The controls essentially boil down to two buttons and two analogue sticks; L1 is the "up" button, L2 is the "down" button and the sticks do exactly what you'd expect. This rather bizarre control set up takes some getting used to, but after a little while feels very fluid. Everything's context sensitive, so pushing L1 as you're running, standing, in mid-air or against a wall will result in different actions. Pressing L2 mid-jump, for example, will pull your legs up, allowing you to jump further. Pressing the same button just before you land after a long fall will preserve momentum by allowing you to execute a forward roll.
The controls will take some getting used to, especially when it's hard to know whether you're supposed to be holding the up/down buttons or pressing them repeatedly. No doubt this will take longer than the 20 minute demo I played. Obviously the graphics are gorgeous, as you've seen from the trailers, though there was quite a bit of aliasing. This isn't a deal breaker, however, especially since Mirror's Edge shining gem is its unique gameplay. My major concern is whether the novelty will wear off. Can always-moving-forward style gameplay support an entire game? I'm hoping for some more exploratory areas, which are less about running away and more about using my acrobatic skills to reach difficult areas.
Getting my hands on Mirror's Edge confirmed my suspicions, but it also surprised me. The game is going to be a lot tougher than I thought, but it's also going to be a lot more fun. All I want now is to see more of it. I feel like I know this cityscape level like the back of my hand. There's no firm release date, yet, but it's definitely near the top of my list for games to grab this holiday season.
I hope so to, but they do not mention that in the linkBut it would tie in nicely with the pre-order date.
I hope so to, but they do not mention that in the linkBut it would tie in nicely with the pre-order date.
The first one focuses on a chopper chase resembling the one found in Half Life 2, except you're jumping from skyscrapers. In the second, Faith seems to be taking an alternate route
Good golly, are there any games that aren't trilogies coming out this gen?Mirror's Edge video interview:
It seems that a sequel is already planned (It's a Trilogy).
Too Human probably.Good golly, are there any games that aren't trilogies coming out this gen?
Earlier last month EA managed to show off Mirror's edge at the World Freerun Championships in London so that the real runners could give their insight on the game and how it holds up to the real thing.
Demo out this week, from the looks of it, for Live and PSN. Its set for a release on November 11th. I completely forgot this was coming out this year too.