New EA IP: Dante's Inferno

Just downloaded the demo...Wow, are you serious? Why not just call this "God of War360". The graphics and gameplay are exactly like GOW but not as polished, heck the main hero animates just like Kratos its scary. I can understand releasing it for the 360 but its pretty worthless for the PS3. Zero for originality, but at least the team knows how to program the frame rate and animation since they're very fluid through out the demo.

It's basically Visceral trying to copy the God of War formula but the graphics and animations aren't as good, and moves lack the impact that defines Kratos' moveset.
It's basically Visceral trying to copy the God of War formula but the graphics and animations aren't as good, and moves lack the impact that defines Kratos' moveset.

You can't really say that for certain based on the demo. Only a small part of the entire moveset was unlocked.
I liked the demo - it was good.
To be honest, I was really impressed by the quality of the CGI cutscenes...for me, some of the best I have seen in a game!!
Yup, I enjoyed the demo as well.

Why it gets criticized for being a GOW clone is something I don't get--I think it's flattering that it "borrows" so much from GOW. I may wait a week or so for reviews before purchase, but this game is definitely on my scope.
I liked the demo - it was good.
To be honest, I was really impressed by the quality of the CGI cutscenes...for me, some of the best I have seen in a game!!

The CG was really impressive indeed, but I think it clashed heavily with the real-time graphics and the violent Saturday morning cartoons. The game's look as about as inconsistent as it gets.

As for pre-rendered stuff: was it entirely generated or was it a blend of actual film footage and CGI?


As for pre-rendered stuff: was it entirely generated or was it a blend of actual film footage and CGI?

That is a good question. I wondered myself while watching...but I am not sure either.
Supposing that it is all CGI is the reason why I am so impressed by the CGI movies!
Well, been playing the PS3 version for the last 3 hours, can't believe it came out in Aussie land today:). I didn't really like the first level but things really picked up after Limbo and it really did feel like GOW all the time. The graphics is not the best but looks good for most of time, a bit on the Bayonetta side than the GOW3 demo. However I really dig the hellish atmosphere and the general art direction, it's been a nice ride so far.
I didn't care much about this game but today Gamersyde has posted some videos, and there are some good things about the visuals going on in there. Sure, some AA would help a lot, and some of the artwork has quite uneven quality - but it has its moments, just as Dead Space.
Been hacking and slashing in this game for a bit - it's pretty fun IMO, not terribly hard on easiest skill level (which I like, heh), except the bosses. I'm not good at shit like "hit circle within 2 seconds of the icon appearing on screen, or you'll take 20% of your total health in damage when the boss retaliates". Oh well. Guess I just have to try harder!

The game isn't super accomplished on a technical level I suppose, but it's good ENOUGH, and the in-game art does look quite nice and hellish methinks. There's some really cool and creepy moments here and there. Framerate is fluid too, and that's important; jumping and dashing about feels quite precise and snappy. The controls are well done and the fight system isn't too complicated (which I also like; getting

DI does feel quite a bit like GoW I suppose - which is pretty much a clone of DMC with tweaks - but from what I recall (I only played original GoW and not all the way through), Kratos doesn't have much in the way of ranged attacks does he? So in that regard, DI is more like DMC than GoW I'd think.

The holy attacks in DI are pretty cool - I focused pretty much exclusively on buying holy attacks in my first play of the game. I've now restarted to see if I maybe should try something different. Has anyone written up any dissertation on the virtues over punishing versus absolving enemies? I get that unholy stuff is mainly close-range damage, and holy is ranged, sure. What I'm wondering is - will I cripple myself in later boss fights etc by not leveling up my unholy side? :p
I'm continuing to descend into Hell; it's definitely a good hack'n'slash with enough of a storyline to make you want to see what happens.

I agree with some of the criticism previously mentioned that the mix between pre-rendered 3D, 2D cel animation and realtime 3D in the cutscenes is a bit jarring, but there's also a certain logic in it in that Dante's actually wearing the storyline shown in the animated sections sewn into his own chest... That's interesting from a purely self-fulfilling prophecy kind-of-way.

Artistically the game continues to impress later on, there's some really fine fire and smoke effects, and the general level of perversity adds to the fun as well (boss lady with titties each the size of a small cottage, etc...! :D) I actually peeked at a FAQ apparantly written by a christian, because he refused to type profanity in his review (the word "damned"...........) He also complained about the nudity, which I actually found a bit creepy, apparantly seeing blood and gore fly about in gallon quantities and hacking babies with metal blades attached to their limbs in half wasn't enough to deter this Crusader of the Faith, but some exposed women's breasts made him uneasy? What the devil's wrong with people these days? Religion, of course! Always fucking things up and giving people complexes about themselves and the opposite sex. :mad:

Oh well. Let's not get into that!

Anyway, I bought the extra soul packs from the PSN store and I don't regret it. They were cheap anyway (but it's typical of EA these days to charge actual MONEY for something like this... They've managed to wash off some of the scummy residue from their name, but they're still a buncha greedy bastiches underneath! :LOL:)

Having the extra souls makes it easier to fool around with the skill upgrades. That really is a nice addition to the gameplay, and many of the attacks are a lot of fun. A fun sequence (that hits quite hard) is holding Triangle, pressing L2+Cross in the air, then L2+Cross two more times on the ground in quick succession. One slight problem: there simply aren't ENOUGH ENEMIES TO USE THESE ATTACKS ON...! Hahaha! What irony!

Considering you get extra experience for judging the enemies instead of raking them down with the scythe or blasting them to smithereens with spells it gets even less opportunity to go to town on the baddies! That's a bit of a problem really, at least for someone like me who like Queen want it all, and want it NOW! I even equip relics that give extra experience when judging the baddies rather than a relic that lets me hack them harder... Of course, I should have worn the holy damage relic when fighting Cleopatra and that guy whatsisname, but oh well. I killed them easy anyway. King Minos was a lot trickier, especially until I discovered you can't actually harm him by HACKING at his belly... I really went all-out with the scythe, die-die-die-you-weirdo! However, you want to shoot it with holy crosses instead. That works a lot better.

If this game had had, say, twice the number of foes to vanquish, but only given the same amount of souls, I would have been happy. Not twice the number of foes at the same time though, just double up the number of attack waves, that'd be OK. As it is now, the levels feel kind of short. The fighting is a distinctly minor part of the game really, most of my time seems to be spent dodging environmental hazards like lightning or fire, or falling repeatedly into chasms from missing a difficult-to-time jump or rope swing...! :D

Still, good, solid-fun game. Not brilliantly outstanding perhaps but what the hell you want, absolute perfection in every aspect?! Not going to be able to play very many games at all then! :)

I'm rating Dante at a very enjoyable 8/10, maybe even 8.5. Heck, you get to shoot DEMONS with crosses made of holy magic! Can't really get much better than that! ;)
Thanks for that. I may purchase this soon as I should be able to find a used copy somewhere.
I'm not to keen on the DLC though.
Once you get down a bit into Hell, there's quite a few places where the game deliberately positions the camera in a really bad spot so you can't quite judge where or when the fuck you're supposed to jump to land where you need to go or else you die horribly by falling into molten gold or a bottomless chasm (or a pit full of churning stomach juices, yuk!). I really HATE that, it caused me a number of unneccessary deaths on what was otherwise quite simple jumps.

It's terrible game design using the camera this way to increase difficulty in your game and I suppose game designers think it's somehow "part of the genre" or some shit like that. Pretty much all camera-on-rails platformers/hack-n-slashers I've played do this (hell, even Mario64 did it 15 years ago in the more difficult stages), it's still terrible game design. A monitor screen isn't a 3D display, the only reason 3D graphics look 3D is when we can judge depth by comparing the size of objects with the size of our character, or when movement creates parallax in the image. Deliberately placing the camera in a bad spot can easily remove almost all the 3D from the image and jumping becomes trial-and-error, with error meaning instant unavoidable death. Terrible! (Although I can imagine some people feel challenged by such obstacles and frickin' LOVE it! :LOL:)

Fortunately it's been quite small sections where this happens, and I've been able to get past them without too much trouble really (only about 2-4 deaths in some spots, lol). The game's usually quite forgiving when you die anyway, there's regular "respawn points" typically not too far from the place you died, so you don't have to repeat everything since the last save statue (which are very frequent in the early bits, but become rarer it feels like in the deeper circles).

I've managed to upgrade to have access to most of my scythe strikes now by alternating between upgrading unholy/holy. It's worked out alright, I'm not sure what you'd really benefit most from if you were to rush to upgrade... I guess unholy would give you more by focusing exclusively on it. The holy attacks are kinda cool and all but feels a bit weak perhaps, for example the ranged crosses - even when upgraded fully - typically don't hurt the big baddies that much and wipe out all the smaller ones that you wanna be judging anyway, so you have to be judicious and only use em on the flying wasp-thingys (as they can't be grabbed and judged).

I really love the L2+X thrust-attack from the air, it hits bloody hard! :D Gave Anthony quite a schooling with it, hehehe. (I really shouldn't brag though... I play on easiest difficulty. :oops:) Not using magic too much, I kind of forget I have it! I'm saving up souls to buy the shield magic, except I have the souls already, I just want a comfortable buffer after I've bought it for when I upgrade to the next holy level. There's more stuff there I want to buy including another relic slot and stuff.
I just Platinum-ed GOWIII and now I'm kinda looking forward to playing this (I quite enjoyed the demo). Question for those who already completed the game: does it really get as bad as people claim it does towards the end?
Question for those who already completed the game: does it really get as bad as people claim it does towards the end?
I'm not through it yet - I'm taking my sweet time lol - but I'm getting closer to the end and there's no sign of the quality diminishing. It's still a rather well-crafted and mildly perverse (and brutally violent) hack-em-up. The graphics are excellent with detailed levels and normal-mapped polygons and self-shadowing and all that stuff, the screen updates are a smooth 60fps pretty much constantly - lots of fire and sparks and smoke flying about in places and hardly ever even a sign of slowdown. I've seen it only a handful of times.

It's still fun, but I wish there were more enemies to balance all the environmental obstacles.
The graphics are excellent with detailed levels and normal-mapped polygons and self-shadowing and all that stuff, the screen updates are a smooth 60fps pretty much constantly - lots of fire and sparks and smoke flying about in places and hardly ever even a sign of slowdown. I've seen it only a handful of times.

I'm not talking about the tech. I'm more concerned about the art. Basically every review states that the game starts off with a bang in gloriously big and creatively designed levels, but the further you proceed the more cramped and dull it all gets (and also the more stupid: Fighting demonic hookers in Lust sorta makes sense, but not so much in anger anymore), with the final level pretty much resembling God of War's challenge missions and not a proper level at all.
but the further you proceed the more cramped and dull it all gets
I don't agree with this.

and also the more stupid: Fighting demonic hookers in Lust sorta makes sense, but not so much in anger anymore
Well, there's not infinite development time during the making of a game. Enemy re-use in later levels is inevitable.

I'm in anger right now, I don't think the level is stupid. I'm still enjoying myself.
Ok, I clocked the game 5 minutes ago more or less. Fun, good game for the most part. I don't terribly enjoy environmental hazards as I've mentioned in previous posts, but they're not enough to ruin the game for me. Getting to play a holy (albeit flawed) warrior and shoot up Lucifer with magic crucifixes more than makes up for it, lol. Oh, and like I also said, there should be more badguys to hack apart...!

(He didn't like crucifixes to the eyes one bit, lol! Btw, John Vickers voices Lucifer; he's Neroon, from Babylon 5 for those who are in the know. Perfectly suited for the part I must say.)

The storyline was also cool methinks, to the very end. How original was it on a scale of 1-10? Well, not 10 that's for damn sure, but it kept me hooked so who cares? ;) I'm not a religious man, but christian mythos can be very cool if done right; I think Visceral did it riht in Dante's Inferno. Kudos to them!

Technically the game looks from rather good to great pretty much the entire time. Some bits could have used a few more polys perhaps, but the texturework is great IMO and the framerate fluid 60fps pretty much constantly which is also great.

I have to say this game deserves more buzz than it's received so far IMO. It's not a well-known series, but that shouldn't put anyone off. It's a solid, well-crafted effort. Check it out gusy!