Mirror's Edge video (looks hot)

I can't see this game working very well. It's a lifelike situation, first-person running, but in real-life you can move your head and eyes freely, and take in what's happening. Mirror's Edge is too constrained. You can't turn, see where the enemy are, look for a foothold, look for an alternative route, all in an instant. The view was boxed in, and I can't see this ever feeling right without a VR headset.
I did feel a little nauseous watching one of the long gameplay footage.

I also mentioned VR in one of the earlier posts ^_^

Regardless, I am still getting the game. It's too cool to miss. It will go well together with that seizure game (WipeOut) to send unwelcomed guests away. :devilish:
I can't see this game working very well. It's a lifelike situation, first-person running, but in real-life you can move your head and eyes freely, and take in what's happening. Mirror's Edge is too constrained. You can't turn, see where the enemy are, look for a foothold, look for an alternative route, all in an instant. The view was boxed in, and I can't see this ever feeling right without a VR headset.
perhaps using the motion control of 6axis to tilt the head?ast least on the PS3 version. but i just cant get over the razorsharp and clean look of the cityscape, the lighting is also easy on the eye. do you think it's using SSAO? sure looks like it.
I can't see this game working very well. It's a lifelike situation, first-person running, but in real-life you can move your head and eyes freely, and take in what's happening. Mirror's Edge is too constrained. You can't turn, see where the enemy are, look for a foothold, look for an alternative route, all in an instant. The view was boxed in, and I can't see this ever feeling right without a VR headset.

I'm not sure ... I'm particularly not sure about what the game does for you. Does the game help you by turning your head indicating where you can or should go (as many games do with camera hints), or does it turn your head based on where you are indicating you want to go?

A free, sixaxis controlled camera would be perfect for me, as all the turning and tilting motion detection seems to be very accurate, and I've been wanting this in a lot of games. I blame it being underused strongly on multi-platform development, but I don't know, maybe there are other issues that I don't know about. I hate that it's so underused.
German newssite heise.de is reporting that Sony have snagged an exclusivity deal (timed) for this game on PS3. Take it from me, the translation is valid, so I won't post the source as I don't have the link right now.

EA have not commented on this but DICE said they don't know anything about it, although it is possible to be a high level decision they haven't been informed of yet.

The PS3 version should come out this year and the PC-360 ones "much later" next year, that's what David Reeves said in a private interview at GC.
Found the quote in German:
Auch die PS3 soll künftig kontinuierlich mit exklusiven Spielen versorgt werden: "Wir werden kontinuierlich, Monat für Monat neue Titel veröffentlichen, die etwas einzigartiges mitbringen und unterschiedliche Zielgruppen ansprechen. In einem Monat ist es Gran Turismo, im nächsten Singstar, aber auch Third-Party-Titel wie Mirrors Edge von Electronic Arts gehören zu dieser Strategie." Laut Reeves werde Mirrors Edge zunächst exklusiv für die PS3 in diesem Jahr erscheinen. Die PC- und Xbox-360-Versionen würden deutlich später folgen. Die Entwickler von DICE bei Elektronic Arts konnten diese Aussage jedoch nicht bestätigen: "Davon wissen wir bislang nichts. Es ist aber möglich, dass es hier Absprachen auf höchster Ebene gibt, von denen man uns noch nicht unterrichtet hat."

At the moment DICE are expecting the game to be out this year on all platforms but yea that's what Reeves said, just letting you guys know.
Given Sony's repeated confusion in LBP announcements, I'd wait for formal confirmation from the developers before concluding.

As unique as Mirror's Edge is (I love it !), I don't think it will change the big picture either way -- unless there are unannounced features.
Not only Sony's confusion on LBP announcements is cause to doubt this, so is Sony's vocal position on 3rd party exclusives. I guess they may have had a change of heart if they think this game has unit-moving potential before Christmas, and want a truly excellent exclusive's list to sell people on a platform. How much would EA want to withhold XB360 sales over the holiday season though?
Depends on how much Sony is willing to pay :p

I do think they changed the "exclusives"-policy you speak of though. There was something going on where Kaz Hirai stated they will re-evaluate how they approach the whole third party exclusive situation. Read: They will start paying.

Now whether Reeves is just confusing crap and talking out of his behind or spilled the beans early is up in the air.
Someone should cut his pay by 10% every time he makes a factually wrong statement. :devilish:

David Reeve said:
We are continuously, month after month publish new titles that bring something unique and different target groups. In a month, it is Gran Turismo, in the next SingStar, as well as Third-Party Title as mirrors Edge by Electronic Arts are part of this strategy.

German tech site said:
According to Reeves Mirrors Edge will initially exclusively for the PS3 this year. PC and Xbox 360 versions would follow much later.

I think Mr. Reeve simply mentioned that the strategy is to keep targeting different target groups via unique games. There was no (explicit) mention of Mirror's Edge exclusivity. The fault may lie with the interviewer(s). Source is the same article RobertR1 linked to.

If that's the case, cut the intervewers' pay instead. >_<
How much would EA want to withhold XB360 sales over the holiday season though?

Depends on how high sales EA has predicted for the title.

Lets say they anticipate 2 million on the X360 during holidays, not launching it during the holiday months will possibly cut their sales in half, plus put a serious dent in the effects of their marketing (as one platform is not out at the time of the marketing campaign)

EA probably earn quite a bit more per title than the average dev would (considering they are publisher and developer at once, they have to have some gain by being big). A timed exclusive for PS3 could easily cost EA 10-15$ million if the title has big potential. So quite a significant bundle has to shift hands if this game is good.
PS3 to get exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC


Confusion arose last month after German site Heise Online quoted David Reeves as saying the new EA title will arrive on PS3 first.

EA has since denied the claim and now a Sony spokesperson has done the same, telling Eurogamer, "There was a misunderstanding in terms of the quote that Mirror's Edge is to be a timed exclusive on PS3."

So, the game will be released for PS3, PC and Xbox 360 on the same day - whenever that may be, as EA's still keeping quiet.

However, Sony did confirm that although Mirror's Edge is multi-platform, "PlayStation has an exclusive marketing agreement with EA regarding the title."

Plus, the spokesperson added, "Exclusive downloadable content will be offered on the PlayStation Network."
Next week some French site will report:
"There was a misunderstanding in terms of the quote regarding exclusive Mirror's Edge DLC".
DLC will be multiplatform but PS3 owners will get some exclusive themes and wallpapers.