Formula 1 - 2013 Season

Both the Merc and Ferrari look a little too similar to last years for me.

Uhhh you do know the rules are pretty much the same so it makes total sense for the cars to look more or less the same? It's not like the others cars look really different from last year. Besides, the cars shown at launch usually aren't even close to the spec that turns up at the first race. Especially if teams have something special they won't put those parts on until at best the first test weekend.
Curiously I think the Maurissa is actually one of the nicest looking cars of all those launched so far:

McLaren almost a second ahead. Ominous, very ominous.

With all the cars being evolutions of last year I think we can probably read more into the times than usual pre season testing.
Sorry, you lost me here. :(
Do you really think this makes him a smarter person? Or a better one?

And do you think continuing to drive at McLaren would make him smarter or better person?
No, it wouldn't. He would be the same person even driving Marussia for what it's worth.
I'm guessing Dave meant he can console himself with his very large pay packet while struggling outside the top 4 places...
Gary Anderson basically says that McLaren looks awesome, Ferrari better than before, Red Bull as good as ever and the Mercedes still needs some work.

He has high hopes for the midfield closing the gap and the backrunners look like they have also improved.

I will say that the BBC coverage is so much better because of Gary Anderson's input. It was a very good move by the BBC to hire him (in no small part due to Eddie Jordan I would think.)
He also thinks Lotus are looking really good. From what I could glean from his comments I believe he might think Lotus could be a real challenger this season.
He also thinks Lotus are looking really good. From what I could glean from his comments I believe he might think Lotus could be a real challenger this season.

In Ted's Notebook Alan Permane (or James Allison) has stated that they are reasonably happy with initial performance of E21 as all their fastest laps were made with rather large amounts of fuel on board.
But this is only first test and many teams have large upgrades planned for Barcelona and even Melbourne which can change pecking order dramatically.

One thing for sure is Mercedes has improved a lot but they are still not quite on par with fastest teams.

I can't wait for season opener!