And don't forget some of the details that didn't make the official changelog like race restarts for example!
Yes, I saw that and am very happy with the patch.
GAF is trying to compile a full list of changes in 1.05:
Besides the stuff already in the OP:
- Missing spectators on some tracks/modes (To improve performance?)
- Remove entire HUD/Remove HUD Instruments option
- Mechanical damage option no longer limited to online mode
- Tire grip reduction option no longer limited to online mode
- Export All Photos to XMB option
- Improved bumping "physics" (cars don't get stuck now) (unconfirmed)
- better shadows (unconfirmed)
- cars get damaged more easily (unconfirmed)
- Garage remembers your sorting options
- Restart race option after finishing it
- Skip (make it faster) car reward scene
- Country flags on the player list in online lobbies
- Better illumination from headlights (unconfirmed)
In the Supercar Nostalgia Cup.
List of all the prize cars.
Thanks ! Rally in snow is indeed very easy. ^_^