Did the gun bang the moment the button was pressed, or as there a brief delay? My TV/monitor hasn't got a game mode, so may be introducing the lag I experienced, though I haven't noticed it in any other games.
Thanks for supporting my post Shifty.
Did the gun bang the moment the button was pressed, or as there a brief delay? My TV/monitor hasn't got a game mode, so may be introducing the lag I experienced, though I haven't noticed it in any other games.
Doesn't KZ2's use of deferred rendering make it more susceptible to input lag than other traditional methods of rendering?
Doesn't KZ2's use of deferred rendering make it more susceptible to input lag than other traditional methods of rendering?
Yes, forward rendered games can have lag too based on the gamasutra articles I linked to.
Are we sure GTA4 uses deferred rendering, because on 360 it uses tiling, and apparantly tiling & edram + deferred rendering is a big no no.
I said deferred rendered games are probably more susceptible to input lag, not they have lag while forward rendered games don't.
Are we sure GTA4 uses deferred rendering, because on 360 it uses tiling, and apparantly tiling & edram + deferred rendering is a big no no.
Having said that, I did notice lag in GTA4, especially when you're in cover and pop out to shoot someone, and the gun doesn't fire when you pull the trigger.
Are we sure GTA4 uses deferred rendering, because on 360 it uses tiling, and apparantly tiling & edram + deferred rendering is a big no no.
... Ok so I just looked at that interview by guerrilla games where it showed the breakdown of their engine...
Remember how he displayed all those stats? SPE time, RSX time, Memory etc?
Well I watched the video like 12 times and wrote down all the memory statistics for KZ2 just for the laughs- and the number I came up with is really odd.
I got (total) 458MB being used by KZ2 in that one level (Train level) based on all the information on that screen..
But the screen didn't display the Gbuffer- how big was that exactly? 30MB?
Hey, I was wondering about the MP gameplay. What happens if everyone on the enemy team is a Saboteur ? Wouldn't it be an enormous advantage since everyone would look like a friendly soldier at first glance (especially in a small map) ?
What's 100% certain though is that the slowness of the controls, the acceleration, and any lag (which may or may not be present in the final game), make the game significantly harder than it would be otherwise (similar to Resident Evil, though not as bad).
I don't understand how the perceived input lag can have anything to do with the rendering. If it did then the complexity of the scene should have some affect on the lag. For example the lag should be greater when there are a lot polygons, effects etc. on the screen and somewhat less when there isn't much happening e.g. the corridor before the warehouse in the demo.
Gah... I changed the sensitivity all the way up (for both X and Y axes) just to see what the big deal is, there is some differences but it's barely noticeable for me.
The demo was easy, even though the AI made each replay rather unique. It's the first level afterall, and we have plenty of cover.As an average FPS player, I could run around, flank and gut Helghasts quickly. Because the Helghasts usually hide behind covers and expose their heads, landing a headshot/helmut shot was not too difficult. Watching the MP videos also didn't surface any noticeable aiming issues by other players. I'd say an accomplished FPS player should be able to adapt to the scheme with some practices.
The RE5 demo is more restrictive and more complex in comparison (e.g., Limited weapons, limited ammos, enemies don't drop ammos, need to manage inventory, can't shoot and move at the same time, can't clear obstacles, ...). It's a totally different kind of game altogether.
I dont think it would have anything to do with it being deffered but instead of some delayed rendering for perfomancce reasons. I thought I read GTAIV also has input lag (consoles) and it is also uses deffered rendering . But Stalker/Clear Sky (deffered rendering) has no input lag at all.
If you find KZ2's controls easy, then you aren't a very experienced FPS player I'm sorry. Because coming from COD4, Halo3, Uncharted, Gears, Resistance, MGS4 etc, I can tell you it's definitely noticeable. Though definitely not as bad as RE5
I also try and shoot the helghast heads when they're behind cover, while I can easily do this in Gears etc. in KZ2 at 90% sensitivity it is very easy to over/undershoot due to the lag and acceleration, which means headshoots are much harder to make.