Must-have PS3 exclusives

Have you downloaded the MGS Database from PSN? Its an app that works like an MGS Encyclopedia. Explains every event, character and shows their relationships.

Yeah I downloaded it and spent some time reading it, but not nearly all of it, if I remember correctly. I wasn't really hooked to the story, but still felt like it was a pretty special game.
MGS 4 is the only one in the series I've played and I couldn't have liked it more. :)
I did try to look up what had happened in the previous games, but I can't say I fully understood the events. If you don't like cut scenes then skip this one, but if you do, this is the one to get :)

MGS4 is the only instalment I played in the series as well. It took some getting used to, in terms of gameplay, but once that is mastered it plays really well. The boss fights are some of the most balanced, and surreal, in any game to date. It's one I would add to the collection for sure.
I think MGS4 I'll give a miss. From what I've read of it the long cutscenes would do my head in.

The Ico+SOTC collection (is it a collection with only two games?) sounds more up my street. Having skipped the PS2 I've never played them so I'm guessing it's not something I should miss out on.
I would suggest also GT4

He already mentioned that Forza 4 more than fulfilled his driving game itch. ;)

We played SingStar yesterday with some visiting friends, still a great party game. And I think it's free now, you can just get the game for free as an App and then add only songs to it that you actually like (out of something like 2000-3000 from the store).
I second the Uncharted games (especially 2 and 3), KZ games, Heavy Rain, and Demons Souls.

I haven't played it yet, but Journey is another game that has received a lot of praise this year.
Demon's Souls is great, but Dark Souls is better. If you have the latter and want more of that, get Demon's Souls. If you don't have either, just get Dark Souls.

The Ratchet & Clank games are great.

Killzone 2 is fantastic. I didn't care so much for KZ3. Multiplayer in both is pretty dead now, and KZ3's wasn't that good to begin with. KZ3's a good graphical showpiece.

I really liked Resistance 2. R1 is good...for a launch title, i.e. not worth getting.

Whether or not you like Journey depends on whether or not you think art games are great or terrible. I'm in the "terrible" camp.

Infamous is a lot of fun, and from what I played, the sequel is better.

I am the only person in the world who thinks the Uncharted series is boring, so don't listen to my opinion on that one.

Get PS+.
I actually bought Dark Souls for the Xbox, and hated it. Sorry. Just couldn't get into it at all and as my gaming time exists on a limited budget, it got traded in.

And my first PS3 purchase has been....

GoW3. I could hardly say no when I noticed my supermarket was selling it off for £5 this lunchtime.
One of those very rare games I've played in the 3D graphics generation that made me genuinely admire its artwork ... My wife, who has always hated Kratos to bits, couldn't help but watch it as I played. Hope you enjoy!
QFT. Folklore is pretty awesome. I actually re-bought that game once. Never did that before as far as I can recall. It's not without it's flaws, though.

Other than that I whole-heartedly recommend Demon's Souls, MGS4, Resistance 3; Okami HD (technically not an exclusive, but it's certainly never been this good), Uncharted 2, the Ratchet & Clank trilogy (if they weren't connected by a rather strong story thread I'd only recommend "A Crack in Time", though) and Yakuza 4.
Also, get Journey and Flower if you're okay with artsy fartsy staff diluting your testosterone flavored gaming dish.

As we now are reaching the end of this gen I'm really disappointed that there wasn't a folklore 2. There is a great opportunity to delve deeper into that world while expanding on the story arc from the first. IMO a misread of sales from a launch title.

I think everyone has covered the must have's.
Yakuza 3 and 4 and Valkyria Chronicles is really good experiences wich dosn't have similar experiences on other platforms. :)
Get that swan game too. I think its called black swan. And journey. You should be able to pick up the other games in bargin bins. If you are not a sony fan - don't buy disc games online - it is a pointless waste of time and might end up running your system hot.
Please, take a look at Wipeout HD and its expansion Fury.

It´s a great game, very entertaining and commonly left apart because of its nature of downloadable game (yes, I know that there´s a physical retail version but its quite difficult to find a copy). As far as I´m concerned, it´s one of the best racing arcade games of the generation and a must buy if your consider exclusive-only games for the Playstation 3 family.

Apart from that, Valkiria Chronicles it´s a must-buy if you love tactic-RPG. The best way to describe it is that it´s some kind of XCOM, with a stronger story component and no strategical part, but similar in how the battles are engaged. As with Folklore, it´s a early game in the platform and very enjoyable.

Probably a nigthmare for many people, "Lair" (yes, Lair) with the patch that allows control with analog sticks it´s a game very arcadey in nature, replayable and a-bit-less than awful, as the metacritic score announces. Even as an archeologic return to the ancient past of the console must have an opportunity. Finally, Heavenly Sword it´s brief, well animated in its sequences and to some extent enjoyable.

These are some of the rarest exclusives of the console. On the other side, I can hardly recommend other ancient exclusive (Haze) because definitely here critics and I are in line: it´s a weak game - some will dislike this opinion, for sure, but technically speaking it´s fair, and the playability isn´t very inspired.

Good luck with your new PS3.
Please, take a look at Wipeout HD and its expansion Fury.

It´s a great game, very entertaining and commonly left apart because of its nature of downloadable game (yes, I know that there´s a physical retail version but its quite difficult to find a copy). As far as I´m concerned, it´s one of the best racing arcade games of the generation and a must buy if your consider exclusive-only games for the Playstation 3 family.

Apart from that, Valkiria Chronicles it´s a must-buy if you love tactic-RPG. The best way to describe it is that it´s some kind of XCOM, with a stronger story component and no strategical part, but similar in how the battles are engaged. As with Folklore, it´s a early game in the platform and very enjoyable.

Probably a nigthmare for many people, "Lair" (yes, Lair) with the patch that allows control with analog sticks it´s a game very arcadey in nature, replayable and a-bit-less than awful, as the metacritic score announces. Even as an archeologic return to the ancient past of the console must have an opportunity. Finally, Heavenly Sword it´s brief, well animated in its sequences and to some extent enjoyable.

These are some of the rarest exclusives of the console. On the other side, I can hardly recommend other ancient exclusive (Haze) because definitely here critics and I are in line: it´s a weak game - some will dislike this opinion, for sure, but technically speaking it´s fair, and the playability isn´t very inspired.

Good luck with your new PS3.

I agree with the Lair and Heavenly Sword part, they are, particularly heavenly sword, everything the PS3 stands for. Including overreaching and underwhelming at the same time. Bigger, better, and shinier. It's driven games on the PS3 to where they are now.

Haze is truly awful, but the story almost got there. There are sections of the game that really stand out. The jungle delivers up to date graphics with nice physics interactions and doesn't look out of place next to any game that came afterwards. Other sections have a real hard time standing up to top end PS2 games. But as a Swan Song to Free Radical it's worth getting to see how such a good studio could get it so right and then so wrong at the same time.
There are too many great games to dwell on ancient curiosities ...
Haze is a game really bizarre. There was a lot of expectation between PS owners, because the studio had a really good CV doing shooters for playstation, the bullshots were nice and there was the promise of a different approach to the story described. But the game suffered from a delay that showed how things were going wrong. I heard about complains of the employees because they want extra hours being paid, and the demo was one of the first cases of subhd syndrome (yes, the whole story about pixel-counters as sometimes people name technical analysts started with the Halo 3 issue and the next hit was Haze). In fact it has a really low native resolution, something near 576 vertical pixels.

I agree with the "excellent" gunplay. Really few games have in PS3 better handling of the gun, soft, predictable, precise. That was great. The story (you enter the dark side just to realize that it´s not so dark) was right, a pair of levels had potential, but the innovations gameplay-wise were poor, with special abilities not-so special and a cheap "ultra vision" in one of the factions that made the game really easy. In fact, play was a smooth experience leading to nowhere. The LOD of the characters was terrible and deeply hurt the eye, the texture work poooor and the IA and animations on the low side.

I have always think that Free Radical was the second noble victim of the complex architecture of PS3, being Factor 5 (Lair´s creators) the first one. The game was ambitious, no doubt about it (on-line cooperative for 4 players, Ia bots in multiplayer, big levels...) and the whole situation ended in a really terrifying way.

Lair and EDGE had the honor of having 3 and 5 points in EDGE play section by the way... in any case, it´s a bit of retrospective, curious travel to the past starting one of them today.
Lair in particular was "the" victim of SixAxis. The control with the controller was anything but intuitive (some say that with adequate training was right; I knew in a spanish forum a guy that was leader of game´s scoreboards for quite some time and was one of the biggest defender of the controller that I have ever founded). Technically speaking there were tips of not knowing the limits of the hardware anywhere: hyperintrusive bump mapping, HDR overreacted, and so on. Framerate...

But then came a patch, and the game was different, playable, and surprisingly entertaining.

And Arwin is obviously right, but let us be nostalgic... the fact is that the generation is so long that speaking about 2005 and 2006 seems a bit out of place, but the hardware was the same... Funny years, no doubt about it.