If PS3 can really do 1Tflops

Check out Panzer Dragoon Orta for good AA at 60fps on Xbox. DoAX is also a decent example. Like most development hurdles, these things take a little time. :)
Johnny Awesome said:
Check out Panzer Dragoon Orta for good AA at 60fps on Xbox. DoAX is also a decent example. Like most development hurdles, these things take a little time. :)

DOAX does AA ? The jaggies are still everywhere on the screen. I spent many hours on it.

Not sure about PDO as I have only played PDO a couple of times, didn't check closely while playing.
I saw PDO, had to say some of the most disappointing graphics I've seen in a long time. There wasn't too much happening on the screen that made me say wow. The polycounts didn't seem that high (remember it depends where the polygons are), the partical effects didn't wow me much, hell I thought the entire game besides graphics blew chunks. But that's just me, I'm a PC guy so I guess consoles wouldn't do it for me.
Saem said:
I saw PDO, had to say some of the most disappointing graphics I've seen in a long time. There wasn't too much happening on the screen that made me say wow. The polycounts didn't seem that high (remember it depends where the polygons are), the partical effects didn't wow me much, hell I thought the entire game besides graphics blew chunks. But that's just me, I'm a PC guy so I guess consoles wouldn't do it for me.

As a pc guy i think the pdo is the best graphical example of this gen so far. Not counting shenmue which was beautifull and still is compared to somethings.
Saem said:
I saw PDO, had to say some of the most disappointing graphics I've seen in a long time. There wasn't too much happening on the screen that made me say wow. The polycounts didn't seem that high (remember it depends where the polygons are), the partical effects didn't wow me much, hell I thought the entire game besides graphics blew chunks. But that's just me, I'm a PC guy so I guess consoles wouldn't do it for me.

whoa.... now thats a strong view.... i mean i haven't seen the game in motion (u know, good old europe here) but pretty much EVERYONE said its one of the best looking games ever made....... saying it has the most disappointing GFX in a long time is a bit stretching it..... even if u r *used to PC gaming*..... go figure..... :rolleyes:
london-boy said:
whoa.... now thats a strong view.... i mean i haven't seen the game in motion (u know, good old europe here) but pretty much EVERYONE said its one of the best looking games ever made....... saying it has the most disappointing GFX in a long time is a bit stretching it..... even if u r *used to PC gaming*..... go figure..... :rolleyes:

or i'd say ESPECIALLY if *u're used to PC gaming*... :LOL:
You realise by graphics, this talks about what's done, not what's seen. If you understand this statement, then you realise, AA, AF, high resolutions all come into play.

Does that clarify my statements?
Do you all remember this?


From a presentation by Kutaragi in Sept. '02

1 cell = 1 Gflop
1 32 cells chip = 32 Gflop
1 64 chip (32 cells) = 2 Tflop

What does Ben Skywalker think about the idea that it will take a board full of a bunch of "multiprocessor" chips, in order to get an aggregate floating point computing power of 2 Teraflop? Unrealistic? If so, why?
Unrealistic? If so, why?

Did IBM actually managed to finish project, or is it still going ? If they finished I wonder how are they doing with solving those genes problems.

If they finished building that 1PFLOPS thingy, than its realistic don't you think ? If the failed then its unrealistic ;)

You realise by graphics, this talks about what's done, not what's seen. If you understand this statement, then you realise, AA, AF, high resolutions all come into play.

I turn AA, AF on and high res, all PC games I got still look like crap. I need some new game that look nice, got any recommendation ? Outside FPS and RTS, I am kinda bored with those genre.
Yeah, it does look like that! Is there a genuine rationale behind displaying it in this manner? From the movie, I had always thought they made it look like that just to look "cool", not that it could actually be an effective way to navigate through a file system. Seemed ungainly elaborate just to find a file. I realize I'm saying that in an abrupt manner, so as to encourage counterpoint that maybe there is something to this?
if PS4 had 100 PFlops would that be enough computational muscle for real time raytracing? provided the renderer was good enough to draw enough and output it to the screen.
london-boy said:
Saem said:
I saw PDO, had to say some of the most disappointing graphics I've seen in a long time. There wasn't too much happening on the screen that made me say wow. The polycounts didn't seem that high (remember it depends where the polygons are), the partical effects didn't wow me much, hell I thought the entire game besides graphics blew chunks. But that's just me, I'm a PC guy so I guess consoles wouldn't do it for me.

whoa.... now thats a strong view.... i mean i haven't seen the game in motion (u know, good old europe here) but pretty much EVERYONE said its one of the best looking games ever made....... saying it has the most disappointing GFX in a long time is a bit stretching it..... even if u r *used to PC gaming*..... go figure..... :rolleyes:

Funny, I heard the opposite. After seeing all those high res "screenshots", I'm really not that suprised. Even the Xbox guy at Gamespot was disappointed upon playing the game - or after he had played Z.O.E.2. Take that as you will...
1.) Don't compare XBOX graphical output with CG.
I didnt say Xbox can do CG graphiiX. I said some of its best games looked CGish. Just like a few MGS2 cutscenes.

I think both those games look great in my eyes, but again it had only looked great for you if it had been on the Xbox.
Dont be silly. R&C look bad because of its lack of texture variety and quality. It pushes polygon but i rather they drop some and improve on the texturing. Nothing to do with it being a PS2 game.

even your dearest Xbox... COUGH::CELERON3::COUGH
In the final product, games still looking very good.

OF COURSE they could have *tighten some screws here and there* but it's pretty obvious that at the time of release, the final product was the prefect balance between price and performance in the eyes of Mr Sony...
In the eyes of Mr Sony, they arent neccesary right or staying with times.

OF COURSE they could have put 64megs of memory instead of 32Meg... or a GS with 8Meg eDRAM, but how much would it have costed?! it was already pretty expensive at launch...
We are talking about hw pixel support and image quality. I dont think implementing both will have the cost shoot up that much.

but ur next reply will probably be **YEAH BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS, IT DOESNT HAVE PIXEL EFFECT**... so why am i wasting my time....
Because we are talking about missing nifty features for its time?
I mean you believe PS3 will have all the cool 2005/6 graphiiX features. But what if Mr Sony believe otherwise in terms of price and performance again? ;)
actually the talk about the ps2 before the final specs were published was that it would have 8 megs but it proved to costly on the micron process. That would have made the system much much better
Funny, I heard the opposite. After seeing all those high res "screenshots", I'm really not that suprised. Even the Xbox guy at Gamespot was disappointed upon playing the game - or after he had played Z.O.E.2. Take that as you will...




Yeah, I agree with Phil. It's not that impressive.
I have PDO, it looks amazing, screenshots can't really do it justice.

The second level.. My god, best water effects I have ever seen in a game thus far, and the waterfalls.. You could see right through them.

Although.. The colors of the game I dunno seem a BIT grey, but ive noticed this with every Xbox game. It's not my tv either.