Must-have PS3 exclusives


OK. Thanks to a miss-price on a website I appear to be an owner of the new super-slim PS3 Wonderbook package.

Now aside from Uncharted, which I'l definitely be getting, what other exclusives do I need to play? Long time 360 owner, so any worthwhile multi-platform titles will already have been played.

LBP? Killzone?

Bear in mind I'll play just about anything as long as it's good.
You should probably just get yourself a year subscription for Playstation Plus, to start with (if your internet download isn't capped, at least ;) ). That will allow you to play a bunch of exclusives (like LBP2, Infamous 2, both have Move support btw). Killzone 2 and 3 are also recommended (especially 3 with Move controls), and definitely don't miss God of War 3.

Definitely play all three Uncharted's. ;) Motorstorm 2 and/or 3 also highly recommended, as is Gran Turismo 5 (if you like cars at least, otherwise don't bother).

There's also a slew of PSN titles you can try, of course Super Stardust HD shouldn't be missed, Flower, Journey, etc.

And I definitely recommend the original Sports Champions just for the Table Tennis alone, though the swordfighting game in that is also great. It's recently released sequal is also pretty good, though not as amazing (slightly less hardcore, and more in line with something like Wii Sports Resort, though it looks much nicer graphically than the original).

Move Fitness is also a bit of a marvel of motion control, if you're interested in that kind of thing.

There's plenty more, but it will be a while before you've exhausted it all. ;)
Hm, I would actually suggest Folklore, which may not be PS3 exclusive I dunno, but it's a really fascinating game IMO. It's ancient by now and may be difficult to get hold of, but when I played it I liked it a lot.

It's a bit of pokemon, and a bit of realtime combat adventure, and a bit of detective story in a nice mix. Nothing terribly advanced I suppose but still a good pastime.
Resistance series for sure, though number 2 is pretty weak. Uncharted series is a must, Killzone is all good even part One is good <lol>
Get Yakuza 4 and Flower!

I thought Killzone and the Resistance series was kind of weak, but a lot of people like them.....
Not forgetting God of War 3, amazing looks and great game play. Heavenly Sword is very good too.
-Motorstorm Pacific Rift is amazing (have in mind that there's no online now , but still a great game) , Apocalypse is pretty nice (very good 3D here ).... even the first Motorstorm is good enough .
-The Resistance trilogy is enjoyable . The second part is kind of weak but has its moments . Number 3 closes the series really nice. To be honest i enjoyed them more than the Killzones....
-Super Stardust from psn is absolutely essential .
-GT5 is recommended if you like racing games .
Hm, I would actually suggest Folklore, which may not be PS3 exclusive I dunno, but it's a really fascinating game IMO. It's ancient by now and may be difficult to get hold of, but when I played it I liked it a lot.

It's a bit of pokemon, and a bit of realtime combat adventure, and a bit of detective story in a nice mix. Nothing terribly advanced I suppose but still a good pastime.

QFT. Folklore is pretty awesome. I actually re-bought that game once. Never did that before as far as I can recall. It's not without it's flaws, though.

Other than that I whole-heartedly recommend Demon's Souls, MGS4, Resistance 3; Okami HD (technically not an exclusive, but it's certainly never been this good), Uncharted 2, the Ratchet & Clank trilogy (if they weren't connected by a rather strong story thread I'd only recommend "A Crack in Time", though) and Yakuza 4.
Also, get Journey and Flower if you're okay with artsy fartsy staff diluting your testosterone flavored gaming dish.
Thanks all. PS+ would seem like a good idea.

GOW3 looks like a definite, as well as a bunch of these PSN games like Super Stardust, Flower, Journey etc. Does PS+ offer discounts on purchasing them?

The Resistance trilogy looks good if I can get them cheap.

Not a big car game guy, so my dallying with Forza has probably scratched that itch.
disclaimer - Ive never touched a ps3/ps2

The ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Heavy Rain
Little Big Planet
These are the must-have PS3 exclusives IMO:

Demon's Souls
Wipeout HD
Super Stardust HD
Resistance: Fall Of Man
Resistance 3
Siren Blood Curse
Uncharted 2
ICO & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection

Also check out God of War 3 mainly for the amazing visuals since the game overall is really lacking when compared to the first two games...still a decent game though.

Avoid or at least check out a demo before you buy:
Little Big Planet 1/2, Killzone 2/3, Resistance 2, Motorstorm games, Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Infamous 1 & Dante's Inferno :)razz:).
Uncharted 2 for sure. The rest I'd say try out the demos, if there is one. The two Little Big Planet games are worth a look. If you like the God of War games, get God of War 3. If you didn't like the first two, you won't like this one either, since very little has changed in terms of gameplay. I wouldn't get Demon's Souls because Dark Souls is out and you can play that on your platform of choice. I'm a fan of Ratchet and Clank, but I'm not sure if all of the games this gen were good. I would personally skip Metal Gear Solid 4. Unless you have a history with the series, it's complete shit. It doesn't make any sense at all, and it's basically a long movie with interspersed gameplay. Some people really like Resistance, but Resistance 1 has not aged well at all. I wasn't a fan of it to start with, but I can see how it would be to the liking of some people. Looking back on it though, I don't know how anyone could play it with so many better shooters around. I don't have any PSN games, but Stardust and Dead Nation looked pretty cool. Pixeljunk games also looked interesting.
Scott_Arm said:
I would personally skip Metal Gear Solid 4. Unless you have a history with the series, it's complete shit. It doesn't make any sense at all, and it's basically a long movie with interspersed gameplay.
I wouldnt recommend MGS4 to anyone who doesnt have a history with the previous games either, but really I disagree on the rest. Thats the impression you would expect from someone who didnt play the previous games and hence will be lost in confusion and wont be able to enjoy the unique and somewhat anorthodox/unconventional approach. MGS4 is one of these rare exceptions where its marvel lies on the connection with the previous games and as a final conclusion of the series. Thats why they say "x" amount of years in the making (since the release of the first MG) when they refer to MGS4.
MGS 4 is the only one in the series I've played and I couldn't have liked it more. :)
I did try to look up what had happened in the previous games, but I can't say I fully understood the events. If you don't like cut scenes then skip this one, but if you do, this is the one to get :)
Dr Evil said:
MGS 4 is the only one in the series I've played and I couldn't have liked it more. :)
I did try to look up what had happened in the previous games, but I can't say I fully understood the events. If you don't like cut scenes then skip this one, but if you do, this is the one to get :)

Have you downloaded the MGS Database from PSN? Its an app that works like an MGS Encyclopedia. Explains every event, character and shows their relationships.