Formula 1 - 2013 Season

Huh? The "vanity panel" changes the aerodynamics of the nose, I mean, what other difference does a stepped vs unstepped nose aerodynamics wise than just that shape?
I suppose with all the changes coming in 2014 McLaren can be a bit more open with the car early as most of it will be getting thrown out next year. I agree that they are being very open with it though.

Ferrari looks good without the ugly nose yeah.
Huh? The "vanity panel" changes the aerodynamics of the nose, I mean, what other difference does a stepped vs unstepped nose aerodynamics wise than just that shape?

Apparently not according to the Force India link above.

"It's neutral as far as the car's performance is concerned but tidies up the flow over the top of the chassis."
from planet f1
As Formula One fans around the world baulked last season when the stepped-nose cars were launched, this year's regulations allow for a vanity panel. And Ferrari have made great use of that.

The rule was not about aero, it was a safety measure brought in because high noses were considered more dangerous in side impacts
so now the nose cannot be above a certain height, but for aero reasons the higher the monocoque the better.
So to get around this need for a low nose (legal) and high monocoque (aero reasons) they came up with the step
with the high monocoque for aero reasons the higher it is the higher the gap between the ground and the bottom of the monocoque the height of the top of the monocoque isnt that important

The height of the red line is whats important for aero not the height of the yellow line and of course a higher yellow line (or top of monocoque) allows for a higher red line
I'm so happy not everyone followed Lotus' lead. Yay for smooth noses!
For me it doesn't make any difference for "improving beauty" purposes. As long as this is the solution for faster car for this season, it is ok, otherwise... meh.

From this line of thoughts, I think the most beautiful Ferraris are F2007 and F2008. They will not beat them, unless change of regulations and removal of those ugly front and rear wings takes place.
Lotuses nose was said not to be the final one, though
Yeah, but why would they be the first team out of the box and get all the "oh the car is just as ugly as last year's" PR?
Yeah, but why would they be the first team out of the box and get all the "oh the car is just as ugly as last year's" PR?

Not everyone thought the duckling noses are ugly? But anyway, who knows what kinda secrets they might have found to their nose they want to hide 'till last moments?
Not everyone thought the duckling noses are ugly? But anyway, who knows what kinda secrets they might have found to their nose they want to hide 'till last moments?

Who didn't think the ugly duckling noses weren't ugly lol.

The fix doesn't appear to be difficult so unless it's ultra-critical to the aerodynamics then I'm sure Lotus will have the vanity panel too at the first race.
Does it mean that no one uses unique solutions and everyone copies what the others do and goes in the same direction as the others?
I don't understand why last year everyone used the ugly front-ends and this year magically everyone will use the proper ones. :oops: :???:
McLaren didn't buy into the ugly duckling nose and did ok last year. Seems like only Lotus are a bit behind the curve here and it'll be sorted out before it matters.
I do find it funny that for probably the most scientifically-intensive of all sports, the main consideration for many of the afficionados on this board seems to be how 'ugly' the front of the car does or doesn't look! :LOL:
I do find it funny that for probably the most scientifically-intensive of all sports, the main consideration for many of the afficionados on this board seems to be how 'ugly' the front of the car does or doesn't look! :LOL:
Science is beautiful!
Ferrari puts faith in beauty with stunning F1 car for 2013 season

Domenicali also pointed out that the decision to cover up the step in the car's nose with a new-for-2013 'vanity panel' was for performance reasons.
"We wanted to go in that direction because the whole project is to improve performance in that area," he said. "And it is more beautiful!"

If even Domenicali takes "beauty" of the car seriously to even mention it, then what is left for the fans? :LOL:

the main consideration for many of the afficionados on this board