In a game show where you're wanting to entertain people, showing gameplay usually isn't the best idea. Most games are fun to play, not watch. All this arguin over the appearance of TGS trailers is ridiculous. We all know they're not in-game footage, we all know that there can be a difference between in-game and cut-scene footage, and we all know that what's seen in realtime cutscenes is still indicative of the level of graphics seen in game. It's not like you'll go from MGS4 cutscene graphics in these trailers to MGS2 graphics in the game.
Every trailer that goes up, some people say they like it, some say they don't, and then the same old arguments come up. 'Oh, it'll look better in the final game.' 'Oh, it won't look that good in the real game.' 'Oh it's alright but this game is better looking, though I probably won't say WHY I think it's better.' Every trailer is the same. There's no need for anyone to post. I'm sure DaveB can readily knock up a script to generate the same tired 'debates' automatically and save your keyboards.
Let's knock the crystal-ball predictions of what the real games will or will not be like and just appreciate what's being shown for what it is...great (or not so great, depending on the game) graphics running in realtime on hardware we'll get our sticky little mits in 2-8 months that shows what these machines can achieve in FIRST generation titles. I'm sure when we're enjoying the games no-one's gonna be scrutinising them closely enough to say 'Hey, hang on! MGS4 in game has half the texture resoltuion of the cutscenes! I've been had!' If you want to deabte, talk about the techniques used, what the hardware's doing, hoe this differes from current gen, what new things are possible, how gameplay is improving/getting worse. Positive technical debate and discussion. Keep a thread's discussion to the game listed in the title.