I'm a lot more surprised about the lack of discussion about the importance of Hamiltons strategy going wrong when he was pitted for super-softs a third time, when at that point, it was already clear (although Brundle and Coulthard didn’t get it at this point) that some already attempted to go prime-tyre and take them to the end.
This ment, that Hamilton would definately need to pit again, where as all those on the prime tyre would probably not. At this point, Hamilton still had a ‘healthy’ 7 seconds lead over Button who was on the prime-tyre.
The rain potentially could have saved Lewis’s race had the rain been strong enough to force all front runners to pit another time. The spun didn’t help, but it wasn’t what cost him the race. The extra pit to inters was a risky gamble that could have payed off if all others had pitted for inters as well. It didn’t – and as a result he lost 40 seconds in total for the pit to inters and back to the prime tyre. The drive-through only cost him another 15 seconds, putting him 55 seconds behind Button at that stage.
To sum it up – Lewis’s had already lost 1st place to Button when he went onto supersofts instead of softs.
I’m amazed no one really picked this up on the BBC broadcast and decided to focus on the stop on inters and his drive-through instead. One has to ask, with a team as big as McLaren – what made them pit Lewis for super-softs instead of softs at that stage? At that stage, the only reason to do that was to cover Alonso who was on super-softs and he was how many seconds off the lead?