Gears of War 3: Brofisting to the End

After playing 20hrs+ I have to say that the game is really nice and this beta already is much better than the Gears 2 fiasco, the game is so nicely balanced with the exceptions of Retro Lancer's way too high damage and the shit that's called Sawed-off shotfun...camping behind walls or corners isn't doing the game any good IMO if anything it hurts the CQC in an otherwise perfectly balanced game. Hopefully Epic will fix these two issues to an otherwise really fun game.

Also visually the game looks amazing, the new lighting makes everything pop out (Old Town being a great example of this) - my only complaint is the (not so bad though) jaggies, a custom AA solution like this one will improve the IQ and overall quality of the visuals...though I guess it's way too late to add such a thing in there.

Maybe in the campaign.
I heard they got it within 1.3ms on a dev kit with the 360.
Jimenez's MLAA is running at 1.3ms@720p on the Xbox 360 (XDK build). This deprecates our old XNA's timing of 3.7ms!

I believe remedy is also looking into it now after hearing the new times
Maybe in the campaign.
I heard they got it within 1.3ms on a dev kit with the 360.

I believe remedy is also looking into it now after hearing the new times

Wow, that's quite an improvement, hopefully Remedy can use it on Alan Wake 2, it will certainly alleviate the need to render at such extreme sub-HD. It should be affordable to most games now. I do expect the next game from Lionhead studios to use it given that one of their employees is among the creators of the tech.
Maybe in the campaign.
I heard they got it within 1.3ms on a dev kit with the 360.

I believe remedy is also looking into it now after hearing the new times

That would've been great but is this MLAA implementation cheaper than the 2xAA on certain edges technique Epic is using (I assume that they're using the same technique as in Gears 2 - correct me if I'm wrong)? If yes it will make a big improvement in IQ.

The question is how much MS pushes this new AA technique...they are a little late I suppose but hopefully we will some games use it soon - Gears 3 being the first? I definitely hope so. :p
That would've been great but is this MLAA implementation cheaper than the 2xAA on certain edges technique Epic is using (I assume that they're using the same technique as in Gears 2 - correct me if I'm wrong)? If yes it will make a big improvement in IQ.

As far as I could tell, they've ditched MSAA for the full res geometry. The lighting consistency between object surfaces alleviates the aliasing to a degree.

I'm not so sure a post-edge solution would be helpful where the aliasing is most noticeable in the MP maps, which would be shader aliasing.
I tried using the retro lancer to keep away the sawed off users as you guys suggested and it has been working pretty well so far. Still doesn't stop someone from camping behind a cover or wall and popping out before I realize it. For this reason I would still like the spread to be toned down at least.

Microsoft using a Sony custom built AA solution? Madness I tell you!

In case you're not joking, there are different implementations of MLAA. The solution Sony uses is not exactly the same as the type Intel originally developed. Unless I'm mistaken on this of course, but I thought I read that a while ago.

Either way, this implementation would be different from Sony's.
I would so love to be able to put time into this beta but no Beta code... Maybe one will find it's way to me on the 8th or 9th.
I would so love to be able to put time into this beta but no Beta code... Maybe one will find it's way to me on the 8th or 9th.

My friend got to run it without a code ;)
Obviously there is some kind of USB trick that works in a similar fashion as the RE5 demo that came a long time ago
the lighting improvement is pretty sublime.
It stands out so much since games like Uncharted or Rage aren't using similar high quality pre-computed lighting. Compared to the Gears 3 beta, Uncharted 3 screens seem less polished. I'm not sure what the technical reason is, probably memory limitations in the case of Uncharted, but not too many games exhibit such high quality environment lighting.
As far as I could tell, they've ditched MSAA for the full res geometry. The lighting consistency between object surfaces alleviates the aliasing to a degree.

I'm not so sure a post-edge solution would be helpful where the aliasing is most noticeable in the MP maps, which would be shader aliasing.

So the MLAA won't help much with the shader aliasing...did they change anything though in Gears 3 or is the lighting that causes the noticable shader aliasing? I'm asking this because from what I remember the two previous games looked smoother.

The map with the worst IQ is definitely the Checkout and the best by far is Old Town which looks really's weird to see such a big difference in two different locations in the same game.

Sorry if this is off-topic.
I guess it really depends on the colours. :p I was thinking that the Gears 3 beta looked the least aliased compared to the previous games' MP maps, especially without overuse of glowing objects & bloom that was pretty offensive in a number of Gears 1&2 maps.

Checkout does have more focused lights within the building, but I didn't find the aliasing as bad as in Gears 2. I thought the aliasing was worse in the stadium map.
Gamers AI can only be improved with carrot/stick algorithms. The limited lives is one such stick: once they share the same "lives pool" with you, reviving you has a direct affect on their remaining lives :)

Well, it seem gamers are generally monothreaded and suffer bug loop when they fired… Really need better devs tools. And the stick you indicated seem to not be implant or bugged. ;)

Last day I'm fight with the new version of gamers, multithreaded and without bug loop, very nice, the improvement in gameplay is really fantastic!!! :D
In case you're not joking, there are different implementations of MLAA. The solution Sony uses is not exactly the same as the type Intel originally developed. Unless I'm mistaken on this of course, but I thought I read that a while ago.
Even the Intel wasn't first to research on MLAA there was some papers about similar tech years before it. (I have tried to find those papers again, but they are quite elusive.)
To fix bugs? ;)

Anyhow, I just unlocked Cole Train for the retail. :) I really do suck at the MP, or at least everyone is just so damn good. :p I still can't figure out how some folks use the retro lancer so well. Some of the gnasher kills seem suspect too... :s Anyways, I still think it's fairly well balanced as it is.
Well, there's "Augustus Cole", which is the default campaign skin, and then there's "Cole Train", which is the Thrashball skin a.k.a. football suit.

Big Head Mode in campaign would be Awesome....