If you want to play any driving, shooting, football, action, RPG or other game in HD this Christmas, then your only other option will be an Xbox360.
or a pc, where many of those xbox titles (sans exclusives) will be readily available ; )
What's more, there's a good chance that you won't be able to get a PS3 until summer 2007, especially if you live in Europe, unless you're willing to spend a lot of time and money... and many of the early 2007 games will be multiplatform.
exactly, multiplatform-ability spreading from the xbox too and reaching as far as today's pc. except for the few system sellers. which system sellers for the ps3 will not be on the xbox (and vice versa).
So, unless you absolutely want to play Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Lair, GT-HD or Warhawk (what other exclusives are there?) then you'll be as content with an Xbox as with a PS3, and you'll even have some money left.
unless you really really want "H-Deee", you'll have way more money left with one other console (since i see we're in the pimping phase now ; )
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