Dying Light

I hate zombies but I want this game, really. The only reason I am not is because BloodBorne and The Order are around the corner and by th time I get done with them, The Witcher 3 will land and I am hoping No Mans Sky would too. Then there will be no life left anyways. I don't see when I can play this. As of now I am trying to get over all old games so that I can delete them which includes lpaying the Deja Vu mission in MGS ( and replaying and replaying and replaying lol), finishing Wolfenstein, Metro Redux, Getting somewhere ahead in Dragon Age, getting into Diablo 3 agani and kick some goblin ass and discovering more of hohokum,etc,etc.....Boy ! No time for Dying light at all !
Question: is it possible to turn the HUD off or customize it in some way on consoles?
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Unfortunately no. And that's one of the absolute worst thing about the game because.

1) A lot of it is useless like the xp bar, games should NEVER have a permanent unremovable xp bar on screen.
2) The mini map makes night time gameplay "considerably" easier because the super infected have a cone of vision and you can play the entire night by just looking at the mini map.

And it's hilarious that the game gives you the option to get rid of the crosshair (which is a tiny white dot) but not the HUD.
I hate zombies but I want this game, really.
Sure. Ok :yes:

I may give this a try but I'd really like a more realistic zombie game, i.e. rather than running about kicking zombies it's more of the vibe of the Walking Dead but not anything like that first-person Walking Dead game :no: I'm still in search of that elusive zombie survival game but I'll definitely have a gander at PlayStation Live to get a better feel for how it plays.
Unfortunately no. And that's one of the absolute worst thing about the game because.

1) A lot of it is useless like the xp bar, games should NEVER have a permanent unremovable xp bar on screen.
2) The mini map makes night time gameplay "considerably" easier because the super infected have a cone of vision and you can play the entire night by just looking at the mini map.

And it's hilarious that the game gives you the option to get rid of the crosshair (which is a tiny white dot) but not the HUD.

So for Techland a single white little, tiny, dot in the center screen is intrusive but a HUD that covers a way larger portion of the the screen it's fine!
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So during the ms trade in promotion I got a bunch of $1 games from gamestop and traded them in for $10. This is one of the games I got with that money.

So far its fun but i'm not very far into it.
I'd really like a more realistic zombie game, i.e. rather than running about kicking zombies it's more of the vibe of the Walking Dead but not anything like that first-person Walking Dead game :no: I'm still in search of that elusive zombie survival game but I'll definitely have a gander at PlayStation Live to get a better feel for how it plays.

Yeah, DayZ is about as close as things got for me but it unfortunately turned into a slow death-match...I really loved just trying to find bits - sneak around the zombies...if they could provide a single player version I couldn't pay for it fast enough!

PC slider for view distance takes a lot of performance out from the game

[and PS4 setting is around 0% according to some screenshot comparisons]

Really? Generally I heard the draw distance was high on PS4. Actually having said that, it shows they've done a good job on PS4 seeing as that's a 2600k & GTX980!

Edit - ok, I've now seen the comparisons with PC - TBH I think most PC gamers would sacrifice draw distance because of the performance hit anyway - but it is worrying that so early this gen is so far behind PCs...just adds to my thoughts that this will be a short generation.
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The number in the slider is arbitrary, 0 might as well be 50% and 0 could be even worse.
Especially when you factor in that the increase in detail is not really linear ie. the change from 70 to 100% is largely unnoticeable.

Despite all of that the trees at distance when at 100% is actually quite awful looking (as they appear too thin and don't really look full) compared to the 2D imposters that gets replaced when further away, just that the distance at which they get swapped varied depending on the slider.
I've put 8hrs into this game and I can officially say it's the best zombie game to date. The behavior of the zombies, the brutal combat, the excellent parkour mechanics, the 80s sci-fi music, and the open world filled with tons of objects, foilage, etc.. clearly make this THE next-gen zombie game to beat. Having a blast!
I've put 8hrs into this game and I can officially say it's the best zombie game to date. The behavior of the zombies, the brutal combat, the excellent parkour mechanics, the 80s sci-fi music, and the open world filled with tons of objects, foilage, etc.. clearly make this THE next-gen zombie game to beat. Having a blast!

Great to hear. It looks fantastic and I loved the brutal feel of Dead Island as well as the weaponry and crafting. The problem is I really want to play this co-op but at $60/user it's a bit salty. My wife and friends did a 4-pack of Dead Island when it was on sale quite some time after release. Guess I'll just have to wait as usual.
I haven't played the game myself but based on watching a number of live streams, this game seems like Far Cry 4 + lengthy and plentiful loading screens + lots of disruptive story cut scenes / FMV sections. I also absolutely hate that yet another AAA game uses a Nolan North clone for the main character. Very little interest at this point.

I haven't played the game myself but based on watching a number of live streams, this game seems like Far Cry 4 + lengthy and plentiful loading screens + lots of disruptive story cut scenes / FMV sections. I also absolutely hate that yet another AAA game uses a Nolan North clone for the main character. Very little interest at this point.

All wrong..every single point including the one about Nolan North. The main character is voiced by Roger Craig Smith.
The loading screens are absolute minimal and it takes about 5 seconds whenever there is one, this is one of the fastest loading games I've played on PS4. There are no story disruptive "cutscenes" it's all from player's POV the game never takes control away from you in any sense while you are playing, and there are no camera cuts and these sequences are very few. Unless you have a problem with a sequence even while starting/ending a mission (in which case every game should bother you) you shouldn't have an issue. I mean if you thought the "cutscenes" in Farcry games are disruptive then I'm not sure what I think of other games with actual cutscenes. The game also has no FMV.

Lastly the only thing it shares with Farcry 4 is that there is a radio tower that you climb in one mission, and even that is different as you actually climb a tower rather than just grabbing simple ledges to get to the higher platform one by one. This is essentially Mirror's Edge mixed with Dead Island, every move set from Mirror's Edge is here and more. The combat is also quite improved, tense and fast because of the dodge and the fracture system you have (you can break and cut legs/arms).

All in all, you couldn't have been more wrong in your observations.
I'm very much ready to spring but I want it digitally and £55 is too much. I think I'll wait until I can grab it for around £40.
UK digital prices are insane. Destiny still costs around £90 with the DLCs but I was able to get the limited edition from amazon for £40, less than half the price of that. I bought Dying Light from US PSN store instead using PSN cards I bought from an online store.
At least new games cost $60 on US PSN, for UK it can range from £40 (equivalent of 60, very few games cost this much) to £60.

The funny thing is PS360 games costs less than the pound equivalent of $60, but PS4one games cost somewhere around $70-90. At least it's standard with American prices for every game on every platform.