don't wanna read some criticism, just send me your Friend ID! ;)

I just finished a not-too-hard race in 12th place. It took me a lap or so to realize that the problem was that traction control and ABS had turned themselves back on. I have noticed that you have to turn it off for every new car, but also sometimes when you bring a car into a new race..? I definitely have raced that car with everything off the dozen or so races before that one. I was killing it the first lap, then as my tires started to decline it just got slower and slower because the car is most definitely tuned for drift-style racing. Anyway I decided to just swallow it and keep racing, because you can't change settings mid race, you can't retune without backing out to the race lobby, and I basically am just sooo tired of loading screens.

It's tempting to sum up my first day of GT5 this way. I know, however, that there's a lot more to it than that. Sure the UI sucks, the loading times would be hilarious if they weren't murderously bad, it's the same old bump-n-go racing, downshifting is better than braking, and the AI is just useless. All that said, it's still pretty good. Moreover, it is engaging as fuck. PD have a really ground-breaking knack for knowing how to keep you strung along. Other companies copy but they still come up with new ideas. For the most part, they do them better. But it's not entirely clear.

Tracks are great, quirky Japanese cars are great, B-spec is weird but hey why not, seasonal events are unbalanced but interesting, special events are... OK, the game just crashed on me...

To all the people who claimed the driving model was impressive or the graphics were impressive... I've gotta say, wow, take a step back and A to B some Forza. I'm not trying to start shit, I really enjoy and respect much of what PD have done. If there's one thing this experience has shown me so far, it's that there's plenty of room for more driving simulators, whether they're world-class or not. GT5 pretty much... isn't. Frame rate is shoddy in spots. Shadows are detailed, but crappy-looking. Track details are very, very flat. The game's still great. I love this genre so much! Hmmm, also, to make one more thing clear, I haven't even played Forza 4 yet. I'm just comparing to F3.

It is getting a little stale in the GT stable though. The cars chosen are not nearly interesting enough. The standard models look kinda bad at times. Now, I really love some of the choices. The volkswagens are incredible. Some of the retro J-cars are really nice. Overall, I still feel a little let down, like they could have come up with a way-better selection of Ferraris. Why no De Tomasos, classic Alfas, Maseratis, etc? Kind of lame on the Italian front. On the US side it feels... Ok. I think I expected more quirky stuff from a GT game. My wife digs rooting through sedans in Forza and I was telling her, oh just wait, GT is so much better for that, so many great family cars to choose from. Well... the minicars are here. But the family car lineup seems to have been pared back a bit. Surprised, is all. If there are 1000 cars here, I'm gonna guess 700 of them are racing sticker jobs. The games copy each other. I respect how much GT has brought to the table in the past. I just think... it's time for both houses to stop copying each other when it comes to car selections. They have covered the basics. Now get crazy!

Wrt gameplay, GT5 has done a great job with that. Aside from all the odd gameplay modes, the obvious example of this is the better handling of Z-axis movement. It's interesting how I feel the tire model is still noticeably lacking, but the simple addition of proper hills and more front-back pitching of the cars makes a huge difference in driving feel. Still haven't played any weather tracks, and only one night race. Looking forward to more of that. B-spec is really odd. My little driver is just awful. My only gripe is that it takes just as long to coach as to race. It's intriguing though. I'm curious what it's like to do the B-spec with friends thing. I love camera mode!! I'm so frustrated that you can't do anything with the photos. They're too glorious to use as tiny gamer profile photos. I thought I was going to get to replace that ugly backdrop, which brings us to the elephant in the room...

Somebody please demote the head of UI at PD. That is one shameful showing. They've nearly single-handedly ruined a great game. You wanna copy something? Forza puts the car front and center. You baby it, you wash it with a diaper, you add crazy aero bits and then you stare at it longingly. At times I would stop playing, and just leave my car up as sort of a screen saver/xbox killer. Photo mode comes so close to solving this for PD but then they just dropped the ball. I know! A black silhouette of grandstands! On a field of black! Fading to an optional color! Tasteful! Now... let's completely cover it with slow, fugly icons! Wtf >_< and don't ever, ever, let another game be so boring between scenes. It's like they just ran out of budget one day. And I'm playing version 2.whatever! The game can't even count how many cars I can buy fast enough for the cursor on the dealership screen. It's bad... the worst of this generation. Not that I've played everything, but of the games I have...

Just as a tl;dr reminder -- I do recognize the parts that are solid. Clearly it's not fair to compare it to F3 graphically and then just forget about all their gameplay accomplishments. I'm still hopelessly addicted. I'm just surprised. Maybe they can hire some guys from the recently closed Wipeout studio..?
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lol, you had me until the Forza comparison :p
ontopic: I have a wheel now, but the game is hard as nails initially when you use it. 'Normal' cars behave like I expect them to/ close to real life. But racing cars are very hard to control once you gain some speed. Looks like I need of lot of practice.
Just as a tl;dr reminder -- I do recognize the parts that are solid. Clearly it's not fair to compare it to F3 graphically and then just forget about all their gameplay accomplishments. I'm still hopelessly addicted. I'm just surprised. Maybe they can hire some guys from the recently closed Wipeout studio..?

Just keep playing ... ;)

For me, driving the big K version of the Alps track and driving Le Mans and especially the Nurburgring with day-night and variable weather is a real generational highlight.
lol, you had me until the Forza comparison :p
ontopic: I have a wheel now, but the game is hard as nails initially when you use it. 'Normal' cars behave like I expect them to/ close to real life. But racing cars are very hard to control once you gain some speed. Looks like I need of lot of practice.

Don't see why. Forza is a great racing sim as well and GT's closest competitor this gen. The way you've put it makes it sound very biased.
It's all good. I'm not out to convince anybody. I was just surprised after some of the talk.

Arwin, I intend to keep playing... so looking forward to racing in weather! I just know I won't be playing as much as I would, with all the waiting. My wife's already given up and insisted we buy Forza 4 immediately :facepalm:
At least for me, GT5 got better as I played. I put hundreds of hours into it. By far my favorite game this gen. And yes, I have played several hours of Forza 4 as well. To each their own. They're both great games, but I think Forza 4 is bit arcadey for my liking. I mean it's no arcade racer by any stretch, the handling just feels a bit off. One thing I like in Forza is the sounds, though.
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It's all good. I'm not out to convince anybody. I was just surprised after some of the talk.

Arwin, I intend to keep playing... so looking forward to racing in weather! I just know I won't be playing as much as I would, with all the waiting. My wife's already given up and insisted we buy Forza 4 immediately :facepalm:

It's so long ago I've already forgotten, but it is very important that you realise playing through the special events is a much more fun and rewarding way of playing through this game. You can use those to boost up your credit quite a bit to make your A-spec road (which I found the most boring part of the game) more interesting. Then in a-spec, use a car you enjoy bought with the special events prize money and grab a price-car list so you can win races in an order that allows you to race new events with the minimum amount of grinding. Also, online events are a great way to make a quick buck generally (though not as much as it has been, it's still good and occasionally you can win good prizes and even cars there too).

Forza 4 is great, but ultimately for me the tracks and events were extremely boring and by the numbers, and the car handling has a super initial feel, but then gets extremely boring as all cars handle too similar, all the realism from Forza 3 is gone for (an admittedly good feeling) arcady driving model, and the handling of many cars is so far from their real life counterparts at times, it's almost insulting (if you care, that is).

So for now, special events is where it's at! I loved them, highlight of the game for me and of the whole series.

Also, if you ever need to borrow a car, you can ask us here and we can lend it to you from within the game. Don't know if you've got me in your friends' list, but add me, and I'll be able to follow your progress through the game through your in-game blog that everyone can see and follow, quite neat.
Don't see why. Forza is a great racing sim as well and GT's closest competitor this gen. The way you've put it makes it sound very biased.

I believe that Forza is a nice racing game, not sim. But saying that the graphics are in favor of Forza 3 is laughable at best. Compare any track or car and you will see what I mean. That is without even taking into account content and features.

Also this:
the loading times would be hilarious if they weren't murderously bad
< the loading times are shorter then either F3 or 4 installed on HDD. So I don't believe the person making such a claim to be qualified to make such statements. The same for the framerate argument; he either is playing an old version or he is just repeating what he read on the internet in 2010 or 2011
Let's be fair here, he is probably referring to loading times in menus, and the framerate, while much improved (like the shadows!) over time, still isn't as steady a 60fps as Forza 3 or 4, and it can be worse if you run in (1280)x1080p mode.
Isn't the framerate also a bit dependant if you're using the dashbord view or not? Anyway - I haven't started this up for ages, which is a pitty. I guess my home isn't set up optimaly for a racing sim anymore - a 120 inch projector screen and lounge don't mesh well with this sort of game - and since I do several track days a year, the motivation to do it on in a virtual environment has kind of lost a bit of appeal for me...

I have to say, what I find the most unpleasing with the GT games is the sound. How a guy like Yamauchi who is probably the biggest car enthusiast on the planet can create such a masterpiece, but totally stuff up the sounds of the cars is beyond me.

I've gone through various tuning stages with my (real) car - and admittedly, while the performance increase is something that accounts for a lot of fun beyond the wheel, putting on that race exhaust is what makes me grin the most when I step into my car, on the accelerator, or driving through tunnels or when being close to the limit. It's the same grin that gets me every time a Ferrari drives by - namely a 360CS or a 599 GTO (and yes, I have heard and driven along side them to know).

GT5, even all the other GTs preceeding it, fail miserably short at replicating the sounds of the real thing. They might have been recorded accurately, but the only thing they representate is the noise the engine makes (at best) - and not the sound that comes from the exhaust. Some cars might sound better than others (in the game), but it all just sounds very muted, boring and most cars sound the way too similar. Even my old BMW with its lovely straight 6 sounded better at full throttle from inside the car than any exotica manages to sound in GT5, regardless if you're driving from the dashbord view or with "behind-the-car cam". It pains me to say, but even Need-for-Speed: High Stakes back on the PSone had better sounding cars, than GT5 has. At least there - for real or not -, the cars at least sounded 'stressed' and on edge when at full throttle.

And I'm not even going to bother to bring up the boring tyre screetching noises that pain my ears every time I go through a corner in the game.

For a game that is such a masterpiece, modelled to perfection in pretty every single way - this to me is an epic fail.


I think I'd get more kicks out of the game if it had half the graphics and an accurate representation of car noises.